Mask's for Coronavirus

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Are you serious?
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Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
My statements are relative, one is better at containment than the other. This doesn't mean that I believe that a homemade mask contains a sneeze by any stretch, just that's its better than sneezing into your elbow. Watched that spray too many times. In the same sense, the elbow is better than nothing I'm sure.

All depends on how well that homemade mask is made and worn I guess . . . plus, it depends on how good of an elbow sneeze catcher you are too.


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Aug 19, 2010
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Sorry, don't see it with the elbow, but hey, all these doctors and health officials probably don't know what they are talking about.

So your logic is that because someone wouldn't use something properly, or take proper care, then it shouldn't be used on a wide scale ? Interesting. Now do firearms.

I think people wearing home made masks is a feel good measure that does very little if any good, and may be worse than none, for the reasons I stated above.
Kind of like gun control; we have to do something and this makes us feel good.

A local news channel says it's like a badge of solidarity, we're all in this together. That sort of implies that if you don't wear one you're not with us.

At first they said don't wear masks, then they changed their mind, so now it's the obvious and absolutely right thing to do? Really?
You can find experts on both sides of the issue.


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Jun 13, 2005
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I'm making a relative statement, I don't think they are a whole lot of protection, but better than my elbow LOL. Again, I've seen that spray way too many times. Someone can play the "what if" game all day long for sure.

I've noticed a trend over the years on this board, if someone came out talking about how good oxygen is for you and that you should breathe it. Some of you would have your mouth over your car tail pipe, talking about "MuH RIGhTs!!".... some would deny the science of oxygen..... and some would label the whole thing a conspiracy theory.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
At first they said don't wear masks, then they changed their mind, so now it's the obvious and absolutely right thing to do? Really?
You can find experts on both sides of the issue.

of course you can, but that doesn't mean that there are valid points on both sides.

And, as to the 'first they said...', we've added a lot of data points so it seems normal that information would evolve. Plus, they might have realized they can't account for stupid and the folks who don't feel social distancing applies to them, or that it's a hoax, etc.

Or perhaps it's to help account for the folks who can't help but touch their face all the time. Or who want to hold their glove in their mouth while playing on their phone in the checkout line.

As has been said, it's as much about stopping the wearer from spreading as it is other people from breathing it in.


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Aug 19, 2010
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of course you can, but that doesn't mean that there are valid points on both sides.

And, as to the 'first they said...', we've added a lot of data points so it seems normal that information would evolve. Plus, they might have realized they can't account for stupid and the folks who don't feel social distancing applies to them, or that it's a hoax, etc.

Or perhaps it's to help account for the folks who can't help but touch their face all the time. Or who want to hold their glove in their mouth while playing on their phone in the checkout line.

As has been said, it's as much about stopping the wearer from spreading as it is other people from breathing it in.

I get all that, and agree with your points.
I'm not saying no one should wear a mask, or that it absolutely doesn't do any good.
I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to me, so for now I'm not wearing one. I tried for about 10 minutes and it just didn't work for me.

My wife works in a lab in a local hospital and last week they changed their policy so that everyone in the lab had to wear a mask, and wear the same mask for a WEEK!
It didn't take a couple of days before they were sick of dealing with the masks, which get pretty gross after a WEEK, and they decided it's all for show, and it's making their jobs harder and possibly more dangerous.

There's so much variance in how people handle a mask and social distancing that there's not going to be a method that is best for all people all the time.


Special Hen
Sep 25, 2007
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I get all that, and agree with your points.
I'm not saying no one should wear a mask, or that it absolutely doesn't do any good.
I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to me, so for now I'm not wearing one. I tried for about 10 minutes and it just didn't work for me.

My wife works in a lab in a local hospital and last week they changed their policy so that everyone in the lab had to wear a mask, and wear the same mask for a WEEK!
It didn't take a couple of days before they were sick of dealing with the masks, which get pretty gross after a WEEK, and they decided it's all for show, and it's making their jobs harder and possibly more dangerous.

There's so much variance in how people handle a mask and social distancing that there's not going to be a method that is best for all people all the time.
Why would they MAKE her wear the same mask for a week? Do they allow homemade masks? Some homemade masks can be almost as good as a n95 mask if made correctly and are cheap. It depends on the material used and any added filtering, like a blue shop towel or HEPA vacuum bag filter cut and placed in a slot in the filter. There are tons of videos on how to do it any many links to labs that have tested various types of masks including homemade. But I do agree a lot of people don't properly wear or care for their mask when they wear it. But you can't cure stupid.
The main reason they want masks to be worn is you can be asymptomatic and still have the virus. You think you are perfectly healthy but are spreading the virus. Why would you want to be a Typhoid Mary?

"They discovered that by adding two blue shop towels and using a design that produces a tighter-fitting mask, they could make a mask that could block up to 95% of the particles they could test, while the cotton masks blocked 20% to 60% of the particles."


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Aug 19, 2010
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Why would they MAKE her wear the same mask for a week?
The main reason they want masks to be worn is you can be asymptomatic and still have the virus. You think you are perfectly healthy but are spreading the virus. Why would you want to be a Typhoid Mary?

You'd have to ask the hospital administrators about that.

What if it turns out your risk of spreading the virus is greater when wearing a mask? Touching your face more, and all the other things I posted earlier. I'm pretty sure that's the case for SOME people.

This is real life folks, one size doesn't fit all.


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Aug 19, 2010
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And just for fun, from the state website:
Should I Wear A Facemask?
  • If you are sick: You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) or pets and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office.
  • If you are caring for others: If the person who is sick is not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then people who live with the person who is sick should not stay in the same room with them, or they should wear a facemask if they enter a room with the person who is sick.
....If you have a medical emergency and need to call 911, notify the dispatch personnel that you may have been exposed to COVID-19. If possible, put on a face mask before emergency medical services arrive or immediately after they arrive.

I couldn't find that Oklahoma is recommending masks for the general public, must just be the CDC.


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Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county
I have fallen on the side of wearing a mask. So since the patriarch has spoken my grandkids are wearing them too. Say what you want about kids being able to
fend the virus off better than anyone I don't want one of mine bucking that trend and end up being a statistic.
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