We all have good stories, let's hear em???

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Stan Upchurch

Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Lets see, I started at OU the summer of 1964. That is the first time and I got my degree in 1979 with 278 hours on my B of Science in Education. I met this instructor in 1971.
I believe he still maintains an office at OU and occasionally teaches a class. He's in his early 70's. Oh and on my Masters I have about 135 hours pus a thesis on the"Creation Myths of the Sumerians".
Its in the Library at The University of the South in Swanee Tenn. In my last job I was the Archivist for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. I basically puddle around in old, old, old documents written on clay tablets. Now, however, I just shoot, and fish, and play. Oh you might not know i'm Deaf as a post. So its alway quiet for me where ever I go for silence is golden. Wasn't there a song written about that somewhere...


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Del City
I was lucky enough to have my AF tech school be in Biloxi, MS, which is only a few short hours from my hometown. One day we had a 3 day weekend so I took some friends home with me to go shooting. One of these friends was in training for combat control, but got med washed out(messed his knee up). He would always brag about how great a shot he was and how he could handle any caliber. I decided to take the .303 British Enfield and M1 Garand out for them to shoot. I explained that these were going to kick a lot more than the M16s they were used to and how to take the recoil. He said he didn't need help because, after all, he was in combat control training not too long ago. The .303 knocked him way off balance(and almost on his arse) and after that he wouldn't touch the M1. The other guy, and the girl that was with us, both listened and had a fun day of shooting some nostalgic rifles. When I talked to ole boy later he admitted that he had only ever shot m16s and m9s. I explained that I had been shooting since I was 4 and knew more about shooting than his brief combat control training taught him, so he probably should have listened instead of acting high and mighty.

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