American Sniper

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
How you inferred any thoughts I have about snipers from my post is a mystery. As I damn sure didn't imply any, and I god damn sure didn't imply I think they are cowards. I do not.
Chris Kyle claimed to have 160 confirmed kills and about that many more unconfirmed kills. As for the confirmed kills, the Pentagon has released his service records, but they have never listed his kills, confirmed or not.
He also claimed that he killed 30 looters from the roof of the Superdome in New Orleans. Total lie. He claimed he punched Jesse Ventura. Total lie that cost his estate over a million dollar judgement. He lied about killing two carjackers. Chris Kyle's biggest admirer was Chris Kyle.
He very well may have been the hero he so desperately wanted everyone to believe he was. But he was a flawed man that for some reason felt he needed to lie to make his legend even bigger than it really was.

Just quoting you on your post about the "confirmed kills" Note the bolded part.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
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McClain County
Just quoting you on your post about the "confirmed kills" Note the bolded part.

While I rarely agree with Ace, he makes a good point. To be fair, his point is pretty much identical to the one made in these articles.

Was the guy a badass? Yep. You can't make it into his career field without being something of a badass. Did he lie to enhance his badass image? Yeah, he did. Personally, I think the man was a hero that got caught up in the bright lights and fell victim to the same "fame sickness" that countless other celebrities have succumbed to. He was a hero to be sure, but also very flawed/human.

Did he have a ton of confirmed kills? Most likely. Did he have as many as he claimed? We may not know for a while. As has been pointed out, his records haven't been released. As has also been pointed out, confirmed kills require a witness. As of now, the only witness that has been produced is Kyle himself. While it pains me to speak ill of the dead (especially when one of them has given so much), Kyle wasn't always the most reliable witness about his accomplishments in life.

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Jan 24, 2013
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Just quoting you on your post about the "confirmed kills" Note the bolded part.

Yet you somehow turned me saying, "Chris Kyle claimed to have 160 confirmed kills and about that many more unconfirmed kills. As for the confirmed kills, the Pentagon has released his service records, but they have never listed his kills, confirmed or not." into me claiming he has no kills. While it's clear to do not like me, saying that you assume I think snipers are cowards or that Chris Kyle had zero kills is asinine and, quite frankly, dishonest. No one with an above room temp IQ could extrapolate what I wrote into your assumptions without being a flat out liar.

I have been called everything but a gentleman on this board. And that is not only okay, it's exactly what I expected. For the most part I have not responded in kind. Childish name calling is unproductive and says more about the name caller than anything else. But to say I think snipers are cowards, based on comments I made about a single person, and that in no way implied anything about his courage, is a personal affront. If you have any decency you would apologize. I won't hold my breath.


Duck of Death
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Jun 28, 2008
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N36º11.90´ W95º53.29´
Does the average grunt, jarhead or SEAL keep a body count? Probably not. So who gives a rats ass how many CK shot, confirmed or otherwise? He's there to do a job and do it to the best of his ability. Body count shouldn't matter much.


Jun 7, 2013
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So are we talking about the movie, or are we talking about Kyle as a person?

Every hero has flaws - every PERSON has flaws. I'm not going to let a kill-count, or some stupid story about a bar fight taint my image of this man. 4 tours in the sandbox, SEAL, sniper with a bunch of kills, Veteran and supporter of Veterans.


Jan 24, 2013
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So are we talking about the movie, or are we talking about Kyle as a person?

Every hero has flaws - every PERSON has flaws. I'm not going to let a kill-count, or some stupid story about a bar fight taint my image of this man. 4 tours in the sandbox, SEAL, sniper with a bunch of kills, Veteran and supporter of Veterans.

If you wish to remain willfully ignorant of "stupid story about a bar fight" that's your right. Just a quick note: The bar fight never happened and he claimed that a fellow veteran said that the SEAL's deserved to "lose a few". The fellow veteran never said such a thing. But, you know, whatever.

Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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If you wish to remain willfully ignorant of "stupid story about a bar fight" that's your right. Just a quick note: The bar fight never happened and he claimed that a fellow veteran said that the SEAL's deserved to "lose a few". The fellow veteran never said such a thing. But, you know, whatever.

Uncle Leon used to say, "It won't matter in a hundred years."


