Is Being “In Shape” Important?

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Oct 26, 2009
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Your joints are just like any mechanical device in some ways. Like a lip seal is supposed to last for so many hours of use. Your joints will last being bent so many times and then it's worn out and needing to be replaced. So why wear out your joints working out? Save them for when you need them.
I hope you are not being serious.


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Nov 25, 2014
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Ohhhhh!! Thanks so much for going into such detail. I only started eating this way (this time) because I was having everything I listed above, plus uncontrollable bouts of vomiting (even with taking zofran AND promethazine) that would last DAYS. It has been brutal. I am gonna tighten my eating window and see if I can add in some PT exercises that are a little more muscle-resistance focused. It's mostly been about stretching to try and get back some of the flexibility/range of motion I've lost. I know I need to start doing cardio again but one step at a time. I've been on a significant downhill slide for the last couple of years and if I want any quality of life going forward it is gonna be on me to turn it around because doing everything the doctors tell me to had been a double-edged sword. I mean they do the best they can but we know our own bodies best ...
My favorite go to meal right now after exercise and a shower is below.

1 avocado - smashed
everything bagel seasoning
1 tablespoon hot salsa
1 pouch of salmon
2 tablespoons sour cream

Moderate serving of fresh fruit - typically either a cosmic crisp or pink lady apple or some pineapple.

I also do a shooter of 2 tablespoons of California cold pressed extra virgin olive oil with a little lime juice for taste because I strongly dislike olives or anything sourced from them. I have read that a routine consumption of unheated EVOO can have similar anti inflammatory properties as 400mg of ibuprofen a day without all the damage to your gut biome.

Some days that keeps me satisfied until the next day, some days I will feel like a snack around 3pm or so and have some pistachios, pecans, or walnuts. If I have a sweet tooth, a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter. The 20 hours of fasting will reinforce avoiding carbs because too many will make it VERY difficult to make it until the following feeding window.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 24, 2020
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Lawton, Oklahoma
As mentioned before, if you have legitimate medical issues you’re dealing with then this obviously doesn’t pertain to you. How about this as a good measure of weather you should lose weight or not?(Done in my best Foxworthy voice) If you’re having trouble wiping your backside you might need to lose weight. If you have to hold your breath to put on your socks and shoes you might want to lose weight. If you can’t look down and see all of your manhood (mirrors don’t count) you might want to lose weight. If a belt will no longer hold up your britches and you’ve gone to suspenders you might want to lose weight.
……I got more where this came from. 😂😂😂


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2021
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Broken Arrow
The condition your body is in (strength, cardio, etc) effects every day of your life. Your guns... not so much. You don't have to be a stud necessarily but remember your body is the tool you use to get to your tools... it's the bridge between your mind and the world. It is the foundation of how you interact with things. If your body is allowed to waste away due to a sedentary lifestyle you aren't doing yourself any favors.

Besides that, being decently fit allows you to carry in different spots. I know plenty of ol' boys who can only IWB small of the back due to that gut and SOB carry is... suboptimal, to say the least.


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I feel pretty good. I'm right at 6 feet, 180 Lbs., 76 years old, triple bypass back in '96 with two subsequent heart attacks requiring stents be placed in the original bypasses, two recent DVTs, and can run about one hundred feet without having to catch my breath. My legs on the other hand disagree.

My aim is still excellent, though. Like that avatar on here that says, "Me being old doesn't mean you're out of range."



Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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A physical and heart rate test do nothing to show their ability to do the job of a cop. Many of them are obese and can’t catch their own breath, never mind a fight or a foot chase. Next time you’re in OKC take a look at some of them. There is no physical fitness test once they pass the academy. In the USMC we had to pass a fitness test once a quarter. Cops should have to at least yearly. It’s not fair for those in shape to have to carry those who aren’t. I do think most firemen are in better shape. They should be since they have all the time between calls to work out if they want to.
Once a quarter eh? when were you in?


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
...good DNA is a bonus as well. I'm a fat old man and my doctors look at my lab reports and shake their heads.
Family joke over here is if we were horses, we'd have been sent to the glue factory instead of being bred. We depend on heart attacks to save us from the cancer, too. Though I'm 17 years older, now, than my dad was when he had his 1st heart attack. Bad back, bad knees, had my first hip replacement at age 54, 2nd 5 years later. Been avoiding knee surgery since I was 19, 47 years ago. Currently about 63 pounds overweight. Kinda hard to exercise with the spine & other joints I inherited. Self-abuse probably hasn't helped. Used to have a case a day Coke™ habit, for example.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Family joke over here is if we were horses, we'd have been sent to the glue factory instead of being bred. We depend on heart attacks to save us from the cancer, too. Though I'm 17 years older, now, than my dad was when he had his 1st heart attack. Bad back, bad knees, had my first hip replacement at age 54, 2nd 5 years later. Been avoiding knee surgery since I was 19, 47 years ago. Currently about 63 pounds overweight. Kinda hard to exercise with the spine & other joints I inherited. Self-abuse probably hasn't helped. Used to have a case a day Coke™ habit, for example.

I thought that was about me.

Many years behind Home Plate, catching and then, umpire;
Racing dirt bikes and rodeo, haven't been friendly to my knees, ankles, hips, or back.

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