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Special Hen
Sep 23, 2013
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Religion makes a lot of people avoid reality or make irrational excuses.

Ask him what stars are and then ask him how they could fall to earth as described in Revelation 6:13.

Or that the earth is flat and held up by pillars? The moon emits light?

Uneducated men that wrote this.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Looking at cancer and a ton of other horrible diseases..... your "god" is a cruel one.

If God were only a powerful person you would be absolutely correct.

The following essay deals with your point about suffering. My hope is that you will read and consider the points in it. And that you will not simply "cherry pick" it for material to be quoted here out of context as proof of the cruelty of God. A compassionate God has created a universe in which suffering was a possibility (or inevitability depending on whether you are taking the human or Divine point of view) but one in which His love will overcome.


Jan 19, 2007
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Or that the earth is flat and held up by pillars? The moon emits light?

Uneducated men that wrote this.

Or an uneducated god.

But back to the stars... I always think of that when I hear Christians utter that we're approaching the end... I'm like, "Bro, do you even know how far the closest star is? And how long it's going to take to get here? Even travelling at 35,000 MPH it would take 81,000 years to get here... LOL we're not living in the end times, bro! Have a drink!"


Special Hen
Sep 19, 2014
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The Church doesn't define who gets forgiven and who doesn't, or that some sins are forgivable and others weren't. All people can be forgiven for all sins - if you truly are repentant for them. You're not reading what I actually wrote obviously. I said there were varying seriousness of sins so to speak. All sins are offensive to God, but some are more serious than others and have different punishments. If you die with a mortal sin on your soul, you go to Hell. If you confess that mortal sin before you die (true confession...not a "rinse, wash, repeat" confession The German was talking about), you will have it washed clean and you can enter Heaven. You still need to do penance for that sin though, in this life or in the next (Purgatory), before entering Heaven. If you commit a venial sin, you aren't condemned to Hell, but you still have to do penance in this life or in the next.

Where does the Bible say that the Bible is the only source of theological knowledge? Prove to me "solo scriptura" using Scripture alone.

And for the tenth time...I don't believe the "church" at the Vatican is the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church taught "A" for 1900 years, and the "Novus Ordo" church teaches "B". Same as Methodists teaching "X" and Baptists teaching "Y".

Finally, tell me what makes you more qualified to interpret the Bible than a Bishop or Cardinal with decades of theological experience and knowledge?

We know based off of scripture that there are varying degrees of sin because Jesus himself said it. We don't however know what those sins are. Unrepentant sin is all the same. Whether I cheat on my wife or murder 100 people, if I don't repent I'm not going to heaven. Jesus grace covers all sins tho. If I repent for any sin we know that we are forgiven because of the work Christ did for us on the cross. The whole mortal/venial sin is not biblical.

The bible is Gods written word. Jesus, nor the disciples mentioned any sort of purgatory. When referencing the after life there was only two option, heaven or hell. If purgatory existed they would've mentioned it. Nor is it mentioned anywhere else in the bible. The idea comes from the Apocrapha, which neither Jesus or his disciples ever referenced.

I can't compare my ability to interpret scripture versus a person I have never met. There are some very Godly men in the Catholic Church. When you start believing everything a man tells you, you are in deep trouble. That's what happens with the Catholic Church. The pope says it and people follow and believe it. We all have a brain and the ability to read. Very few Catholics have read the bible in its entirety. The Catholic Church literally teaches that you can read the bible but your individual mind cannot argue the practices of the Church are wrong. It's quite obvious why they do that, because the bible does contradict many of their teachings. Most Catholics will never realize the trap the "church" creates.

I don't think the Catholic Church teaches a lot of false doctrines from the top. I've been impressed by the humbleness of Pope Francis. He's moving it in the right direction. But somewhere along the way from the Vatican to the local parishes, things get very messed up. It's not a culture that invites the homeless and unbelievers. I'm speaking from 20 years of experience and attending 20+ parishes here in Oklahoma. Both sides of my family are heavily Catholic and have both shunned me essentially for not being Catholic anymore. I've shared my experiences with many other former Catholics and their stories all closely resemble mine. They were always looked down upon by members of the church once they left.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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If God were only a powerful person you would be absolutely correct.

The following essay deals with your point about suffering. My hope is that you will read and consider the points in it. And that you will not simply "cherry pick" it for material to be quoted here out of context as proof of the cruelty of God. A compassionate God has created a universe in which suffering was a possibility (or inevitability depending on whether you are taking the human or Divine point of view) but one in which His love will overcome.

We've come full circle and it's just going to be the same rhetoric as before, and again, this kind of stuff works on the weak-minded. This just perpetuates what was previously said. This explanation is for those that can't fathom that if "god" truly is omnipotent, then it is quite possible for he/she to allow for complete bliss. If you argue otherwise, you argue against his omnipotence.


Nov 9, 2009
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The bible is Gods written word. Jesus, nor the disciples mentioned any sort of purgatory. When referencing the after life there was only two option, heaven or hell. If purgatory existed they would've mentioned it. Nor is it mentioned anywhere else in the bible.

Where did Jesus go for the three days between his Crucifixion and Resurrection? When the Roman soldiers rolled back the stone at His tomb, He was gone.

1 Peter 3:18-19 "Because Christ also died once for our sins, the just for the unjust: that he might offer us to God, being put to death indeed in the flesh, but enlivened in the spirit, In which also coming he preached to those spirits that were in prison."

He descended into some place that was neither Heaven nor Hell, to preach to those who died in grace prior to His death. The sin of Adam and Eve closed Heaven. The Sacrifice of Christ opened it back up. What about all those people who died in the middle time? They didn't deserve Hell, but Heaven was closed to them. They must have been in some third location, no? I'm not saying that location was Purgatory, but it proves there exists more than just Heaven or Hell.

I can't compare my ability to interpret scripture versus a person I have never met. There are some very Godly men in the Catholic Church. When you start believing everything a man tells you, you are in deep trouble. That's what happens with the Catholic Church. The pope says it and people follow and believe it. We all have a brain and the ability to read. Very few Catholics have read the bible in its entirety. The Catholic Church literally teaches that you can read the bible but your individual mind cannot argue the practices of the Church are wrong. It's quite obvious why they do that, because the bible does contradict many of their teachings. Most Catholics will never realize the trap the "church" creates.

The reason you are not encouraged to interpret the Bible on your own is because you get exactly what has happened. 1000 different interpretations, 999 of which are wrong. Catholics leave the interpretation for those who know the most.

Let's put it this way. Go pull out a college level organic chemistry textbook. Could I just open it to a random chapter and have you explain to me the intricacies of chemical bonds in a carbon compound? No - but you accept that there are people that exist who could do that.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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For my fellow heathens in this thread..... language warning for the sensitive.

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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We've come full circle and it's just going to be the same rhetoric as before, and again, this kind of stuff works on the weak-minded. This just perpetuates what was previously said. This explanation is for those that can't fathom that if "god" truly is omnipotent, then it is quite possible for he/she to allow for complete bliss. If you argue otherwise, you argue against his omnipotence.

Is it possible to believe in God and not be weak-minded?

What exactly is weak-mindedness? Is it a matter of low intelligence or some form of immaturity or what?

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