Who takes Testosterone suppliments

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Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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This is a personal opinion, and I have no lab studies and bloodwork drawn up to substantiate any of this. My workouts are an abbreviated form of what they used to be; very quick and rudimentary. I'll do 50 deep knee bends, 10 dead hang chinups, and two sets of 5 on the bench press with 200 pounds. That's all - nothing else. It's not much but at least I stick with it. I am 55 years old and while my face has aged, I have the body of a high school football player. Nevertheless, in order to force myself to work out, I go online and look at MILF pictures. I'll Google something like "Lactating MILFS" and wallah! I suddenly have energy! My opinion is that if you have testicles, you can Google MILF pictures and produce testosterone. This gives me the impetus to bounce that 200 pounds off my chest with confidence.


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
LOL...you obviously didn't read my previous entries...what you just said is the equivalent of saying that if you do not like 0bamacare you are a racist...repeating something you heard with no facts to back it up. I will say again that T-injections do not generally affect the liver, and I assume you mean prostate cancer which is commonly caused by ESTROGEN that results from androgens converting over. BUT I RESPECTFULLY GET YOUR POINT...we all die sometime, but it is a little simplistic of a point when we do have some say so in our quality of life.

That's not entirely true...
Any 17A steroid like Tren metabolizes in the liver and can cause liver damage. Doesn't matter if take orally or IM.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
That's not entirely true...
Any 17A steroid like Tren metabolizes in the liver and can cause liver damage. Doesn't matter if take orally or IM.

"Generally" injectable (especially at a safe prescribed dose for someone with low-T and not an abusive dose) doesn't affect people when compared to something like oral steroids that must be immediately metabolized by the liver when absorbed through the digestive tract...and I did not mention IM, I said sub-Q :)

We both are right to some degree, it is just the odds that injectable will hurt is very low because it avoids the first-pass effect of hepatic metabolism while the odds that oral will hurt is very high...LUCKILY, most doctors in 2014 do not prescribe orals...transdermals, injectables, and sublinguals are all considered liver safe for the same reason above.

Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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Tell me a man can't produce his own testosterone if he tries. True, it can't last like with injections, but it can still get you under the bar. Used to be, we were told not to have sex before an event, to save that up, and get better lifts. We were told T-Bone steaks on barbell plates.


Aug 14, 2012
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Honestly, except for the never-ending hot flashes/cold chills it's not been all that bad ... the lack of sleep is the worst ... Poor GC ... Rumor has it I've been "testy" ... :P I will say I thought the doc was gonna have to give me an antidepressant when she told me this could go on for 10 years ... :shocked: No wonder women "of age" are grumpy ... :rotflmao:

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I experienced a lot of the same symptoms. Hot flashes ect. Worst for me was the emotions. I'd get ugly then almost cry. I didn't know wtf was happening. Right now I'm feeling great but jeez I can't sleep. Go to bed at 3 or 4am, up at 7. Evrryday.

My wife says welcome to her world.......


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
We both are right to some degree, it is just the odds that injectable will hurt is very low because it avoids the first-pass effect of hepatic metabolism while the odds that oral will hurt is very high...LUCKILY, most doctors in 2014 do not prescribe orals...transdermals, injectables, and sublinguals are all considered liver safe for the same reason above.

Oh I hate oral steroids, I think you'd have to be an idiot to take them. Especially when injectible is safer and works 10x better. As far as oral vs injectable, with things like Winstrol. Iirc it's like 25 pills to equal 1 injection.
Not to mention sides on orals are way worse!
It's some thing I've never understood about guys taking pro hormones. Ya sure you can buy them at GNC or DSN, good ones are only on the market for a little while before banned. But you'll spend $85 on a month month supply of pills, to get minimal gains and nasty sides. Not to mention you still need to take all the same precautions and PCTs with them. All so guys can say.....
I don't take steroids!
Might at well take a real steroid lol


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Tell me a man can't produce his own testosterone if he tries. True, it can't last like with injections, but it can still get you under the bar. Used to be, we were told not to have sex before an event, to save that up, and get better lifts. We were told T-Bone steaks on barbell plates.

Oh I hate oral steroids, I think you'd have to be an idiot to take them. Especially when injectible is safer and works 10x better. As far as oral vs injectable, with things like Winstrol. Iirc it's like 25 pills to equal 1 injection.
Not to mention sides on orals are way worse!
It's some thing I've never understood about guys taking pro hormones. Ya sure you can buy them at GNC or DSN, good ones are only on the market for a little while before banned. But you'll spend $85 on a month month supply of pills, to get minimal gains and nasty sides. Not to mention you still need to take all the same precautions and PCTs with them. All so guys can say.....
I don't take steroids!
Might at well take a real steroid lol

Yes, lifting heavy weights, having sex, eating meat, and running wind sprints (anything explosive) is a good way to raise HGH levels and most likely increases T as well...but if your nuts stop working, and it is genetic, then at some point you may need to do HRT...every man is different.

As for DHEA, Pregnenelone, androstenedione, etc, and those things you refer to as pro-hormones... increasing testosterone also increases estrogen...you have to manage it and not make guesses...there are many factors that affect how these things might affect a guy...age, body fat %, etc...

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