totally creeped out!!

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Nov 9, 2009
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Sooner, it sounds like you had some sleep paralysis. I have had a similar experience several times. Feel like I am awake, but unable to move or speak and there is somethng "evil" in the room.

One time I was asleep on the couch and it happened and my wife woke me up because she said she could hear me barely calling her name.

It's not an uncommon condition and accounts for a lot of so-called paranormal exoeriences.

Interesting, JB. I'd never heard of that before. Thanks for the info.


Special Hen
May 8, 2011
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I have had some free time lately and have been reading a lot of hunting forums and looking at weird game cam pics ect and reading the strange happenings stories

after reading this thread in particular I decided to register and tell my story because some of the other stories in this thread are very similar and maybe so someone could chime in and tell me WTF was going on in the story I will relate

sorry if the details are a bit sketchy it has been a while and I have never really brought this back up after it happened with friends and we never talked about it really right after either

it was Dec in 87 to 89 one of those years and me and my brother and 3 friends had gone skiing in Winter family had a full size chevy van we had all ridden up there in from Austin, Texas......the date is not that important other than 2 cell phones back then and CCLs were not available in Texas for sure and I don't think New Mexico or Colorado (the states we crossed through/into) had CCLs available as well

we were done skiing for the week and we left of of Winter Park probably about as the sun was going down so we were going to be doing a lot of Colorado driving late into the night and early morning

we were on I25 somewhere south of Pueblo I believe but before Trinidad and it was late.....2 in the morning....maybe 4 I don't remember. but it was LATE and DARK and it was BFE......there was ZERO other traffic on the road going with or against was also alternating between raining and sleeting pretty heavy and it was to the point you had to really pay attention driving and it was about at the temp where we were wondering about it maybe freezing on the road or especially the bridges

we are going along probably about 65-70 mph or so (no more than +5 from what ever the posted was) and in one of the areas where it is a valley and pretty flat we see tail lights ahead of us and we are starting to gain on them pretty quick......they are a ways off, but we are gaining pretty quick still and now the sleet was like big white flakes and heavy so it was really rushing at us and kind of messing with depth perception and now suddenly we see the car ahead was actually a pickup and it was stopped on a bridge and facing 45 degrees off of PERPENDICULAR with the lanes of it was in the middle of the bridge, stopped, almost sideways, and taking up parts of both lanes.......we slowed up pretty quick and we were not anywhere near hitting them or anything like that, but we did not slow way down and creep past we probably went past them about 40 mph or so because it did kind of catch us all off guard all the sudden like "there they are".......and it was not like they had just spun or something because we did not see any of that (headlights and tail lights going all over the place) it was like they were going along slow and when they saw us they decided turn in the middle of the bridge and stop and sit there in the damn way

after we went past them we were back up to normal speed, paying attention to the weather, and wondering WTF was up with those idiots and maybe wondering if we had needed to slow down a bit more and see what was going on......but again it was like they had done it on purpose they had not lost control and they WANTED to be in the way

so as we are going along we see them start moving again and they are catching up to us not really fast, but catching us when we are going 65 or 70 so trying to catch up to us in the heavy rain and sleet.......they get up next to us and kind of pace us for just a bit and I believe my brother backed off the gas a bit and we let them go on past us pretty quick in the left lane

they get about a mile ahead of us maybe a little less and they get in the right hand lane and then pull over and stop on the shoulder.....we see that and my brother changes lanes into the left lane and as we go past something makes a loud metallic sound bouncing off the side of our van and we see sparks coming off the body panel just below the big farthest back rear side now this idiot has just thrown something at us

we still had not seen who it was, how many there were, and had no clue what they were was an older chevy single cab probably a mid to late 70s model so it was not some truck that was being driven all over the USA it was probably someone "local"

so now we are going along and we see them start moving again and they catch up to us again (we are still not going much over the speed limit) and now they are in the right lane and we are in the left lane and they are pacing us again just about half way up the side of us never fully right up with us but almost

and again this is on a big wide interstate, late late at night, in BFE, near freezing, and heavy sleet and rain.......and this idiot is wanting to play games

well my one of the friends with us had brought his auto pistol with him on the trip (I can't remember it it was a 9 or a 45), but by this time he had gotten it out and I was in the front passenger seat and I was telling him "hand me the damn gun" because I was about to squeeze two into the radiator and two towards a front tire and if that did not work two through the windshield

well it was probably only half a mile to a mile he paced us the second time and about the time I was about to say "give me the mf-ing GUN!" suddenly he slowed down and backed off and we think ended up slowing to a stop on the shoulder

we got to a town about 15 minutes after that and thought about stopping and telling the law......but if you have even been in some of those far south Colorado towns you would probably do as we did and just keep on keeping on

that was easily the closest I have come to shooting at or near someone, but back well before cell phones and without a CB or anything else and miles from anywhere in poor weather.....I really don;t see the fun in highway games with a big van and a full size truck

we did talk about it for a bit after the next town and there was just not a chance in hell the guy had spun and then was mad because we did not pull over....they were blocking that road on purpose for some reason and then the going past us and pulling over and throwing something that was HEAVY at us and clearly trying to knock out the back window.....not how I would let someone know I was mad they did not stop and offer assistance

the van had a dent about 2" long, about 1/2" tall and about 1/4" deep about 2" below the rear large side window from whatever he scuffed the paint some too and left like a streak/friction mark in the paint as well

not a super dramatic story, but even now telling it I get the creeps....just no clue what started it all, why they backed off (unless they realized there was 5 of us in the van), what their overall "plan" was or who executes that "plan" in the middle of nowhere at 2-4 am in the damn sleet.....hey lets just jack the next car that comes along?......hey lets just be stupid with the next car that comes along for fun maybe we can make them wreck and get hurt?

we decided it was just some local that was "trashed" and had maybe decided that just stopping for no reason was a good idea and when we passed by they decided their drunkenness made them more angry and they would get even with us for being in the middle of their drunken bender

I would be all ears to what anyone thought was going on or what that was all about


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
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I had a guy try it run me off the road between Lubbock and Plainview one morning several years ago, I was on my way to lubbock to a gun show and had a pistol with me, When he saw it he left me alone and turned off the Interstate at Abernathy? I think he must have been out all night drunk? I had the pistol but no ammo, I was going to trade it off at the show, I now carry a loaded one all the time!!
Also, Welcome to the forum Texasvines, Native texan here too, My wife is from Lubbock and I am from Plainview.

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