Unmarked police cars in Tulsa…

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Mar 24, 2023
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Sure they can, but the fact remains that a rifle performs better against multiple attackers than a pistol.
If that's how you've trained but I prefer more mobility and it's much more difficult to safely keep a rifle in the bedside table.

Let's back up the strawman. I'm starting to see the national database as a liability for honest citizens in lieu of some sort of magical shield that will protect them from bad guys. I'm sure you disagree, but look at any liberal city. Chicago seems to be a fun one for gun crime. How would a national database curb that city's violence problems?
If you are an honest citizen why not be registered in a database? If there's nothing to hide there's nothing hide right?
It may help or it may not. One thing we would begin to know though is who and how people are getting weapons.

It's interesting that when someone resorts to constant fallacies, that they have no substantial argument.
Maybe tell me where I'm wrong before telling me I am wrong?

People have called me a LOT worse than Jessica. However, I find it odd only because I don't look like a Jessica/She. People have the option to be called whatever they like, but I don't have participate in their fantasy if I don't choose to do so. Push come to shove, we all have to accept the reality of basic biology though.
Touché Jennifer but we could always be kind to our fellows because isn't that the Christian thing to do?

I just want to highlight that you obviously understand that drag queens are viewed as a sexual discussion by this statement. I'd honestly like to have the discussion with my kids before they see a perversion of it. This isn't a knock on gay people, this is a knock on sexual behavior around kids period.
This followed directly by
Everything will run it's course if you raise your kids right. IMO.
Which drag shows are you watching where they are doing sexual things? The only ones I know who sexualize drag are the ones who sexualize drag. I'd argue a cheerleader is more sexualizing than some dude dressed as a woman. And yeah just raise your kids to be accepting of everyone and we have basically eliminated this entire topic.

Correct. The mass exodus from some areas is very telling.
So do the mass unalivings

Ok what I got from the article as a tldr;
Defund bad so officers quit (nothing about them getting a pay cut they just quit because), add money to the pot and reduce time it takes to train and get hired etc and still can't get people on. Understaffed at about 1 to 1000 citizens when they should be 3ish to 1000 per voodoo (statistics).
Maybe people just don't want to be cops? That article does nothing to prove a continued point.
How does more funding help? Uvalde gets over 50% of the city budget and we all saw how effective they were. More money does not equal better protections but maybe if we say "Hey you will get to focus on actual crime rather than 'My neighbors are aguing' therefore making more money by having less work then that might help.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 29, 2009
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"Since we are doing this, can you point out where it mentions semi-automatics?"

Ahhh I love this pedantic little saw!!! Quick answer is show me where it doesn't!
Longer answer..... You have to know a bit of history. The good old trotted out answer is a muzzle loading musket is all the founding fathers knew...... And I would immediately call BS!!!
The average, once again, average Continental soldier had said musket, and a big old bayonet on the end of said musket for when it was empty, a short sword or big knife on belt for when said musket and bayonet was too long for close in fighting. Now that wasn't all... Many also carried a hatchet, Tomahawk, and up to 3-4 pistols into combat. The thought that these guys shot one round and then leisurely stood around loading their next round, is pure Fallacy! BTW said musket and pistols were also used as bludgeons. This idea of " it give people lots of time to rush them as they reload" is idiocy of the first degree!!!
On to one of your other talking points. Yes I have used a firearm to defend my life. The only reason I am typing this now, and not a statistic is the fact that I was armed and aware. I was on my third and final magazine when it finally ended, so I feel I can speak to your "you only need 10 rounds in magazine". This is absolutely false equivocation!!!!! This was only 4 guys who wanted A. My wife, B. What ever I had on me, And C. Me, and eventually her dead, and only one of them were exceptionally willing to continue after the first exchange.... Well one wasn't going to continue.
So tell me why do police need 17 round magazines to save their lives, but I only need 10? Why do you think no one will ever be accosted by multiple opponents?
What makes you feel people will be more moral with limited ammunition
Your view points come from someone who has never had to deal with the darker side of our society, and I really hope you never do, but I can guarantee you that your view point is based on absolute fallacy, both in history and present!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 19, 2009
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Nice commie references! Glad we've reached the assumptive name calling stage. Maybe we have different definitions of accountability.
Since we are doing this, can you point out where it mentions semi-automatics?
It's really awesome that you believe we are still in the late 1700s as a society and shouldn't adapt to modernity. Definitely explains a lot.

