Pass a law please.....

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
50 million households with guns +/- isn't exactly a "small group". No CC citizens certainly are but just because you are a part of a small, ostracized group does not mean discrimination is justified.

Yeah, we are a huge and influential group...that's why BHO was elected twice and the Dems control the Senate. Sarcasm off....LOL. It's not justification for discrimination but its reason you won't have a huge response to any call for action against shop owners. The vast majority of Americans, even Oklahomans couldn't care less about it.

But we are going around in circles....I just find it funny that some folks who demand respect for their right to carry want the government to intervene and infringe on the private property rights of others.

"Your rights end at the tip of my nose" is the quote that comes to mind. I don't like businesses that deny lawful carry, but I don't want the .gov to force my will upon them either. I'll find somewhere else to shop.

I agree that case law might be the better option...but it seems to me you would have to prove that the business owner was at least in part responsible for the criminal act itself, not just your lack of ability to respond to the criminal act.
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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Yeah, we are a huge and influential group...that's why BHO was elected twice and the Dems control the Senate.Sarcasm off....LOL. It's not justification for discrimination but its reason you won't have a huge response to any call for action against shop owners. The vast majority of Americans, even Oklahomans couldn't care less about it.

But we are going around in circles....I just find it funny that some folks who demand respect for their right to carry want the government to intervene and infringe on the private property rights of others.

"Your rights end at the tip of my nose" is the quote that comes to mind. I don't like businesses that deny lawful carry, but I don't want the .gov to force my will upon them either. I'll find somewhere else to shop.

I agree that case law might be the better option...but it seems to me you would have to prove that the business owner was at least in part responsible for the criminal act itself, not just your lack of ability to respond to the criminal act.

We also managed to ward off an expansion of gun laws in the wake of the most horrific tragedies you could imagine in spite of the BHO and democratic controlled senate. We are not a bunch of push overs or a small, non-influential group.

It just comes down to this. If you are open to the public for the business, "the public" includes cc'rs and other diverse groups that you may have a problem with and cannot deny service to. Also in keeping with the OP's initial premise, why do these signs even exist? Sure, some of them are applied by anti gun owners and management but I would imagine the vast majority are up because a lawyer said to put a gun buster up as a precaution against any legal action that might arise from an incident, however unlikely, involving firearms. Maybe a better way to pursue these ends would be to expressly exempt liability for any firearm incident regarding a cc'r. Then you are not forcing anyone to do anything. Rather you are freeing them up from a potential liability.

It is really a moot point with the recent change to OK SDA regarding CC on posted private property. Just CC and do your thing regardless of signs.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Yeah, we are a huge and influential group...that's why BHO was elected twice and the Dems control the Senate. Sarcasm off....LOL. It's not justification for discrimination but its reason you won't have a huge response to any call for action against shop owners. The vast majority of Americans, even Oklahomans couldn't care less about it.

But we are going around in circles....I just find it funny that some folks who demand respect for their right to carry want the government to intervene and infringe on the private property rights of others.

"Your rights end at the tip of my nose" is the quote that comes to mind. I don't like businesses that deny lawful carry, but I don't want the .gov to force my will upon them either. I'll find somewhere else to shop.

I agree that case law might be the better option...but it seems to me you would have to prove that the business owner was at least in part responsible for the criminal act itself, not just your lack of ability to respond to the criminal act.

The installed a sign and didn't install effective security. Does a store owner have to push an old lady down an escalator to be held liable for the injuries? Not in most places. All they have to do is install an escalator and wait for someone to fall.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Sure...but using the escalator analogy, they are liable no matter if there is a no gun sign or not. Where's the connection between a no guns sign and an increased chance of criminal act occurring?

Sure, banning guns might limit a customer's response to a criminal act, but does hanging a no guns sign outside a business increase the potential for customers to be exposed to the danger of criminal activity in the first place?


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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Be nice if they passed a law where places would HAVE to supply armed guards if they are going to deny me the right to carry my CCW in their place of business. I feel kinda naked without my filled holster.

Except I shoot in matches against the above mentioned "armed guards," and none of them place as high as I do in the rankings. :)

Carry concealed, and if you're asked to leave, just say "Oops, sorry," and leave.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Sure, banning guns might limit a customer's response to a criminal act, but does hanging a no guns sign outside a business increase the potential for customers to be exposed to the danger of criminal activity in the first place?

The answer would be a resounding and documentable yes. "gun free zones" are known to be more attractive targets for criminals and madmen. :(


Aug 18, 2012
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It seems to me that when a business advertises it is extending an invitation to a public that otherwise might not have entered said business. I view this invitation as a promise of an honest transaction in a reasonably safe environment. Given that is it safe to say that gun free zone signs actually attract criminals, I believe that businesses should be liable for injuries or deaths resulting from crimes perpetrated on their premises. If I respect their wishes and disarm and am killed as a result, then I have just died for their misguided politics and I think there should be a consequence for that.
If a business insists on gun prohibition signs, then I think the only way to avoid this liability would be to operate without any advertisement at all.
How's that for a utopian viewpoint?


Dec 10, 2008
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^^^who can sue mindset^^^ 'Murica

Would this translate to private homes?
If I'm visiting a friend and he prefers I lock my gun in my car, and there's a home invasion during dinner and I get shot, is he liable? Should he carry extra insurance?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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^^^who can sue mindset^^^ 'Murica

Would this translate to private homes?
If I'm visiting a friend and he prefers I lock my gun in my car, and there's a home invasion during dinner and I get shot, is he liable? Should he carry extra insurance?

It really depends. First, consider that you might be able to file on his homeowners policy regardless. Secoond, the payout (if any) might hinge on what steps he took to mitigate the likelihood of your injury. Did he lock the door behind you? Does he keep a firearm for home protection?

I certainly know this. I don't necessarily tell everyone I know that I carry (OSA notwithstanding). However, if a "friend" doesn't want me to carry in their home, I'm not entering that home under any circumstances. :)

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