US Army defines Christian ministry as 'domestic hate group'

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Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
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Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.

The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.

A soldier who attended the briefing contacted me and sent me a photograph of a slide show presentation that listed AFA as a domestic hate group. Under the AFA headline is a photograph of Westboro Baptist Church preacher Fred Phelps holding a sign reading “No special law for f***.”

American Family Association has absolutely no affiliation with the controversial church group known for picketing the funerals of American servicemembers.

“I had to show Americans what our soldiers are now being taught,” said the soldier who asked not to be identified. “I couldn’t just let this one pass.”

The soldier said a chaplain interrupted the briefing and challenged the instructor’s assertion that AFA is a hate group.

“The instructor said AFA could be considered a hate group because they don’t like gays,” the soldier told me. “The slide was talking about how AFA refers to gays as sinners and heathens and derogatory terms.”

The soldier, who is an evangelical Christian, said the chaplain defended the Christian ministry.

For entire article:

Who knows if this correct or not but it sure keeps the bees stirred up.


Jan 8, 2013
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The Chaplain will be severly reprimanded for defending the Christian Ministry. When he refuses to perform a homosexual marriage, he will face more than a reprimand.


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2008
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Looking for the lumens
Was this a post briefing or an Army-wide briefing? It sounds like a small, select group at this one facility. I'd like to know if there were other briefings across the Army or if this was just something put on by someone honing his PowerPoint skills before tramping off to his Officer Basic Course. Who was the briefing geared toward (Civil Affairs, CID, etc.)? The audience will mean alot. As to the source list for the presentation (if that's what the presenter used): I can't see the Army and SPLC holding hands in the light of day.

Not saying it's not effed up, just saying that there's a lot of info missing from the story. It also seems like a journalist would have asked those things of his source.

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