The eclipse..

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Buying Solar Viewing glasses? Test them first. Most are made in china. How to test:

1) Look at a 60 to 100 watt bulb, if you can see it with the glasses even up close, if you should only see the filament or LED at a close distance, you are probably OK.

2) After that check out the Sun, it should appear as a dim disc, perhaps orange in color with no discomfort.

Same goes with your Camera, an eclipse can do much damage to your camera, get a special filter.

Which is why I won't even try to take pictures of the eclipse. First of all, I'm not excited about the eclipse and secondly, I won't risk either expensive lenses or cameras getting the shot.

Like others here, I'll just live that day just like any other one.

At best, I might celebrate the event by remembering the one that created the universe which is so perfectly tuned for such events and for mankind to be able to exist.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Now, one thing that's really pretty cool is seeing an eclipse from a plane if you've never done that.

So back in 2017 I was getting sent cross country to Portland on a project with travel being on the day of the eclipse. Couldn't really do much about that part, but I did get to pick my flights. So I wound up doing a bit of homework on the projected pathing and timing of the eclipse compared to the available flights and pathing for those and wound up settling on a flight plan that crossed the eclipse path --- somewhere over Idaho or something if I remember right. I'd calculated this down to what side of the plane would probably give me the best view.

It was not a perfect bit of choreography --- the effect was very noticeable, but definitely not as distinct as being on the ground. I'm sure 38k of elevation makes a difference. But it was pretty cool to see view out of the windows get dark and then light again. Not as much of a "giant shadow going across the landscape" as I kind of pictured it might be, but pretty cool nonetheless.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
It is kinda cool, I guess. Just the chance of 3 objects, so far apart and lining up so perfectly. But, I can't get real excited about seeing it.

Definitely a boost to some economies. All hotels are sold out along the totality path. Checked with a hotel we frequent in a small, central Texas town; last Sept a room was $79, this weekend is $299 and sold out. That is a good shot.

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