Bumpstocks will not be down for breakfast

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Haha. Glad to see em gone
Will be nice to see those damned "military style" semi-automatic rifles and their "high capacity mags" gone, too.

Once again, we wring our hands, worrying about those "Democrats taking our guns", when our "MAGA" hero has done more damage to the 2A in just a few years than Obama did in eight. Why is it always the GOP that gives us the shaft? And why are we always worried about "the other side", when the enemy always turns out to be the ones WE vote in?


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Shall not be infringed if you look like tactical timmy?
Or if you’re black, or white,
or if you’re democrat, or republican,
Or if you’re poor? What will it be next?
They’ve already decided that veterens are risks and should have their guns taken away.
I don’t remember seeing written anywhere, these exceptions to infringements.

You also will not see a definiation of what "infringed" means, so that is left to be defined by the courts. We may feel that banning bump stocks in an infringement does not mean that society as a whole agrees. We live in a community of many opinions and we must do a better job of presenting our beliefs to that community.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Will be nice to see those damned "military style" semi-automatic rifles and their "high capacity mags" gone, too.

Once again, we wring our hands, worrying about those "Democrats taking our guns", when our "MAGA" hero has done more damage to the 2A in just a few years than Obama did in eight. Why is it always the GOP that gives us the shaft? And why are we always worried about "the other side", when the enemy always turns out to be the ones WE vote in?

Tell me, was it the GOP that passed Clinton's assault weapon ban? If it wasn't, kindly refrain from such "general" statements.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Tell me, was it the GOP that passed Clinton's assault weapon ban? If it wasn't, kindly refrain from such "general" statements.
True - but at least there was a "sunset" in his. Reagan's is forever. How about old man Bush's '89 ban? Donnie "take the guns first, go through due process second" Trump's bumpstock ban now? How about his stand on "red flag" laws? Both sides are complicit, but the GOP's record inspires little confidence.

Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
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Guys I hate to tell you they are all corrupt and only care about self preservation. The show they put on is to keep us busy arguing with each other while they do whatever they like. They are like magicians its all slight of hand and illusions and we miss whats really going on.

I do agree with the timmy tactical statement. We aren't going to get younger generations to embrace our constitutional rights if we let the libs define us. The so called Gun Culture that has been around since the 80s doesn't help us. Screaming from the rooftops the liberals are coming will not help us in our fight. We need to have rational arguments and be able to explain why our forefathers made sure we had these rights. Our own ignorance will be used against us.

Its very similar to trying to win someone to the Christian faith by beating them over the head with a bible. When its all over they will just leave with a headache, still a non believer. With a high probability they will be less inclined to listen to the next person that attempts to witness to them. Guys you only get one first impression.

I am a 100% shall not be infringed person. I also know that starting a conversation with that can be a little to strong for a lot of people. They need us to help lead them down the path. Not throw them off the cliff when they get close enough to grab.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 1, 2007
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Tulsa Oklahoma
With all do respect, I use to think the Republican Party was the savior of the second amendment but over the years that’s not been the case. Sure Johnson gave us the gun control act of 1968 and the sporting purpose clause, but Bush senior sealed the fate of semi auto assault weapon look alike imports using the sporting good clause and the influence of Bill Bennett. Granted Clinton gave us the first Federal Assualt Weapon ban that did have a 10 year sun set clause but Clinton had the support of 38 Republicans in the house. I found it odd that 77 house democrats voted against that ban. It passed
Now we have Trump and his influence as president to steer the DOJ into redefining a 1934 gun control act to include a device that increases the rate of fire of a semi automatic rifle but still does not violate any part of that law to render that device a conversion part to manufacture a machine gun. Obama would have loved to get away with what trump did but he knew legally he could not do it that way. He knew the house was the only entity that could draft that bill and create the law legally to rid the public of the bump stock. So, the next step will be easy now that this precedent has been set. The clause “readily convertible “ can now easily be interpreted to include any semi automatic firearm. A lot of anti gun politicians see this and are waiting their turn in line....
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