So I'm getting my own little shooting range sorta...

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Special Hen
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Boone, NE
...but it's in Nebraska.

Tomorrow starts the move to Nebraska to somewhat take over my great-grandparents homestead. Seems all my life I've spent about 7-8 years at each place I've lived and that number has hit in Oklahoma. I came in 2014 and have pretty well enjoyed my time here and met some cool people. Even though I've never lived there, I've always considered Nebraska "home" since it's been the only constant in my life so its only fitting I give it a whirl. Nebraska will make state #6 that I've lived in.

Now, about the "range". I'll be able to shoot pistols inside the property. I'll have to set up a berm for more of a permanent range but for temporary setup I've always shot off of the back of the property into a friends field. I'd like to set up more steels that I don't feel obligated to take down every night so I'll work on that in the spring.

What I will be able to continue doing is set up "long range" off the back of the property. I can have targets at about 100 yards and 500 yards. It's shooting across a crop so when its soybean year I should be able to shoot year-round if I want, and when corn is in I'll obviously have to stop when the corn gets tall until harvest.

It'll be nice to develop some loads and try them on the spot. No more fighting goons at USSA or the long drive there. I think my gun buying will slow down significantly since I'll be able to enjoy what I have more and that'll probably keep me occupied in the hobby. Even if I don't add any guns to the collection, I think it's safe to say I have all my bases covered.

It's going to be a huge change of pace for sure. I'm smack between two towns...the one north of me has a population of 1500 and the one south has population of 750. Closest Walmart is 45 minutes away and the last mile to get to the house is gravel. I hope the winter is mild as this first one I'll still be in my SRT8 Magnum which is far from ideal for rural snow conditions. I'll work on getting a truck after I get settled in.



Special Hen
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Boone, NE
I guess to clarify, my great grandparents passed 15 and 20 years ago. I would always rather go here than anywhere else for vacation. It's been vacant except for when we (my dad or I) go vacation there during pheasant season and a few times during the summer. I'm hoping to be able to "revive" it some as it just sitting there is not great as you guys know. We always do lots of maintenance when we are there but I'm hoping to keep on top of things instead of it being such a chore when my dad comes. Seems if you go up for a week, you spend 4-5 days painting and replacing stuff, doing yard work and all that jazz.

It's on propane and a well, and has a new septic system 2 years ago and a new HVAC about 2 months ago (It's never had central AC so we're moving up in life with the addition of that!).


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 9, 2019
Reaction score
Tulsa Oklahoma
That is awesome. I am glad you have the opportunity to take over the homestead full time. As you know, Nebraska winters can be brutal. That truck may come in handy sooner than later.
You will be missed around here as well.
Best wishes and stay in touch with us all here so we can live vicariously through you. :)


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
I was in Nebraska for a couple of years during and immediately after my first stint in college. So many of the towns in Nebraska are very small towns, at least back then it was nothing to drive 40-50 miles to go grocery shopping.

I taught a one week class in a high school that was about 12 miles from the town I lived in (York, NE), which was an even smaller town, when I was barely older than they were, and was talking to the students one day. They asked what we did on weekends for fun. I said, oh... we'll usually go to Lincoln (about 40 miles) and maybe eat and catch a movie. What do you do? They said we go to York. :rollingla

So I guess you go to wherever the next biggest town is.

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