They F!@#$ed that Pedophile up

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Except that statistically and psychologically, it's true. If you're treated like a monster when you're young and impressionable, the damage will almost always manifest itself into you becoming a monster when you get older. Those that don't still typically suffer serious psychological damage but I don't know that just because one person is subjected to horrible stuff and comes out of it without reciprocating that horrible stuff... that doesn't mean that everyone should be expected to be able to.

The rapist committed his first rape when he was 13 - so he himself was likely abused prior to that point (when he was younger than his latest victim). Nobody on here is calling for his abuser's head, because it's easy to put people into camps of "I don't care why they're that way, they're just not human anymore".

Maybe he deserved to die, I don't know - it's not for me to say. On the one hand, he was bragging about his crimes but on the other, he was also bragging about crimes he hadn't committed - so maybe he was just running his mouth.

Having not ever dealt with that sort of thing, I don't know but I'm just not in a hurry to say "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out". Especially when the laws pretty much everywhere don't call for the death-penalty.

One day in my shoes, ez ... Just ONE. (I will say this though, since you seem to have it all figured out. I'm glad to know what you really think of me, as I don't remember a time in my childhood that I wasn't being abused -- physically, psychologically or sexually -- and lucky me, sometimes ALL at the same time by SOMEONE in my family ...)

I would kill myself before I'd harm a child, or anyone else for that matter, just so I could spray a little jizz ... Seriously ....

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Easy how you throw that statement around.

Just because most monsters polled were treated poorly when they were young does not mean that most people treated poorly when young turn into monsters. I think you need to rephrase your statement. The first paragraph is what I am talking about.

Fair enough - I probably should have reversed those - when treated like a monster when you're young, it almost always manifests itself in psychological issues/damage but there is a much higher chance of growing up to repeat the cycle (granted, it's far more likely when the abuser is also the parent or guardian or the child is subjected to long-term abuse/psychological damage).

I was trying to emphasize that that monsters don't just go around raping people. Sometimes all it takes is abuse (sexual, psychological, or just physical) to remove someone's sense of empathy.

In which case, I'd expect many of the posts I've seen in this thread.


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
I love listening to how everyone knows how things work in prison. Watch "Cool Hand Luke" or "Attica" one time and your an expert on the deviant minds of criminals and the criminal justice system as a whole... LOL!!!

As for the Cho-Mo... F-em...

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
One day in my shoes, ez ... Just ONE. (I will say this though, since you seem to have it all figured out. I'm glad to know what you really think of me, as I don't remember a time in my childhood that I wasn't being abused -- physically, psychologically or sexually -- and lucky me, sometimes ALL at the same time by SOMEONE in my family ...)

I would kill myself before I'd harm a child, or anyone else for that matter, just so I could spray a little jizz ... Seriously ....

BB - I'm certainly not accusing you of anything. I'm guessing whatever your past involved, it took some serious healing to get over (I'm just going by what you've eluded to - I'm not pointing fingers here).

Imagine if you didn't have any supportive folks to get you through that healing process or whatever you had to go through kept going on with no help. Plus - everybody may not be as strong as you are.

I'm just saying, I've got no sympathy for adults who victimize others (especially children), but like cmhbob is saying - there's always a source for the issues and sometimes it's worth digging around to find what that source was to prevent future stuff like this from happening. If that adult-abuser was once the victim, then it's worth looking at today's victims and seeing what they need to get them through the healing process.

I don't know, humanity (with it's ups and it's many downs) is one of those things that really intrigues me. I think we can all be explained to a certain point by digging into our past for all of those skeletons.


Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
I love listening to how everyone knows how things work in prison. Watch "Cool Hand Luke" or "Attica" one time and your an expert on the deviant minds of criminals and the criminal justice system as a whole... LOL!!!

Doesnt really take much brain power to know the difference bw vigilante justice and Legal Justice.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
BB - I'm certainly not accusing you of anything. I'm guessing whatever your past involved, it took some serious healing to get over (I'm just going by what you've eluded to - I'm not pointing fingers here).

Imagine if you didn't have any supportive folks to get you through that healing process or whatever you had to go through kept going on with no help. Plus - everybody may not be as strong as you are.

I'm just saying, I've got no sympathy for adults who victimize others (especially children), but like cmhbob is saying - there's always a source for the issues and sometimes it's worth digging around to find what that source was to prevent future stuff like this from happening. If that adult-abuser was once the victim, then it's worth looking at today's victims and seeing what they need to get them through the healing process.

I don't know, humanity (with it's ups and it's many downs) is one of those things that really intrigues me. I think we can all be explained to a certain point by digging into our past for all of those skeletons.

People don't get over it ever. They learn to cope with it.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Easy how you throw that statement around.

Just because most monsters polled were treated poorly when they were young does not mean that most people treated poorly when young turn into monsters. I think you need to rephrase your statement. The first paragraph is what I am talking about.



x eleventy-billion

Untold MILLIONS of law-abiding citizens out there who were abused but worked hard to overcome it and become good, productive members of society, loving parents, and responsible people. My mother was one, and there are way more of them than there are people like this (former) waste of oxygen.

One day in my shoes, ez ... Just ONE. (I will say this though, since you seem to have it all figured out. I'm glad to know what you really think of me, as I don't remember a time in my childhood that I wasn't being abused -- physically, psychologically or sexually -- and lucky me, sometimes ALL at the same time by SOMEONE in my family ...)

I would kill myself before I'd harm a child, or anyone else for that matter, just so I could spray a little jizz ... Seriously ....
Ditto that, Patti... I've had to take care of some of these people in my line of work. I do what I have to do, but I'm not going out of my way for them... this last weekend, I can honestly say I went way WAY above the call of duty to save someone's life - off-duty, personally tried to chase 'em down an hour away, got three law enforcement agencies in two states involved to track them down (had some surprising test results come in) and in the end, everything worked out well.

This piece of excrement? Certainly wouldn't have gotten that kind of treatment.

Different levels of humanity? You betcha.
Early-childhood damage? Maybe so.
Adult conscious choices made to cause harm to another child? There's the line, folks. Cross it, and you enter a new category.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
BB - I'm certainly not accusing you of anything. I'm guessing whatever your past involved, it took some serious healing to get over (I'm just going by what you've eluded to - I'm not pointing fingers here).

Imagine if you didn't have any supportive folks to get you through that healing process or whatever you had to go through kept going on with no help. Plus - everybody may not be as strong as you are.

I'm just saying, I've got no sympathy for adults who victimize others (especially children), but like cmhbob is saying - there's always a source for the issues and sometimes it's worth digging around to find what that source was to prevent future stuff like this from happening. If that adult-abuser was once the victim, then it's worth looking at today's victims and seeing what they need to get them through the healing process.

I don't know, humanity (with it's ups and it's many downs) is one of those things that really intrigues me. I think we can all be explained to a certain point by digging into our past for all of those skeletons.

Newsflash for you, ez ... I didn't ...

Good. You just be intrigued by these SOBs ...

I'm out.

Adult conscious choices made to cause harm to another child? There's the line, folks. Cross it, and you enter a new category.

You said that better than I have been able to ... Thanks.

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