To the dude that married my ex-wife ...

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Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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Back on topic...

To the new guy again:

You know that thing she does that you really like?
Ya, I taught her that.

You should get to see the look in their face when you tell that to them in person.

It's fricken priceless. But hey he was a punk, I'm back home. Wife is forgiven, he has tried to make a nuisance of himself a few times but she realized the douche was taking advantage of her state of mind.


Special Hen
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
Heard she took gourmet cooking classes and landed a high paying job.
Bought her new hubby a nice fishin' boat.
Man, is he gonna be happy when he gets back from his alaska float trip hunt.

Timing is everything:)


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
At the ripe old age of 25 my college roommate has been married and divorced 3 times.

Oh Oklahoma. It should be illegal to get married before age 30.

...crazy women tend to hook up with crazy men and they have to raise the bar just to shake the crazy men off so they can move on to a sane man.

I resent this unsubstituted malarkey.

Oh dude, I didn't tell you? Ya, she was married almost 16 weeks to the day after her butt cleared my doorstep.

I understand why men got married after a few weeks back in the olden days when a lady, even a crazy lady, would not show you her ankles until you made her your wife. But in our Modern George Jetson Society you can have all the fun of a relationship with a crazy woman without that terrifying legal document and having to spend 24/7 with her. I mean like I say I know that dude who's been married 7 times. Who's he fooling? I don't get these dudes at all. It's like they think getting married makes it seem like they have it together and aren't immature hedonistic slobs, but lemme tell you, long about the 6th time ain't nobody takin' it seriously. Give up the charade, bros.

I think it's because society judges our kind. No one accepts this lifestyle, and it drives men like us to live a lie. I don't know what love is, Jenny. I am not a smart man. I do know that I'll keep having short relationships (that's really an insult to the word relationship) with crazy women until it becomes too difficult for me to lure them in anymore. Then I'm gonna get a dog and go fishing. Then I'll die alone.

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