Moving Forward in Oklahoma

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Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
Your world view is very small if you lump people into 2 camps. The "liberals" and "conservatives". Most people are a mix of both. The ones that are lock step on one side or the other are idiots.

Remember most people that are homophobic are also racists.

I would differ on that one because I would venture to say that until the false Messiah Obama endorsed gay marriage very large amounts of blacks and latinos were against gay marriage. I can support people changing their tune, but over a false prophet like Obama just means people cant think.

Homophobic means fear and I dont fear many thing except the destruction of my once great nation. hey God bless if they want to be happy. My thing is I think it is another nail in the nation's coffin.


Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
No, they never can. No one can. The nuclear umbrella will sustain this trend. I'm talking about forever. We've got enough nuclear weapons to stop anybody. It's almost like SciFi. Already, lesbians routinely abort male fetuses, and this is considered normal by some of the members on this thread, I suspect. This is part of the trend. It doesn't bother me because I know the direction can't be changed. But where will Western Civilization be in 1,000 years going in this direction? I know the scientific achievements will be gargantuan. But...

I think you are right about the Nuclear umbrella as far as outside threats, but remember internal threats kill societies as well like moral day ( check), financial chaos ( check but most people dont know it or wont believe it), change in cultures and norms ( check).

This does not look good for these united states. I think a second war between the states is far more likely though than direct conflicts with another nation. I am not advocating that. I am simply saying I could see it. Its tough when the people funding the government are out voted by those who get benefits from the government and liberals want to create as many of possible of the later. Prime example i use is that you will never seem democratic members of congress say "you need to quite the incentives for people to have kids they cant afford". A woman who is the third generation of never working with 5 kids by 3 baby daddy's living in section 8 on food stamps helps the democratic party and also sadly has an impact on why people carry guns. Detroit was not always a sh*t hole.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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If you can't see where one of these actively infringes upon the right of another person, while the other does not, then you're either being comically obtuse or deliberately disingenuous.

Or pointing out that in this day and age everybody has a different opinion of what is OK and what is not. An example, many of the Occupy movement thought that destroying private property was OK because it was (according to them) non-violent. As far as many people are concerned, someone getting stoned and getting someone else hurt is infringing on the 2nd persons rights. Heck to some having to support a stoner is infringing on their rights.

The point is everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it, and to express it, under the rights we all have. I still have trouble believing how much butthurt a single person with no political power can cause by just expressing what they think on an internet forum.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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If you can't see where one of these actively infringes upon the right of another person, while the other does not, then you're either being comically obtuse or deliberately disingenuous.



Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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I still have trouble believing how much butthurt a single person with no political power can cause by just expressing what they think on an internet forum.
I don't think you're amazed, I think you're flattered by the butthurt you imagine yourself to have caused, you big stud.


Aug 1, 2013
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"Its tough when the people funding the government are out voted by those who get benefits from the government and liberals want to create as many of possible of the later. Prime example i use is that you will never seem democratic members of congress say "you need to quite the incentives for people to have kids they cant afford". A woman who is the third generation of never working with 5 kids by 3 baby daddy's living in section 8 on food stamps helps the democratic party and also sadly has an impact on why people carry guns. Detroit was not always a sh*t hole. "

Hey man, the people actually funding the government receive waaaaayyy more benefits than one or even 100,000,000 "welfare queen(s)." They don't belong to one party, and they don't have to vote. They own the voting machines.....


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
The subject of gay indians and gay indian marriage being legal to me just seems like the same progressive move the rest of the country is headed in that direction. Indian Nations are just trying to assert more of their sovereign powers anyway they can these days. Whether youre religious or not does not matter as it will happen regardless of that anyways. Same as legalizing weed, its not 'if' its 'when' looks like. Religious folks will say its Sodom and Gomorrah all over again and non religious will say its just a logical progressive move. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. TomaYto tomaHto.

One of the comedians on 'Comics Unleashed' last night referred to us indians/natives/native Americans/savages/redskins,etcetc as 'casino indians' to not confuse the audience with 'east indians' or India natives, etc. Im not fullblood, my maternal grandparents both were, but Im not, so I am historically not easily offended by any of the slang terms for our people. I totally understand it on that show anyways as they pretty much offend all people equally being a mix of white, black, Latino, Asian, Italian, Jewish, etc comedians on the show. (I also am not actively seeking sports teams to drop any indian slang for team names, etc. Another argument for another time). I guess if I was fullblood I may be more sensitive, I dont know. My grandfather was one of the indians torn from his parents and shipped off to the indian schools in the late 1800s/early 1900s and both my grandparents were born and died on the 'rez'. I have actively participated in my culture and know some of our language though unlike some other 'card carrying' mixed bloods, although was more involved when I was younger than as I have got older. Still, in my tribe if you move away from or live off the rez you are not a part of things on the rez any more and you should not speak out on matters of the tribe. So since I dont live on the rez, even though my mother and brother do, I have to reserve what opinion I have (if I have one) on the rez if my tribe were to adopt gay marriage, which looks to me like they will if some of the others do as my tribe is a very progressive tribe. And there have always been alot of gay members in our tribe, male and female. Gladly I can come here and other forums and share my opinion on the subject.

Which is I dont really have a solid opinion. Gay marriage doesnt affect me or my life so its not a concern of mine. I have gay friends and relatives and what they do is their business. Like Ive said before, I think gay people should be legally able to be just as miserable as us hetero married freaks.
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