U.S. SSGT kills 16 civilians

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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It is completely sustainable in lives and treasure so long as the treasure is borrowed, and the lives lost belong to someone else's children. I have no desire to sacrifice the lives of my boys for some asinine wars that have little to do with the nation's defense.

If this farce of a government really gave a damn about stopping terrorism that affects the lives of Americans, they'd have already sent Seal Team Six into Goldman Sachs.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I guess I have a different definition of "sustainable" when it comes to human lives. Wasn't Enduring Freedom a response to a terrorist attack that killed less than 3,000 people? 10 1/2 years, 1,906 dead Americans, and $500 billion dollars...and the best the government can tell us is that we might withdraw after 14 years or so because our presence is actually making the area more violent and less stable.

I don't see how any of it makes sense or is defensible, comparisons to past wars and (car accidents? really?) aside.

I don't think it was affordable. I think it is an ongoing tragedy and the American people deserve nothing less than an end to it. I don't think it was sold to the American people honestly and I don't think it made a single person safer.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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This little expedition into Afghanistan has gotten completely out of control. Every death there between now and the day we pull the last troop out is a needless one. We have no clear plan for what we're doing there now and haven't had one for quite a long time. All we're doing is buying time so the pols can figure out a way to withdraw, without losing face.

If I were stuck over there, I wouldn't do a damned thing I didn't have to. I'd keep my head down and try to be invisible. No good will come of anything else we try to do there. The idea that we could do anything to effect a change over there is so insane, it should be criminal. :(
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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 9, 2009
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Oklahoma City
We entered Afghanistan in order to kick Al-Qaida out of the safe-havens they had in Afghanistan and to install and build up a native Afghan government more amenable to keeping A-Q out in the future. The Taliban were given the opportunity to simply throw out or hand over A-Q before we invaded. They were unwilling, or unable, or both and suffered the consequence.

And to actually put in perspective:
US Combat Deaths in OEF (Afghanistan) - 1906
US Combat Deaths in Vietnam: ~47,000
US Combat Deaths in Korea: ~34,000
US Combat deaths in WW-II (all theaters): ~290,000

Deaths from the Pearl Harbor attack: 2117

Deaths per year from gun shots (total accidents/crimes etc) in the US ~30,000
Deaths from auto accidents (avg over 2001-2010) ~40,000 per year

We can and should debate any US engagement in conflicts anywhere. However, the war in AFG (and even in both AFG and IRQ) were neither unaffordable in terms of treasure nor unsustainable in human terms especially compared to what we have endured before. The War on Terror was affordable - however, we, as a nation, chose not to pay for it but to run deficits instead so that we wouldn't have to cut any social spending or raise taxes. There was logic to the decision but it had consequences and we are living with them now. Nothing was inevitable it was all a matter of choices and consequences.

While the cost of lives and the amount of money we've spent on a country that isn't ours doesn't seem like much to you, it's a helluva lot to me. We shoulda went in their, took out the people that attacked us and got out. THAT'S IT. We don't need to stick our noses in other peoples business or police the whole friggin world. Do you believe that the rest of the worlds views us in a more positive or negative light since 9/11? I'm sorry if this sounds like a personal attack to you, I'm not meaning it that way. Just the thought of having to lose even 1 more extra life to a cause that many people in the US deem not worth it, is not something to talk lightly about. How many fathers/sons had to be taken and how far into debt do we have to plunge to realize it's not worth it? I support the troops fully, but I don't believe we can win over there.


Special Hen
Jun 29, 2009
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It's time to get the hell out of that God-forsaken Hell Hole. Afcrapistan can suck it.

I'm surprised something like this has happened sooner. With the multiple tours these guys pull, it's no wonder some of them go crazy. I'm not excusing this guy's alleged actions, but it's not surprising to me. Dude snapped.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 9, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Hmm here's something to think about... Wonder if those two American Troops that got killed because of the Koran burning crap were buddies of his? Then on top of that our commander in chief apologizes for burning some books that got two of his buddies killed. That would seem to cause anyone to snap. Prob not how it went down, but it wouldn't be surprising in the least bit.

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