Vote out Mike Shelton-State Rep

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Nov 7, 2012
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Edmond America

Unchallenged in 2012.

83% of the 2010 vote versus 17% for Independent challenger (no Republican candidate).

80% of the 2008 vote versus 20% for the Republican challenger.

Unchallenged in 2006.

Initially took office in 2004 with 67% of the vote versus 33% for the Republican challenger.

The percentages look bad, but how many VOTES is that?

District 97 is huge and covers a lot more that just NE OKC. We have no idea how many NE OKC voters would go to the polls, because he was unopposed. If more under-represented voters got to the polls next election, Mr. Shelton could be sent packing. JMO



Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I just don't get how any rational individual can look at the MvsZ case and make a connection to "castle doctrine" laws being a bad thing. Let's just completely ignore the multitudes of cases where these laws have done nothing but good. These people who make these giant leaps from one subject to another and then weave them together need to have a CAT scan because that is not rational thinking.

This guy obviously never read his own country's history or the reasons why our forefathers protected the peoples right to keep and bear arms, it wasn't so that we could go squirrel was to protect the people from their own government! Think about that...the founding government of this country wrote the second amendment to give this nation the best chance they could to survive by ensuring they had the ability to keep their government in check. Government officials then knew that power corrupts and they didn't want that to happen to a then fledgling nation. Government officials today treat their positions as corporate stepping stones to the next better position and have no concept of American history or duty to country. They speak passionately about subjects they know nothing about to influence those that know nothing about it either. All the while chipping away at everything our forefathers so wisely protected to, hopefully, ensure this nation, founded on freedom in the face of tyranny and sanctified by the blood of patriots, did not perish. This Mike Shelton, and those who share his total ignorance of the second amendment, must be removed from office and replaced with someone who cares to preserve that which has preserved our nation.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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This guy obviously never read his own country's history or the reasons why our forefathers protected the peoples right to keep and bear arms

I think it's more along the lines of a shallow individual who believes that tragedies should be exploited at all costs for political gain with zero regard to the facts surrounding the circumstances.
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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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The percentages look bad, but how many VOTES is that?

District 97 is huge and covers a lot more that just NE OKC. We have no idea how many NE OKC voters would go to the polls, because he was unopposed. If more under-represented voters got to the polls next election, Mr. Shelton could be sent packing. JMO


That's not really a geographically diverse district... Jones is considered by the Census Bureau to be part of the OKC Metro. HD97 is the central part of Oklahoma County.

Total population (not total registered voters) of HD97 is 37,142 +/- 5%.

Assuming the Oklahoma average voter registration rate (66% of population), there are approximately 24,550 registered voters in HD97.

In 2012, 51% of the Oklahoma population voted. For HD97, that would be approximately 18,571 votes in 2016, assuming that all those who turned out also voted for state representative. That leads me to believe that the 2008 number below is an accurate representation of the votes for average turnout.

For a 2014 election, you need to look at 2010 numbers, when 39.4% of the Oklahoma population voted. (It's typical for non-Presidential elections to be down years.) Given that, HD97's potential turnout could be estimated at approximately 14,633 for a non-Presidential year.

Turnout in 2010 was 10,152. (Independent challenger)

Turnout in 2008 was 16,459. (Republican challenger)

Turnout in 2004 was 14,578.

Only 1,683 fewer people voted against Shelton in 2010 than they did in 2008.

From 2004 to 2008, votes against Shelton dropped by 1,429. Shelton picked up 3,310 votes.

Using both the 2008 and 2010 numbers, and assuming that HD97 reached average state turnout rates, you'd have to get all of the additional voters plus pulling votes from Shelton. Definitely an uphill battle.

(All of this data is available from Oklahoma Election Board and the Census Bureau.)


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Mar 12, 2008
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Lincoln Co.

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