The anti-gun platform will be the nail in the democrats coffin.

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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The current president hasn't taken any action against gun ownership, even though its apparently a part of his party's platform. Just cause the RNC or GNC says something doesn't mean its canonized law for all who are under their banner.

The only reason he has not so far is because he has to run for re-election and knows that if he did move against gun ownership, he would lose. Give him for more years that he does not have to worry about the backlash and he will try for drastic gun control.


Dec 5, 2005
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A crucial aspect of this election is the future of the Supreme Court. If you want the balance of power in the Supreme Court to shift over to the Sotomayor pro-gun control side, then vote for Obama.

^^This is the most significant consequence of obama winning the election and the "dumacrats" keeping the Senate.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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IMO, COMPROMISE, should be a dirty word to gun owners. This table, we come to it with our rights, the opposition comes with nothing. Anything they win is a victory, any thing we give up is a loss. What the anti gunners want is total disarmament.( Dianne Feinstein, 60 Minutes, 5/feb/1995, " If I could have gotten 51 votes Mr. & Mrs. America, turn 'em all in, I would have done it.") Maybe the rest of you want to negotiate, and compromise with these people, but I don't. I was a democrat for the first 46 years of my life, I didn't leave them; they left me. Right, the party platform doesn't matter. Yes it does, It matters because a Politician,Especially A Democrat, will finally bend to it. Does anyone remember Davids MuCurdy and Boren? Both started out pro gun, sadly didn't finish that way. Let Us also not forget Miss Nancy, On winning control of the house, " You republicans can either go along, or You can go to the back of the Bus."( This may not be exact, but is close enough) The Only time the democrats are interested in compromise is when they are out of power.

I totally agree with you, Dale, and I think that this bears repeating. I don't understand how anyone on a pro gun forum could possible consider voting for our present POTUS, knowing that they will stack the Supreme court with anti-2A Justices, that will tilt the court left for the next 20 or 30 years.

The only reason he has not so far is because he has to run for re-election and knows that if he did move against gun ownership, he would lose. Give him for more years that he does not have to worry about the backlash and he will try for drastic gun control.

These are well made and key points to focus on. The next president has the chance to stack the Supreme Court, and if the next president is not fettered with the worry of a reelection there is no real limit on what he may do.


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Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
The only reason he has not so far is because he has to run for re-election and knows that if he did move against gun ownership, he would lose. Give him for more years that he does not have to worry about the backlash and he will try for drastic gun control.

I agree 100%. Remember, this joker wants to control everything...and he's actually pretty good at it. He knows just exactly how to take the proper risks to get the votes from folks that may not have swung his way, e.g the anchor child pardon deal. He has pretty much stayed away from the two issues that have been in party politics for decades, gun control and abortion. He knows these two issues take way too much time to deal with and defend when you take a firm stance. But, RickN is correct. If this Boob gets elected again he's libel to take your guns, your 401K, your savings and anything else he can get to fund his BS policies of taking care of all the dorks that will not fend for themselves.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
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Something that people seem to keep forgetting is that the Democratic party is bigger than Obama.

Even if he, personally, said "WELP THERE'S NO MORE ELECTIONS TO WIN MIGHT AS WELL GO FOR BROKE ON GUNS," both houses of Congress are filled with Democrats who are going to be running after he leaves office. Not only that, but I'm sure the party they belong to would like their candidate to have a chance in 2016.

The bit about the justices is a fair point, but it's not like any of the conservative justices are going anywhere. Justice Roberts is in his 50s still; he'll be on the Court for another 20 years at least. Thomas and Alito are in their early-to-mid 60s. Scalia and Kennedy are admittedly getting on in years (they're both 76) but I think they have another couple election cycles in them; I've seen recent TV interviews with Scalia and he's pretty energetic for almost being 80.

I know that some organizations like to use The Democrats and The Obama as bogeymen to scare money and votes out of people. It's not that hard to see through the BS though.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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The AWB crap was in their platform in 2008 and they did pretty well, didn't they?

But who knows. Maybe we'll just have this conversation every four years.

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