The Tyranny Of Democracy

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2011
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I'm here for the warm weather. I also like Oklahoma and most of the people here (a few jackasses such as my ex-wife being the exceptions). Unlike Americans, I view issues as it pertains to Liberty and Freedom. To live life without asking government for permission to do this or that. It's a radical concept that most citizens don't comprehend. I suppose I have my parents to blame. Mom survived Hitler's occupation of Holland when she was a teenager. Dad spent two years in a Japanese internment camp under the brutal control of the Kempeitai. I grew up being told to never trust government. Any government.

I admit, although I'm a citizen of the US, I'll never consider myself an American. I don't get all warm and fuzzy feelings of patriotism nor the desire to wave flags and say the pledge of allegiance or all that other stuff that I find silly and meaningless. But then again I feel nothing for the nation where I was born either. So, as I explain to my wife and my friends, I'm a man without a country. Which suits me fine. Strangely enough... people respect my view points once they get to know me. They come to realize that my passion isn't some flag, or lines drawn on a map. No... my passion is Liberty. Freedom. For all people wherever God placed them on this rock we call earth.

Whether you ever figure me out or not doesn't matter now does it? Agreed, my viewpoint isn't the norm on this forum. My thinking is radical. It's in line with the thinking of Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams, Adam Smith, Thomas Paine, etc. You know... those crazy radicals who embraced and talked about Liberty and Freedom constantly. That warned of the dangers that governments pose towards mankind. Sadly, the vast majority of inhabitants of this confederation have never taken the time to read and study history. To learn from the past to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.

Sad when a low life immigrant like me knows more about this country and it's history than 99% of the citizens. Even more pathetic is them having no concept of Liberty or self ownership. Figure me out? You never will. And I'm okay with that. :)

You're right, absolutely no Americans enjoy liberty and freedom. None. Only immigrants can possibly appreciate the founding fathers of this country.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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I'm here for the warm weather. I also like Oklahoma and most of the people here (a few jackasses such as my ex-wife being the exceptions). Unlike Americans, I view issues as it pertains to Liberty and Freedom. To live life without asking government for permission to do this or that. It's a radical concept that most citizens don't comprehend. I suppose I have my parents to blame. Mom survived Hitler's occupation of Holland when she was a teenager. Dad spent two years in a Japanese internment camp under the brutal control of the Kempeitai. I grew up being told to never trust government. Any government.

I admit, although I'm a citizen of the US, I'll never consider myself an American. I don't get all warm and fuzzy feelings of patriotism nor the desire to wave flags and say the pledge of allegiance or all that other stuff that I find silly and meaningless. But then again I feel nothing for the nation where I was born either. So, as I explain to my wife and my friends, I'm a man without a country. Which suits me fine. Strangely enough... people respect my view points once they get to know me. They come to realize that my passion isn't some flag, or lines drawn on a map. No... my passion is Liberty. Freedom. For all people wherever God placed them on this rock we call earth.

Whether you ever figure me out or not doesn't matter now does it? Agreed, my viewpoint isn't the norm on this forum. My thinking is radical. It's in line with the thinking of Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams, Adam Smith, Thomas Paine, etc. You know... those crazy radicals who embraced and talked about Liberty and Freedom constantly. That warned of the dangers that governments pose towards mankind. Sadly, the vast majority of inhabitants of this confederation have never taken the time to read and study history. To learn from the past to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.

Sad when a low life immigrant like me knows more about this country and it's history than 99% of the citizens. Even more pathetic is them having no concept of Liberty or self ownership. Figure me out? You never will. And I'm okay with that. :)

Being American isn't about loving the administrators of our government or just being here to take advantage of the warm weather and the liberties that we enjoy.

It's about loving the Constitution, believing in liberty, loving this country, and engaging to keep it free.

I wonder if that's what you meant, because your post came off a little differently. :anyone:

Ps. I believe that Jefferson, Adams, Smith, Paine and the others did all consider themselves Americans in the context I described.

Pps. We have a Constitutional Republic, NOT a Confederation...


Jan 19, 2007
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Tyranny of the State would have been a more fitting title. "Just" government derives it power from the consent of the people and holds that power with the only tool it has... force.

The use of force is only available to the government. Those not in government that utilize force as a method of influence and change are traitors, terrorists, anarchists or worse, unpatriotic.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Hopefully you took this opportunity to explain the difference between "democracy" and "capitalism"...and perhaps more importantly other non-capitalist economic systems that may more closely align with his world view.

