Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State?

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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I'm proud to be a freedom lovin' Redneck from the red state of Oklahoma. I can't imagine the horror of having to live in a place like New York, Massachusetts, or California.
I spent 43 years of my life in Massachusetts. 1946 to 1964 was nice. After that ... Eh ... not so much! :puke:



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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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My kids want to take care of me and the wife as we get older. We all get along really well. Also both me and the wife have medical conditions and my wife freaks out whenever I go in the hospital.
Hey, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.

At least you have kids that are willing to help you out. I have six of my own and six step children. None of them will be around to give me a hand when that day comes.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Red states are great until blue staters move to them and vote their old ways.

That's a great theory but is only a small %%% of why states the last 20 years are turning blue or at least being more heavily influence blue. Like I said in a previous thread a month or so ago. You all need, to a large degree, blame yourselves for your state or county turning blue. The last 15 - 20 years your kids have been heavily influenced by their schools. From elementary though college, they have been in these phucking indoctrination camps/schools being hammered with leftist and progressive ideology through their formative years. They typically come out of high school leaning heavily left and it usually only gets worse in college. The tide starts to change once they get out in the real world and are earning a living and see how phucked things are when their paychecks are far less than they were told. All the chit they were taught in college is really panning out the way the college professors told them it would be.

Californians, like myself, don't move to OK to vote for the same bullchit they left, in most places. OK is not a destination to buy a forever home for liberal progressives. As much as I love OK and all that it is, it is not Bozeman, Jackson Hole, Boise, Boulder, Etc. Clean up your own home first before you start blaming the influence of liberials from blue states in your OK town. Now what?


Not Actually a Grackle
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 9, 2007
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That's a great theory but is only a small %%% of why states the last 20 years are turning blue or at least being more heavily influence blue. Like I said in a previous thread a month or so ago. You all need, to a large degree, blame yourselves for your state or county turning blue. The last 15 - 20 years your kids have been heavily influenced by their schools. From elementary though college, they have been in these phucking indoctrination camps/schools being hammered with leftist and progressive ideology through their formative years. They typically come out of high school leaning heavily left and it usually only gets worse in college. The tide starts to change once they get out in the real world and are earning a living and see how phucked things are when their paychecks are far less than they were told. All the chit they were taught in college is really panning out the way the college professors told them it would be.

Californians, like myself, don't move to OK to vote for the same bullchit they left, in most places. OK is not a destination to buy a forever home for liberal progressives. As much as I love OK and all that it is, it is not Bozeman, Jackson Hole, Boise, Boulder, Etc. Clean up your own home first before you start blaming the influence of liberials from blue states in your OK town. Now what?

Texas would be a prime example of the effect, caused by a lot of Californians moving to areas like Dallas and San Antonio and flipping the politics around.

You are still right that red states are often complacent about their own causing the blue shift, though.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Nope. Lots of people form CA move to Texas but you are assuming they are all liberals voting for the same old policies they voted for back home. Are there some, sure. For instance, look at the size of colleges and universities Texas has. Between UT, A&M, Baylor, TCU Tech, UTEP, UTSA, U of Houston, SMU and all the other colleges and universities you are looking at a massive liberal bastion of progressive thought that these 18-24 year old kids attending college are voting for the Bidens and Sanders of the world.

This doesn't even count the liberal turds that don't attend college and are still heavily influenced by their peers with progressive and socialist tendencies.

Blaming people from Blue states moving in is convenient and easy but is far from the actual problem of why states are turning a bit purple.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
That's a great theory but is only a small %%% of why states the last 20 years are turning blue or at least being more heavily influence blue. Like I said in a previous thread a month or so ago. You all need, to a large degree, blame yourselves for your state or county turning blue. The last 15 - 20 years your kids have been heavily influenced by their schools. From elementary though college, they have been in these phucking indoctrination camps/schools being hammered with leftist and progressive ideology through their formative years. They typically come out of high school leaning heavily left and it usually only gets worse in college. The tide starts to change once they get out in the real world and are earning a living and see how phucked things are when their paychecks are far less than they were told. All the chit they were taught in college is really panning out the way the college professors told them it would be.

Californians, like myself, don't move to OK to vote for the same bullchit they left, in most places. OK is not a destination to buy a forever home for liberal progressives. As much as I love OK and all that it is, it is not Bozeman, Jackson Hole, Boise, Boulder, Etc. Clean up your own home first before you start blaming the influence of liberials from blue states in your OK town. Now what?
I think you just defeated your own opinion. You are correct that you are leaving for the right reasons, and you will not bring the commie ideology; with you, but sadly that isn't what actually has happened.
All of those cities you quoted have gone liberal because of immigration from other states.

Republicans have a problem.

While they’re continuing to perform OK-ish in the Midwest and the South in the era of Donald Trump, on Tuesday they got hammered in the Mountain West—a region loosely defined as “cowboy country,” i.e., Texas plus everything from Colorado and New Mexico to the borders of the Pacific coast states. It’s the continuation of a trend that’s been going on for more than a decade, but it’s particularly worrisome now. Republicans should be able to win in states largely populated by fiscally conservative, pro-gun rights individuals. But the results Tuesday were no bueno.

"Nevada and Colorado are starting to look more blue than purple. Arizona, which has more Electoral College votes than either, has been Republican since forever but now appears to be an honest-to-God swing state. New Mexico, which used to be a swing state, is now completely out of reach for the GOP except under the most unusual circumstances.

Montana has been showing for some time that if you run the right Democrat, it can go blue. Even Utah and Texas appear to be changing, politically. It’s all very bad news for the GOP, but it’s unclear whether national figures sitting in offices in Washington, D.C., have noticed or care about it."

Ted Turner, the biggest land owner in the US bought land in Montana along a famous trout stream in Monta years ago
He subdivided it into areas where the rich can build.
What happened is that the new owners caused the property taxes to go to the moon in that county.
So, how did that effect the people that owned land around where Ted Turner bought land?

In that area it might take up to 100 acres or more to keep a cow fed off grass per cow. In Ok with good grass it might take two to three acres.
Ranches and homesteads that had been in existence for over a hundred years in Montana were forced to close because they couldn't afford the property tax because of the high end development by turner.

This is how the left is taking over the West.

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