What did you do to 'prep' today?

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Special Hen
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Just take it one baby-step at a time. What worked for me was focusing on ONE thing each month.

I've been a single parent for about 9 1/2 years. It's been pretty rough at times! My bf is awesome with my kid, and she really adores him. It's great!

Anyway, this is what I'm doing, in a way. First thing we did was add more water to the shopping trip, and buy some 5 gallon storage containers for water. Then I started buying one or two extra of my "staple" items every time I grocery shop so there's extra on the shelves. I'm looking into using my storm shelter (buried in the back yard) as a root cellar type thing.

One step at a time! I do have to admit I love the feeling of gardening though :)


Special Hen
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
I've been a single parent for about 9 1/2 years. It's been pretty rough at times! My bf is awesome with my kid, and she really adores him. It's great!

Anyway, this is what I'm doing, in a way. First thing we did was add more water to the shopping trip, and buy some 5 gallon storage containers for water. Then I started buying one or two extra of my "staple" items every time I grocery shop so there's extra on the shelves. I'm looking into using my storm shelter (buried in the back yard) as a root cellar type thing.

One step at a time! I do have to admit I love the feeling of gardening though :)

This is the type of stuff we are doing at the moment. Gotta start somewhere!


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Yep. SoonerBorn is right. None of us is without something that would make it easy to just throw up our hands and say "Well, I'll just get to that later ..." Life goes on whether you prepare or not. I've been saved (literally) by GC's prepping (back when I thought he was a dolt for "wasting" all that money :teehee:) and later, after I saw the light, "our" preps enough times to know that it is not wasted money.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, the only wrong way to prep is to not prep at all. You will find your stride ... no worries. Every once in a while you will wonder if you are doing something "right or wrong" and post something here or on a board dedicated to prepping and any number of folks will come out of the woodwork to tell you how you are gonna wind up dead, alone on the side of the road because you didn't prep JUST LIKE THEY DO IT ... :rolleyes2

DON'T LISTEN TO THEM ... Read and learn, but don't let anybody bully you into buying $50 worth of ramen noodles because "everybody says that's what every good prepper has in his storage" ... Folks like that are everywhere in the prepping community (not so much here but I think that is for a couple of reasons. One, this is a shooting community first and a lot of us have gotten to know each other over the years, so there is a certain amount of mutual respect and friendship; and two, because the few times someone has come in here and tried that crap we've kinda not been too gentle with them. Folks who want to be "King (or Queen) of all they survey" don't tend to last long here. They become frustrated with the fact that we all try to enjoy ourselves AND prep -- like the two are mutually exclusive or something ... Go figure ...

:soapbox: Anyway, that's my little rant for the day, I guess ... LOL Y'all can tell I woke up with a headache this morning, huh?? :lookaroun What?!?!? NO, NO, NO, GC was already gone ... He's working the early shift this month! :lmfao:


Special Hen
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
DON'T LISTEN TO THEM ... Read and learn, but don't let anybody bully you into buying $50 worth of ramen noodles because "everybody says that's what every good prepper has in his storage" ... Folks like that are everywhere in the prepping community (not so much here but I think that is for a couple of reasons. One, this is a shooting community first and a lot of us have gotten to know each other over the years, so there is a certain amount of mutual respect and friendship; and two, because the few times someone has come in here and tried that crap we've kinda not been too gentle with them. Folks who want to be "King (or Queen) of all they survey" don't tend to last long here. They become frustrated with the fact that we all try to enjoy ourselves AND prep -- like the two are mutually exclusive or something ... Go figure ...

$50 of ramen noodles would be a waste of space to me. I have a list of food allergies and intolerances that are about a foot long in small type! Included in that? Wheat intolerance. Hence the need for a root celler... I have a noodle maker that makes noodles from vegetables like zucchini, and I eat a lot of squash (spaghetti, butternut, etc).

I tend to ignore people who say that I have to do things a certain way. I do things the way they work best for me. I'd prefer to be able to do it while having fun, because that's just awesome :)


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 6, 2010
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Logan County
$50 of ramen noodles would be a waste of space to me. I have a list of food allergies and intolerances that are about a foot long in small type! Included in that? Wheat intolerance. Hence the need for a root celler... I have a noodle maker that makes noodles from vegetables like zucchini, and I eat a lot of squash (spaghetti, butternut, etc).