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
If you wish to remain willfully ignorant of "stupid story about a bar fight" that's your right. Just a quick note: The bar fight never happened and he claimed that a fellow veteran said that the SEAL's deserved to "lose a few". The fellow veteran never said such a thing. But, you know, whatever.

A jury decided the same based on the evidence...Kyle later expressed remorse for saying it but never admitted it was not true before he died...Obviously I personally don't know the truth but I do question it. As for the story, Kyle just like any man who served is very brave for being willing to die for his country. But dying for the country and dying in defense of the country are different things. Many of our wars are white-haired, wealthy men in suits and ties who never served themselves deciding to use guys who make 20k per year as cannon fodder. It is very sad...While Saddam was in power, women could drive and go to college, Christians and Muslims could worship freely, terrorism was almost unheard of, they had good hospitals, schools, clean water, etc...Saddam, as bad as he was represented stability in the region. Politicians sent our men in to die like rats and wasted a Trillion dollars of your children's future for NOTHING except to forward the cause of radical Islam...look at the end result people...over a million total people died in that war and all it did was orphan a bunch of American children, increase our National debt, and HELP muslim extremists...0bama has some responsibility in the final outcome but Conservatives need to admit that is was a terrible mistake. We've been removing all these dictators like Kaddafi, (Assad is next) who are themselves at war with radical Islam and provide stability in the region. White-haired men in suits have used the American worker's tax money to essentially help people who want us dead...WAKE UP SHEEP! Kyle was probably a patriot for being willing to risk his life when called upon...but there is no honor in the reason and results of us being there...that is my opinion and I'm sad for the damage to our nation as a result. Most of the people who praised that war also hate muslims anyway so then why claim you want to help muslims be "free" from Saddam...hundreds of thousands of Christians and millions of muslims have died now since Saddam was removed. Think about it while you wave the flag after seeing the movie...Anyone born after about 1988 hasn't ever seen real America...we need to get back to it!


Jun 7, 2013
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If you wish to remain willfully ignorant of "stupid story about a bar fight" that's your right. Just a quick note: The bar fight never happened and he claimed that a fellow veteran said that the SEAL's deserved to "lose a few". The fellow veteran never said such a thing. But, you know, whatever.

I'm not ignorant of anything. I'm well aware of the story and the back-story, and the lawsuit and who won it.

mountains out of mole hills. Kyle isn't the last guy to make a story up or imbellish a story for a book. ventura isn't the last person that's going to sue for defamation.


Jun 7, 2013
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A jury decided the same based on the evidence...Kyle later expressed remorse for saying it but never admitted it was not true before he died...Obviously I personally don't know the truth but I do question it. As for the story, Kyle just like any man who served is very brave for being willing to die for his country. But dying for the country and dying in defense of the country are different things. Many of our wars are white-haired, wealthy men in suits and ties who never served themselves deciding to use guys who make 20k per year as cannon fodder. It is very sad...While Saddam was in power, women could drive and go to college, Christians and Muslims could worship freely, terrorism was almost unheard of, they had good hospitals, schools, clean water, etc...Saddam, as bad as he was represented stability in the region. Politicians sent our men in to die like rats and wasted a Trillion dollars of your children's future for NOTHING except to forward the cause of radical Islam...look at the end result people...over a million total people died in that war and all it did was orphan a bunch of American children, increase our National debt, and HELP muslim extremists...0bama has some responsibility in the final outcome but Conservatives need to admit that is was a terrible mistake. We've been removing all these dictators like Kaddafi, (Assad is next) who are themselves at war with radical Islam and provide stability in the region. White-haired men in suits have used the American worker's tax money to essentially help people who want us dead...WAKE UP SHEEP! Kyle was probably a patriot for being willing to risk his life when called upon...but there is no honor in the reason and results of us being there...that is my opinion and I'm sad for the damage to our nation as a result. Most of the people who praised that war also hate muslims anyway so then why claim you want to help muslims be "free" from Saddam...hundreds of thousands of Christians and millions of muslims have died now since Saddam was removed. Think about it while you wave the flag after seeing the movie...Anyone born after about 1988 hasn't ever seen real America...we need to get back to it!

What do you mean by "real" America?

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