Walmart Receipt Checker Has a Voice

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Dec 14, 2005
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NE Oklahoma
I'd rather scan the few items I get myself instead of having to stand in line.
Me too. I can check myself out quicker than the typical clerk can do so. By the time I'm at the checkout stations with my paltry handful of merchandise I want to get out the front door as expeditiously as possible.

El Pablo

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Apr 5, 2007
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Ha, I caused an incident at Sams the last two times I went. It was back in the mid 2000's at least. The line was very long to leave the freaking store. So, I just took off. Then others followed. It ended with me in the parking lot, loading my car, and an old guy (an employee) blocking me from leaving. I told him to call the police, move, or I would call them on him, as this is false imprisonment. I was told they have to check every item for accuracy. I pointed out they don't, they just mark the stupid thing.

So, the next and last time I went in. There was the same guy "checking receipts". When I stopped for them to check my receipt. I called their bluff, and had them count everything and price checked each item. As per their policy, they must check it for accuracy. I may have been asked to not come back. Sometimes (ok many times), I'm just and obstinate jerk.

Not sure why, doesn't bother me at Costco, but Sams was all secretive about it back then, and I was young and stupid :D

Don't think I've ever stopped at WalMart, I rarely go there anyway. They are free to call the police.


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Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
Saw a crazy video where a legal guy discusses shopkeepers privilege. One of the video clips he played was a Wal-Mart CSM having a psychotic breakdown flipping a wheelchair over and screaming like a banshee. He didn't explain what happened though.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2011
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Just a quick question for those that don't like the situation of store employees asking to see a receipt because it appears to indicate that they might think one is a thief... that about the same as filling out a 4473 because the FBI might think one is a felon or mentally disturbed?

As for store employees checking receipts, other than Sam's or Costco, I haven't had an employee ask for a receipt in a long, long time, and we regularly go to Walmart.

I don’t like 4473s either if we’re honest.
But at least that’s an agreed upon part of the buying process that everyone goes through.

I have a Costco membership and I don’t care about them checking my receipt because they check everyone’s, and I agreed to that when I got my membership.

My issue with Walmart is not just the innocent until proven guilty part, it’s that it causes too much room for discrimination for someone who is not nearly qualified for the judgement assignment bestowed upon them.

At Walmart, it’s left to the door gestapo’s discretion on who’s receipt they check and why. As many of you have mentioned, you’ve never even been stopped. I know there are guidelines they’re supposed to follow, which is what started this thread, but that’s not been my experience. A five second receipt check turned into an entire ordeal, all over a $1 grocery item. I’m glad not everyone has has the experience I have had, but I have and it has shaped my opinion on the subject.

To sum it up, there’s a pretty big difference between buying a firearm and buying a carton of eggs, however I’ve only been harassed over one of those things and it wasn’t my Glock.


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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Now that its 7 pages deep, I didn't wanta come here in the 1st place, it's too big, always changes I end up leaving with items I didn't come for and missed items I wanted, I couldn't find help, you discountinued my ice cream, there's 3 checkers with lines, I got chit to get done and you got to call a manager cuz it's mis marked. Then on my way out you want to look at my receipt . :laugh6: Good, bad or otherwisw leave'em talkin about ya.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2009
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I don't think I ever had anybody ask for a receipt at WM but they quit carrying pistol ammo, their grocery shelves were poorly stocked (even before COVID), their produce is pitiful, they cut back on the media items they carried (books/magazines/CD/DVD), they started getting rid of cashiers and have you do the work and then once the Rona hit, they decided they didn't want to accept good old U.S. legal tender.
WM can kiss me where I can't and I don't mean on the elbow.
But I am not pissy toward their employees, just the company's management who made those decisions.


Special Hen
Jul 13, 2016
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Outside of Slaughterville, OK
Good morning, I came across this post this morning. This was posted in a Muskogee forum, but it certainly applies to all of us. These folks are employees, and very likely would have a very difficult time finding employment elsewhere. Just be Polite, the world has enough jerks.

I would like to make a gentle Public Service Announcement.

I know personally, every single person that works the front doors at WalMart in Muskogee, and I want to explain some things, and why we're checking receipts.

1. If there is anything outside of a bag, we are supposed to check the receipt for it.

2. No one cares if you're white, brown, black, pink, polka dotted, or a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater, we have to see your receipt to verify neither your or the cashier missed something in your cart.

3. Water is the BIGGEST loss simply due to it being at the bottom of the cart and often missed.

4. It's extremely important that you acknowledge where we live. No one is suspecting you of stealing anything, but in this town, theft is EXTREMELY common. If it weren't, I wouldn't have a job.

I don't care, nor do any of the co workers care what is in your cart, where you checked out, what you look like or who you are, we that we don't get in trouble for not doing our job.

Also, we don't catch every single person, and if the person in front of you was waved through and happened to have some soda in their cart, it's possible that person was already there and went back for something, or there is someone coming right behind you guys with a large amount of stuff and we're prioritizing time to keep the line moving, OR they checked out in self check out at one of three that I and most of us can see from the front door and we observed them scan everything. I do that a lot to save time if I can.

I'm not trying to make you mad, and it REALLY hurts my feelings and my co workers' feelings when you guys snap at us or make a scene, or refuse to show your receipt putting us in an impossible position. It takes two seconds to stop and let us verify. They do it at Sam's Club and y'all don't care, why do you care about it at WalMart?

Please, Muskogee people, be nice to us door greeters. We're not trying to make you mad, and absolutely not racist.

We're in danger of being hurt and get cussed at and yelled at and threatened daily.

It costs nothing to be nice.

I love you all, and I am not mad. I just believe we're all capable of better.
Sam’s Club is a membership store. If you have a Sam’s Club Card you signed an agreement to have your receipt reviewed.

Receipt checking at Walmart is a loss prevention ATTEMPT.
If a customers says “No Thanks” when asked by the employee to see his receipt, there are no negative repercussions on the employee.
Once I pay for my stuff, it is my property, WalMart employees have no right to hinder me when leaving in any way shape or form.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Amazing to me that they will instruct an employee to stand at the door checking receipts as people leave the check out, but instruct the same employees to just watch someone bypass the check out entirely while pushing out a cart with a big screen TV in it. I watched a young man filling a back pack up once with all kinds of goods. Then he put the bag on and a cover over the top. I pointed the "hunch back" out to an employee and she said they can't do anything about it. Didn't even ask him for a receipt.
Precisely my point. I worked loss prevention for a store for about a month. My hands were tied so much by their "policy" I had no idea why they even hired me. I quit after a month of watching people walk out with merchandise and not doing anything about it except write a report.

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