Only YOU Can Protect Net Neutrality

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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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Only YOU Can Protect Net Neutrality


We believe that a free and open Internet can bring about a better world. To keep the Internet free and open, we call on communities, industries and countries to recognize these principles. We believe that they will help to bring about more creativity, more innovation and more open societies.
- Preamble to The Declaration of Internet Freedom

As you may have seen from all the recent discussion around Net Neutrality, we find ourselves at a critical crossroads for the continued development of an open Internet. This Thursday, the FCC will be unveiling their “Open Internet” proposal. If we all want to protect universal access to the communications networks that we all depend on to connect with ideas, information, and each other, then we must stand up for our rights to connect and communicate. We must ensure that our representatives know how important the open Internet is, and that we demand nothing less that real Net Neutrality by having the FCC reclassify Internet Service Providers as Title II common carriers. What is a common carrier? A common carrier is a company “forced to offer service indiscriminately and on general terms.” Common carriers cannot engage in “individualized bargaining.” if we as society believe there should be basic and open access to certain entities -- telephone lines, trains, etc. -- then how can that NOT extend to the Internet?

If the Internet is important to you personally or professionally, please take some time to review the information below and consider joining reddit, large and small tech companies, venture capitalists, young entrepreneurs, musicians & artists, religious groups, teachers, parents, and everyday citizens and take a stand.

The reddit community has been working hard to protect Net Neutrality with advocacy groups, companies and concerned individuals, and we are seeing real results at the FCC and the government. Over last week, congressmen & even other FCC commissioners are asking the Chairman Tom Wheeler to not move ahead with the flawed “Open Internet” proposal. Now is the time for you to give voice to the great & open Internet. The rulemaking process can take upto a year so we need to be ready to protect Net Neutrality for the long haul.

It’s important to take action today and this week, but please know that protecting the Internet as we know it will be a constant and ongoing fight.
Take Action
(Today only) Tell Congress: Don’t Sign the Cable Industry Letter Against Real Net Neutrality

Outside the US? You can still participate in this International action asking concerned citizens to "Say No to the Internet Slow Lane"

Call FCC - *please be courteous
1. Dial 888-225-5322
2. push 1, 4, 0
3. a person will answer.
4. they will ask for your name and address. you can just give them a zip code if you want.
5. "I'm calling to ask the FCC to reclassify Internet Service Providers as Title Two Common Carriers."
6. They'll ask if there is anything else you would like to add.
7. "No, Thank you for your time."
8. hang up.

Call Congress
Go to OpenCongress & type in your zipcode.
Pick up the phone and call each of the these folks. Believe it or not, someone will answer the phone, and phone calls make a difference.
Politely tell the congressional staff that picks up to "Have the FCC classify internet as a Title Two common carrier." Ask them to repeat what they wrote down.

You can also contact FCC & Congress at

Spread the word: Have a friend or family member that doesn't understand net neutrality?
Have them watch this informational video video: 11min; 4min; 2min; read this, or just look at this picture.

Join the May15th Day of Action to Save the Internet
Sign-up to join the rally Thursday morning at the FCC in DC
Sign the NoSlowLane petition
If your representatives who have signed on to the CPC letter supporting Net Neutrality, make sure to call and thank them.
If your senators have published a letter to the FCC supporting Net Neutrality, make sure to call and thank them.
Call the White House and make sure they know you support Net Neutrality
Show the world what the FCC's "slow lane" looks like and add the #StopTheSlowLane code to your site
Write a Letter to the Editor for your local paper
Join or support the protest outside the FCC in Washington, DC
Share your voice on Twitter. Suggested tweets:
We support #NetNeutrality and call on the @FCC to ensure companies large and small have equal access to the Internet
#NetNeutrality and an Open Internet is essential to maintaining a level playing-field for innovation. We call on the @FCC to protect it
What is Network Neutrality? A Quick Non-Technical Explanation
How the FCC Makes Its Rules
Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know
Big Cable says broadband investment is flourishing, but their own data says it's falling
Why the tweaks to Chairman Wheeler's proposal reported last night just aren't good enough: Evaluating the FCC Chairman’s Revised Net Neutrality Proposal
3 Ways the FCC Chairman is Reversing the 2010 Rules
Why the new FCC Proposal on Net Neutrality is Disasterous for Startups, Consumers, and the Economy
Net Neutrality Legal Binary. Explaining "Title II" vs Everything Else

Thank you to the reddit community and to all the groups, companies and individuals who have been working so hard to fight for Net Neutrality. Together we can protect Net Neutrality.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
please call your senator/congressman and request: "I'm calling to ask the FCC to reclassify Internet Service Providers as Title Two Common Carriers."

Senators Representing Tulsa, Oklahoma

James M. Inhofe Republican Phone: 202-224-4721
36% User Approval
25 Sponsored Bills
Votes 91% with Party
Tom Coburn Republican Phone: 202-224-5754
41% User Approval
24 Sponsored Bills
Votes 89% with Party

Representatives Representing Your ZIP code

Jim Bridenstine Republican Phone: 202-225-2211
88% User Approval
7 Sponsored Bills
Votes 93% with Party

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
would someone explain to me why substituting the control of ISP's over data with the control of the FCC is somehow better?
This is a serious question. I see the pros and cons to "net neutrality" but I am having an issue with believing more government involvement is better.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
My sister's organization, FreePress.NET (not .org, different group) has been one of the leaders in this fight for many years...I disagree with my extremely progressive sibling on many fronts but I think she/they are right about this one.

Check it out and give if you care to:


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
would someone explain to me why substituting the control of ISP's over data with the control of the FCC is somehow better?
This is a serious question. I see the pros and cons to "net neutrality" but I am having an issue with believing more government involvement is better.

How do you feel about the guy that the corporation commission sends out to test all the gasoline pumps periodically to make sure the gas station isn't selling you 87 octane gasoline labeled as 93 octane gasoline?

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
How do you feel about the guy that the corporation commission sends out to test all the gasoline pumps periodically to make sure the gas station isn't selling you 87 octane gasoline labeled as 93 octane gasoline?

Dont care. Im green and only drive vehicles that run on unicorn farts and the tears of babies.

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