shooting over feed?

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
sorry if you thought that i was trash talking people that use feeders, because i was not. I was saying that it pisses me off that I had an argument with my step-dad about this and I was totally wrong. lol

By the way, do I need a feeder, or can i just put it on the ground on the trail?

I wasn't referring to you but to another thread awhile back where there were some negative comments posted about those that put out feeders. Just doing a preemptive strike:boxing3: :D

Most forums get pretty heated up when this subject comes up. Seems like there is not much middle ground.

To answer your question, you can just put it on the ground, but it gets eaten up pretty quick. Everything in the woods likes to eat corn. About half of the pics on the trail cam come from birds flying past the sensor, or coons and other night critters feasting.


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May 11, 2009
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I don't personally put out feeders... but not everyone is blessed with the pristine lands I get to hunt on.
Apr 5, 2009
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Midwest City
Oh you can legally. but you're better off getting off at least 75 yards or more away - they will learn quickly not to come to the feeder if you bust some there.

Especially if you want bucks - does & fawns may come to the feeder during daylight but adult bucks won't - they may be in the trees a ways off however, waiting, espec. during the rut - like dennis said above.

Turkeys - no, you gotta be at least 100 yards from any bait, or you're in violation - not sporting because they're too stupid, being the theory.

By the way, do I need a feeder, or can i just put it on the ground on the trail?

Putting it on the ground is fine - just spread it out so it doesn't mildew. And it goes a lot faster from the ground than if metered by a feeder spreader. Put out 2 or 3 bags when it turns cold in Nov/Dec, then archery hunt them - they will come if it's a harsh winter. In the early season, they may or may not be drawn to it, since they have plenty to eat usually. But if they find it, they'll come back at least occasionally, even during the early season.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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I don't personally put out feeders... but not everyone is blessed with the pristine lands I get to hunt on.

That's a good point you make. My opinions on feeders, scent control, and camouflage have pretty much been shaped by the fact that I've had good places to hunt.
When I was a kid I read all those hunting books and magazines. There's a bunch of bs in there, but if you hunt in crowded places you shouldn't go by anything I say.


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Jun 13, 2005
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I personally dont agree with shooting deer at feeders, that is not hunting, IMO.

That is what I stated in another thread on the matter.

If you want to shoot deer at a feeder, have at it, I have never said it is illegal, only I dont agree with it. I have never trashed people for shooting deer at feeders, when asked about it, I state my view on the matter. At no time have I said I want to to stop people from shooting deer at feeders, again, I dont agree with that, so I dont shoot deer at feeders.

Shooting deer at feeders is not hunting, yes I know not everyone has "pristine land", or thousands of acres, but shooting deer at feeders is not hunting, it is more in line with shooting cows at a feeder, same thing IMO.

As I stated in another thread, hunting is where you go out and track deer, you pattern the deer, you find the trails they using between bedding areas and feeding areas, acorn flats, ridges, green fields etc, you learn where and when they are. You learn more about the prey you are after, and hopefully a few more things about yourself.
Hunting is spending time outdoors in the woods, becoming one with nature, learning about nature and more about yourself. It is also a time that can be used for inner reflection on yourself.
The filling of a tag is more of a bonus than anything, it is the culmination of days spent in woods, lessons learned, lesson taught to the next generation.

I also know that not everyone has everyday to scout, I dont, most of my days now are filled with work, work around my house, and taking care of a sick family member, there will be no time in the woods for me this year, but some things are more important. Even before this I would make it out at least once a week for a couple months before October rolled around. I would take advantage of bow season hunts to plan my blackpowder and rifle hunting and my buddy and I would talk over what we were seeing to help each other out, since we seldom got to hunt at the same time.

If all you are after is to fill every tag you can, then maybe shooting deer at a feeder is for you, if you want more of a experience in the woods, then hunting maybe for you.

Take it as a flame or whatever, it is not meant that way but I know a few of you will get your noses bent out of shape.


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2009
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If all you are after is to fill every tag you can, then maybe shooting deer at a feeder is for you, if you want more of a experience in the woods, then hunting maybe for you.

Take it as a flame or whatever, it is not meant that way but I know a few of you will get your noses bent out of shape.

I don't take it as a flame, but filling my tags and my freezer is what i'm wanting to do. don't get me wrong, I love spending time in the woods, but getting a deer is my main goal. I hang out in the woods any other time of the year if that is my only goal, and i do when i hunt for antlers, but only have a short time to shoot a deer.


Apr 19, 2009
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I quit feeding because it was a disappointment I was expecting it to be like shooting fish in a barrel like some folks think.When it is a crisp 32degrees in SE OK it is usually about 15 degrees in NW OK with a 30mph wind forget about being one with nature you can't even feel your own arms and legs.Your inner reflection of yourself is usually WTF am I doing here

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