They had the deadliest weapons of the time, with enough money even cannons, oh the horror of "citizens" owning cannons. So just when are you ditching the Sigs and going flintlock?


Mar 24, 2023
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"Since we are doing this, can you point out where it mentions semi-automatics?"

Ahhh I love this pedantic little saw!!! Quick answer is show me where it doesn't!
Longer answer..... You have to know a bit of history. The good old trotted out answer is a muzzle loading musket is all the founding fathers knew...... And I would immediately call BS!!!
The average, once again, average Continental soldier had said musket, and a big old bayonet on the end of said musket for when it was empty, a short sword or big knife on belt for when said musket and bayonet was too long for close in fighting. Now that wasn't all... Many also carried a hatchet, Tomahawk, and up to 3-4 pistols into combat. The thought that these guys shot one round and then leisurely stood around loading their next round, is pure Fallacy! BTW said musket and pistols were also used as bludgeons. This idea of " it give people lots of time to rush them as they reload" is idiocy of the first degree!!!
On to one of your other talking points. Yes I have used a firearm to defend my life. The only reason I am typing this now, and not a statistic is the fact that I was armed and aware. I was on my third and final magazine when it finally ended, so I feel I can speak to your "you only need 10 rounds in magazine". This is absolutely false equivocation!!!!! This was only 4 guys who wanted A. My wife, B. What ever I had on me, And C. Me, and eventually her dead, and only one of them were exceptionally willing to continue after the first exchange.... Well one wasn't going to continue.
So tell me why do police need 17 round magazines to save their lives, but I only need 10? Why do you think no one will ever be accosted by multiple opponents?
What makes you feel people will be more moral with limited ammunition
Your view points come from someone who has never had to deal with the darker side of our society, and I really hope you never do, but I can guarantee you that your view point is based on absolute fallacy, both in history and present!
Yeah I never said they only carried a musket. The Patriot proved that otherwise lol. Plus the way they fought back then was much different than now so while I doubt they all stood there waiting to get shot, I do believe the battle lines looked similar. Likewise it doesn't say we get to have semi automatics either. By that "pedantic saw" we all deserve to have a nuke in the basement.
And obviously we are all glad you are still here to tell your sorry but if I can ask, how did the situation allow you to get into the third mag, how many per mag, and was it a rifle or handgun? Or if it's something you don't want to relive is there an article I can read? Genuinely curious.
Also I never said you only needed 10, or that one would never be accosted by multiple people.
And who says I've never encountered the darker side of society? Just because your situation was clearly worse than 99% of society doesn't then give you the moral high ground to discount any one else's tribulations.
Where is the fallacy in my viewpoint? Because I've never had to use my firearm to defend my life? The 2 people I know that have used a firearm in a self defense situation stayed mentally messed up for a long time and do I truly hope that you and your wife are doing well.


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Jan 12, 2007
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Stats are voodoo. Got it. Our local government already governs in it's own self interest but because you agree with it then you see no fault.
My self determination is self preservation, but I also believe that if I'm paying for something I should have every right to access it.

It's also terrible that your go to statement is devolving to "if you don't like then leave" again. I have every right to be here as you but you don't hear me saying I think you should leave.

After all, We the people...
I’m exercising my 1st Amendment rights here to say what I mean. You’re free to go be “We the People” in a leftist nanny state that better suits your sensibilities. You are NOT free to go turning Oklahoma into some leftist shithole! You are free to stay here if you wish, but you will remain in the minority with your leftist nonsense and accept it! ;)
Nice commie references! Glad we've reached the assumptive name calling stage. Maybe we have different definitions of accountability.
Since we are doing this, can you point out where it mentions semi-automatics?
It's really awesome that you believe we are still in the late 1700s as a society and shouldn't adapt to modernity. Definitely explains a lot.
Thanks for proving you don’t understand the basic principles of the Constitution. May the nib on your quill pen chip and shatter!
If that's how you've trained but I prefer more mobility and it's much more difficult to safely keep a rifle in the bedside table.

