The Closing of OSA

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
That's a great story, did you hear about the mayor of Chicago trying to strong arm local banks into ending any their relationships with firearms manufacturers? No loans, mortgages, no business relationship at all...Sounds like the same sort of thing. Apparently the socialist government and it's supporters are mobilizing and starting to push (for gun control) all at once and in every areas using every avenue they can find.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Brandi said:
Just goes to prove that not everyone considered a gun hating liberal is a gun hater. I, for one, am often considered "liberal" and on many subjects I am. However, I've never been one for following any groups, right or left, complete dogma. Even if I were not a gun lover, which I am, I would respect the sanctity of the second amendment. The second amendment, nor any amendment, is open to personal opinion or interpretation. It is what it is because the founders of this country had just lived through the reasons for them. It wasn't a hypothetical situation for them, they lived it. They saw the results of unarmed citizens being ruled by a tyrannical government. They experienced life where simply expressing your opinion about someone in power resulted in prison or death. When our forefathers wrote our amendments it was to protect our citizens from their own country which also ensures a government that isn't given the opportunity to become tyrannical.

These were some pretty smart guys who drew their knowledge and wisdom from actual life experience. Today, because of our constitution, we have not had to experience these same horrible things. Perhaps we've reached a time where enough people have forgotten why our constitution says what it says. These people believe that things have changed, that we've progressed to a point where those archaic laws are no longer relevant. They believe our society has evolved to an elevation that should be allowed to change our constitution to reflect a more modern America.

They are wrong, they are the reason we should, with a bitter ferocity, protect our constitution. R They and their more "modern" sensibilities are exactly the kind of mentality our constitution was written to protect us from. They come not in the form of a modern enemy but as a fellow citizen. They work to undermine our government not with bullets or bombs but with lies and deception. They are as much an enemy of the United States any foe, recognized or concealed. Yes, I'm a liberal, a proud liberal, but I'm also a patriot and I love my country. I firmly believe in my constitution and it's meaning. While the term liberal is almost always associated with being anti-second amendment I can assure you that simply is not the case. Should the time ever come where citizens are forced to protect their government from their government, my line in the sand is drawn and it has nothing to do with my personal social values.

Well said. The framers and founders of this country wrote a document that is valid to this day.
No matter how many try to change the wording to suit their mission, the original document has stood it's ground. I'm betting they are smiling in their graves as we speak.


Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
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Well I will say this, my respect-ometer just went up another notch for you.

Thanks for standing up for yourself, and even more, for us.

I hope the friend was not a close person that you will miss.


Special Hen
Oct 28, 2010
Reaction score
Bully for you.

Over the last couple of months I have lost two long time friend over the gun issue. One is a good conservative and the other was a fairly liberal Democrat. I post a lot of gun information on face book and both of them started posting anti-gun rights on top of my comments. I told both of them to stop it, but they ignored me so I un-friended them and haven't heard a word out of them. I am done with them. I made a decision that I won't be friends with the anti-gun crowd. So, I have drawn a line in the sand.

There is to much at stake and much of what is at stake doesn't have to do with guns. It is our basic freedoms and the US Constitution that is being assaulted on a daily basis.

An extremely liberal friend of mine found out I owned OSA and called me today. I was told that "I am extremely disappointed you would own such a hideous bastion of paranoids, racists and losers. If you have an ounce of human decency or an iota of respect for the victims of gun violence, you will shut that site down immediately."

I replied, "Well XXXX, I have both those things, and I also have a pair of size 14 Lucchese boots that I will put up your a$$ if you ever call me again. In fact, if you happen to see me out someplace, do us both a favor and avoid me."

I don't think we're friends any more.

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