What are you Thankful for?

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Special Hen
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
under the rock
I'm thankful for the kids and grownups, present and past, in uniform and out, that are ever vigilent in our behalf. I wish they were all home and could rest easy for ever more.

And Rush Limbaugh's truth detector.


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
To be quite honest I'm generally in the dumps this time o' year....for several reasons mostly to include that I greatly miss the ones I love who are no longer here.

At any rate I'm very thankful that my children are healthy!
(and I reckon that's about all one could really ask for)

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
I'm always thankful for many things, but it's been an especially good year this year.

1. Landed a very rewarding job with almost bulletproof job security, full slew of benefits compliments of the company, way more room for advancement than my prior job, and the 40% bump in pay wasn't hard to swallow, either.

2. I'm severe asthmatic and November marks the 1 year anniversary where I have not had to use my rescue inhaler. Only one person on this board really knows me on a personal level, so for the rest of you, this is a huge deal for many reasons. I've always been required to have a rescue inhaler on me at all times. I've always been required to use at least 1 puff every 4 to, at most, 10-12 hours for the last 30 years of my life. It was almost a night and day difference, literally, last November when I woke up and no longer needed to use my rescue inhaler thanks to a new preventative I have. One single puff of this preventative every 2-3 days (2 puffs twice a day is what my prescription actually says). Not only that, but I can finally take deep, full breaths, something I've always wondered how it felt (and it feels GREAT!). A year and a half ago, it would have been unbelievable for me to go 24 hours without using my rescue inhaler, so I can't even begin to stress how impossibly amazing it is for me to go 12 freaking months without it. Not to mention the fact that I turned 30 this year when doctors told my parents many years ago that my odds of survival past the age of 21 are slim.

3. We found out about 1 month ago that my wife is pregnant. Tomorrow is when we'll make the big announcement. My mom is going to sh*t herself.

Besides that, I seriously have some of the best, most awesome and unique friends a person could ever hope to have. If I have one thing that should make people jealous of me, it's my friends. Seriously, I could not have designed a better group of people. It's been another fantastic year of being married to my best friend. I don't just say that because she became my best friend, I say that because she seriously was my best (female) friend for a few years. We dated other people without even joking about the idea of the two of us dating each other. The thought never crossed my mind. One day though, something happened and we both had a change of heart and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I have 0 worries about the two of us growing old together. Together, we've been raising one of the most intelligent, well-behaved, social, likeable, and loveable 6 year old.. a parent's absolute dream. Not only that, but the icing on the cake is that her and I together terrorize her mom and she's a total smart ass (in a good way). She's so witty and funny. Like tonight in the car, she randomly started making fun of me. In a valley girl accent, she just started barking out, "Uh, my name's Daddyyyy, I smell like a faaaaaart, I like to eat pooooop, I like to kiss buuuuutts, I like to kiss mommy's buuuutt, I like to kiss dog buuuutts." I asked my wife to make her daughter stop hurting my feelings and from the back seat I hear her mocking me, "Me-me-me-me-me-meeeeh, make her stop hurting my feelings!"

I look forward to the future with this momentum we've got going on.

Sniper John

Special Hen
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Near the Red
This year, after spending my entire summer battling necrotising faciitis bacterial flesh eating disease. I am thankful for the internist that recognised what I had when the ER doc did not, thankful for the 40 year surgeon that drove in from home at 3 am to do emergency surgery. Thankful to have a leg. Thankful to be alive. Thankful to have the support of a wonderful wife to see me through it all.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
thankfull for my salvation, family (even got my first grandaughter this year and she is getting pink rifle for her first christmas) health and prosperity in that order

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