If you are an honest citizen why not be registered in a database? If there's nothing to hide there's nothing hide right?
It may help or it may not. One thing we would begin to know though is who and how people are getting weapons.

Maybe tell me where I'm wrong before telling me I am wrong?

Touché Jennifer but we could always be kind to our fellows because isn't that the Christian thing to do?

This followed directly by

Which drag shows are you watching where they are doing sexual things? The only ones I know who sexualize drag are the ones who sexualize drag. I'd argue a cheerleader is more sexualizing than some dude dressed as a woman. And yeah just raise your kids to be accepting of everyone and we have basically eliminated this entire topic.

So do the mass unalivings

Ok what I got from the article as a tldr;
Defund bad so officers quit (nothing about them getting a pay cut they just quit because), add money to the pot and reduce time it takes to train and get hired etc and still can't get people on. Understaffed at about 1 to 1000 citizens when they should be 3ish to 1000 per voodoo (statistics).
Maybe people just don't want to be cops? That article does nothing to prove a continued point.
How does more funding help? Uvalde gets over 50% of the city budget and we all saw how effective they were. More money does not equal better protections but maybe if we say "Hey you will get to focus on actual crime rather than 'My neighbors are aguing' therefore making more money by having less work then that might help.
The AR is absolutely hands down irrefutably the best home defense firearm extant. If I’m an honest citizen, why do you need me in a database? It’s almost like you don’t trust me? Being America still, you don’t have any business knowing what weapons I have. You’re obviously wrong in a great many ways, but perhaps a therapist would be more helpful for your issues? Christians aren’t all that kind because they’re still people. Google “Drag queen story time twerking” or “Rainbow dildo butt monkey”. Finally, thanks for again proving the need for semi-auto defense rifles the government doesn’t know about, so they can take them away just when we need them the most.

Yeah I never said they only carried a musket. The Patriot proved that otherwise lol. Plus the way they fought back then was much different than now so while I doubt they all stood there waiting to get shot, I do believe the battle lines looked similar. Likewise it doesn't say we get to have semi automatics either. By that "pedantic saw" we all deserve to have a nuke in the basement.
And obviously we are all glad you are still here to tell your sorry but if I can ask, how did the situation allow you to get into the third mag, how many per mag, and was it a rifle or handgun? Or if it's something you don't want to relive is there an article I can read? Genuinely curious.
Also I never said you only needed 10, or that one would never be accosted by multiple people.
And who says I've never encountered the darker side of society? Just because your situation was clearly worse than 99% of society doesn't then give you the moral high ground to discount any one else's tribulations.
Where is the fallacy in my viewpoint? Because I've never had to use my firearm to defend my life? The 2 people I know that have used a firearm in a self defense situation stayed mentally messed up for a long time and do I truly hope that you and your wife are doing well.
Ahh yes, reductio ad absurdum. You and Eric Swalwell butt buddies? Again, thanks for proving you’re not capable of understanding the Constitution. You’re obviously frustrated that you can’t bend everyone around you to your opinions because well, that’s just what leftists do right!

So feel free to remain perpetually frustrated in Oklahoma, or go find happiness with your ilk elsewhere cause we ain’t buying the crap you’re slinging! 💩


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 29, 2009
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7 round per mag, first encounter 7 in mag one in chamber. Balisong guy got first 2 First one expired at round seven after cutting wife across ribs with a Balisong 17 stitches. Round 3 and 4 went to partner near Balisong guy. Balisong guy kept coming, momentum or not who knows he got round 5-8, lock back. Mag change, then things got a bit close. I have revisited it a few times, but it never "haunted" me.
I already know you haven't faced anything like this, because of you view points. There are NO gun control advocates after these things. Especially mag constraints!!!! You sir are full of crap!
The one most prevalent dream I had for a while after this was running out of ammo, so kiss my happily alive a$$

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