Our state government.

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Great State government, or greatest

  • Great (I effing hate these guys)

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • Greatest (Maybe we need a better constitiution)

    Votes: 9 27.3%

  • Total voters


Special Hen
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
Bureaucracies ruin it all. Look at teachers. I dont think you can find me one person, who knows what they are talking about, that think teachers dont deserve more pay. Hell, if it costs 100/week for daycare and a teacher has 28 students,... doesnt that come out to about 2800/week? Now thats going a little extreme, but the reason they are so underpaid is the positions above them. District/State Superintendents, board, et al. This happens across state gov't. They always start trimming fat fromt he bottom when it needs to start at the top.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I have to say that this kind of attitude just disgusts me. To make such a blanket statement about a group of people you don't know is ludicrous. I served in the State Legislature for 10 years. I am not a shyster. I am not a crook. I am as honest as the day is long. Not once did I ever benefit one cent because of my service in the State Legislature. I served with lots of very good people who were honest and did their best to represent their constituents to the best of their ability.

Yes, there are always some who find their way to the Legislature that are not of the highest character. I served with some of those as well. There are scumbags in every facet of society and in every profession. There are law enforcement officers that are crooks and law breakers, but they are a very small part of that population. There are scum bag teachers, but they represent the minority, not the majority. And, you can say the same for every profession. I can honestly say that I have been cheated most by those who proclaim to be such good Christians. But, saying that doesn't make all of them scumbags.

Your remark here and others like you simply brand you as someone who is uninformed and without a single clue regarding reality.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I hope you have a hard shell, and stay on here to defend some of the accusations I see levied on the electected officials, from those that haven't been there.

JB has done a great job of taking some fire, but coming back with some reality to counter some of the fire......I will say he is leaning a lot more in our direction since he first got on the forum:D:D:D:D

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Dennis, I've always been leaning in the "right" direction, I just have no patience for hypocrites. We have guys here who claim to be good Christians, who view themselves as the modern day incarnation of John Wayne's Americans, yet these same people want to place land mines and snipers on the border without regard to who is killed or maimed. They wheedle and whine about their 2nd Amendment rights, yet the willingly elect people to the State legislature who are trying to strip them of their right to a day in Court. They are "rugged individualists," yet they lap up the Big Business Kool-Aid like dogs dying of thirst. Didn't take very long for the new crop of Tea Party darlings to fall lock step in to the march of the State Chamber of Commerce. So much for "taking our country baaaaaack...."


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
United States
Just a guess, but didn't we vote them in? Good grief, nothing more to complain about? You should be thankful you at least have homes and jobs. I came from Michigan and believe me when I say; we are very blessed to live here. The armpit that I came from is devastated by liberal social programs, drugs, prostitution, insanely high murder rate and corrupt politicians. OBTW, you also have to register your firearms there.... Just sayin!!


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't vote in the poll, but seeing the state budget doesn't seem to be much better than the Feds. I hear the media report about state agency budget cuts in terms of percentages. Instead of that method, I'd like to see some outside, non-gvt accountants go in and audit the various agency budgets, item by item and see where $$ is being wasted and then cut accordingly. That would be much better than looking for sneaky ways to raise revenue via licensing fees and such.
As for politics and politicians: Politics: Poly<many> Tics<bloodsucking creatures>

You can say that again.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I hope you have a hard shell, and stay on here to defend some of the accusations I see levied on the electected officials, from those that haven't been there.

JB has done a great job of taking some fire, but coming back with some reality to counter some of the fire......I will say he is leaning a lot more in our direction since he first got on the forum:D:D:D:D

I hope he stays on too ... If my boob fell outta my bra everytime somebody posted something about JBTs I'd be in real trouble. Like I said, I didn't take offense to his post, but my post was speaking from personal experience ... which in the end is all any of us have. That and "book reading".

I'll be the first to admit that it is highly unlikely that he will change my opinion about politicians ... but it is possible ... I am not TOTALLY unreasonable and have been known to admit to falling victim to faulty reasoning from time to time.

I mean, really, there was a day when I looked at every JBT I saw with disgust and distain ... NOW look at the mess I am in ... ;)

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