I tend to ignore people who say that I have to do things a certain way. I do things the way they work best for me. I'd prefer to be able to do it while having fun, because that's just awesome :)

Have you looked at quinoa or rice noodles? You can buy both in bulk from Azure.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I tend to ignore people who say that I have to do things a certain way. I do things the way they work best for me. I'd prefer to be able to do it while having fun, because that's just awesome :)

Good for you!! (Me, too ... LOL Let's see if I can remember all the pissy things that have been said to me when I didn't "fall in line" ... Hmmmm ... Oh, here we go:

"You bring nothing to the table" (After I had spent an entire day working on this guys land with a couple of other fellas. Felled, chopped up and split a gigantic tree, butchered some chickens, helped his wife fix dinner for the same bunch of people I'd been out in the field working with all day while she watched her soaps and he napped in his easy chair -- or drove around in big circles on the tractor trying to look busy ... :rolleyes2)

"You are a liability to your husband because you don't get along with folks too well" (Maverick1911 when I pointed out some very gaping holes in his attempt to court suitors for financial assistance -- he wanted to buy a compound but seems he was a little short on funds. :rollingla)

"You're a girl. You can't shoot a Mosin-Nagant" (Well, yeah, I'm a girl, thank you for noticing. Hmmmm there are members here who have seen me shoot said Mosin-Nagant. AND, I hit the target! Oh. My. :D)

There are plenty more where those came from. Mostly from men who are busy trying to be important ... I'll say one thing for them. They are GREAT for laughs ... I'd rather have a dozen folks who don't have a clue what to do or how to do it, but are willing to work TOGETHER, than one dimwit who thinks that he is the "Grand Poobah" just because he's got a couple of danglies ... :D

This one was not directed at me per se, but these folks still drive me MAD!! "I know a whole lot about **fill-in-the-blank** but I don't want to share it with people who won't appreciate it. You'll have to meet up with me so I can see if you are worthy. (:rolleyes2 W.T.F., seriously?!?! :rolleyes2)

Bottom line is, yeah, I can be hard to get along with -- if you aren't pulling your weight, if you think you are better than everybody else, if you enjoy trying to make others feel inferior so you can feel important, if you can't handle an honest discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of any particular situation, then yeah ... You are gonna have trouble with me. Why? Because life it too short to put up with people like you ... And the quicker I piss you off, the quicker you will go away and leave me alone ... :wink2:

:lookaroun Opps ... back on topic ... FINALLY :rollingla

I'm not doing a whole lot today ... Gonna watch some basketball and just enjoy life. Sunday's are my day off ... But I did sign up for the garden planner on Territorial Seed's website http://gardenplanner.territorialseed.com/default.aspx. You get a 30-day free trial, so I'll probably play around with it a little bit, just to see ...

Tomorrow, I'll get back with it ...


Special Hen
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Have you looked at quinoa or rice noodles? You can buy both in bulk from Azure.

Yep. I can do both and I'm putting back both, as well as gluten free baking mixes in foodsaver sealed bags. I just mentioned it because quite a lot of people always suggest the canned pre-prepared food items in #10 cans, most of which I can't touch. I'm working on compiling recipes that don't contain my known allergens and intolerances.


Special Hen
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Good for you!! (Me, too ... LOL Let's see if I can remember all the pissy things that have been said to me when I didn't "fall in line" ... Hmmmm ... Oh, here we go:

I get a lot of these too. I'm short, Hispanic, heavily tattooed, and I basically don't fit any of the stereotypical "good wife" expectations. Good thing for me that my bf doesn't expect me too... in fact, today at the Norman gun show the lady behind the particular ammo table were at mentioned that "women don't like +P ammo" and he said "Uh, yes she does!". Does that mean I'm not a woman then? :bah:

"You're a girl. You can't shoot a Mosin-Nagant" (Well, yeah, I'm a girl, thank you for noticing. Hmmmm there are members here who have seen me shoot said Mosin-Nagant. AND, I hit the target! Oh. My. :D)

My Mosin-Nagant is on order. I'll let you know when I hit the target... because I WILL. :rollingla

What I accomplished today... found a holster for my BUG (.38 snub) at the Norman show, and trying to decide where I'm going to put the rhubarb and the asparagus. I've ordered maypop, which I should have ordered last month and I forgot about it (bad me!). Then I have homework to do, so there most likely won't be much in the way of prepping tonight (did I mention that I'm not a fan of statistics?).

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