The "leaders" are probably more educated and have better jobs than the single mother. However, if he is concerned for the single mother and her three kids, you might be honest with him and let him know that ultra conservatives would just as soon see her starve and decrease the surplus population.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
Being American isn't about loving the administrators of our government or just being here to take advantage of the warm weather and the liberties that we enjoy.

It's about loving the Constitution, believing in liberty, loving this country, and engaging to keep it free.

I wonder if that's what you meant, because your post came off a little differently. :anyone:

Ps. I believe that Jefferson, Adams, Smith, Paine and the others did all consider themselves Americans in the context I described.

Pps. We have a Constitutional Republic, NOT a Confederation...

I agree here. I took most of his post to mean that the average American takes much of what we have for granted, and some put on a show while doing it.

His "radical" stances ("asking the government for permissions", etc.) aren't so radical to most people I know - they hate that crap, too. Following the beliefs of the founders also isn't radical in the circles I frequent.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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The "leaders" are probably more educated and have better jobs than the single mother. However, if he is concerned for the single mother and her three kids, you might be honest with him and let him know that ultra conservatives would just as soon see her starve and decrease the surplus population.

I was thinking of mentioning the leaders vs. single mother thing as well; I should certainly hope people who are supposed to be leading a nation would make more than the average single mom with three kids. I guess that's all dependent on what that single mom does (or doesn't do) for a living.

On the flip side to your comment about the ultra-conservatives letting her starve, would it be fair to mention too the ultra-liberals being OK with subsidizing women (with taxpayer's money) to continue having children they can't afford?


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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I agree here. I took most of his post to mean that the average American takes much of what we have for granted, and some put on a show while doing it.

His "radical" stances ("asking the government for permissions", etc.) aren't so radical to most people I know - they hate that crap, too. Following the beliefs of the founders also isn't radical in the circles I frequent.

I don't disagree with the premise that some Americans (certainly it seems like a lot) are just along for the ride and floating with their heads in the clouds.

Anyone who does study and believe in the Constitution wouldn't find the concepts around freedoms that dutch outlined to be radical, they'd consider them to be normal.

I'm just puzzled by the in-your-face denial of being an American especially when coupled with this statement: "Unlike Americans, I view issues as it pertains to Liberty and Freedom."

I'd argue that at least a few Americans do love libery and freedom. We're all in this together and while the lone survivalist is fun to talk about, it's not realistic -nor- is it the way to further and maintain libery and freedoms.

Engage, fight, work, vote, teach, organize... these are principles by which America was not only founded but the only path to survival.

I'd like to have a beer with dutch sometime. Get over here to Tulsa and I'll buy you a pint where we can talk about how great this country is.


Special Hen
Jun 22, 2007
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JB, you are such a typical liberal. Why is it that because a conservative doesn't believe the government is responsible for taking care of these single mother, we want them to starve? Private charity beats the **** out of government charity any day of the week. By your reasoning, people that needed help 100 years ago, before government "charity", just starved to death. But, instead, they were taken care of by the community, whether that was a church, friends, family, etc.


Jan 19, 2007
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JB, you are such a typical liberal. Why is it that because a conservative doesn't believe the government is responsible for taking care of these single mother, we want them to starve? Private charity beats the **** out of government charity any day of the week. By your reasoning, people that needed help 100 years ago, before government "charity", just starved to death. But, instead, they were taken care of by the community, whether that was a church, friends, family, etc.


Government shouldn't be in the charity business.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
JB, you are such a typical liberal. Why is it that because a conservative doesn't believe the government is responsible for taking care of these single mother, we want them to starve? Private charity beats the **** out of government charity any day of the week. By your reasoning, people that needed help 100 years ago, before government "charity", just starved to death. But, instead, they were taken care of by the community, whether that was a church, friends, family, etc.

Well, really I am not a typical liberal. In fact, my liberal friends think I am pretty conservative. Gosh, like Dutch, I a m a man without a country ha ha

First, I said ultra-conservative, I think most reasonable people understand that there are times when government has to help its citizens. This does not mean paying them not to work or to have multiple kids.

100 years ago, we had child labor and lots of people, who found themselves in unexpectedly hard circumstances did suffer immensely.

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