Anti-Barking "Birdhouse" ... 🤔

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Yes, "aNUTHER" neighbors dog won't stop barking thread ... 🥴

So yep. Little MissYappy piece of ****'s playground is right outside our bedroom window. Big, honking GSD to the north that stays chained up to a big ass, old growth maple tree, in a big backyard. 🤬🤬🤬 But he is at least on the other side of the yard from my bedroom.

First off, let me start by saying I do NOT blame these dogs for the situation we all find ourselves in. On the contrary -- the blame goes SQUARELY on the idiot owners who see their dogs as 1. their "baby". You know -- "pet parents." The people who not only don't understand dog behavior and how to work with their pets to produce happy, well-adjusted, POLITE animal companions, but also DO NOT WANT to understand because ... It's their "BABY" ... 🙄🙄🙄 and 2. the exact opposite. Their pet is simply a possession to show off when they want and then slap back on a chain and toss it back into the yard when they are done, leaving the poor animal insanely frustrated.

However, NONE of any of this changes the fact that I have almost constant barking going on on both sides of my property anywhere from 5 to 6 in the morning to 11 to midnight, and occasionally even later into the early morning hours EVERY DAMNED DAY. All this has just been made worse by the fact that my windows are open because of all the construction going on in the house. (We are almost done! Thank you!! I can hardly wait ...) Anyway, it is like that little yappy thing is in my bedroom with me -- because ... Well ... SHE IS! 🤬🤬🤬

OK ... I've had all I can stand -- both figuratively and literally so off I go to Amazon. Last time I looked into these little ultrasonic things they were $100 each (granted that was a LONG time ago). I got 2 of them for $40 each. Thank you Amazon.

It took little Miss Yappy 2 barks ... A set of 2 right after I set up the birdhouse, and then another set of 2 little yaps a minute or two later, and she was done! 👀👀👀 OMG! 😱 I never in a hundred years thought I would get what can only be described as instantaneous results! Funniest thing about THAT whole deal?? Yeah, Mr. I Own Little MissYappy came outside to check on his damned dog BECAUSE SHE STOPPED BARKING!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 And when he couldn't figure it out he took her back inside with him..🤨 So ... All these years he let his little old lady yappy dogs carry on HE COULD HEAR THE LITTLE SHITS! 🤬🤬🤬 (He said they couldn't hear their dogs barking because the AC -- or the heater -- was running.🙄🙄)

The GSD is quite a bit smarter than MissYappy. He has tried barking in several different pitches. He's also tried growling in several different pitches too! 🤣🤣🤣 And he is sitting under his tree looking over here, trying to figure out just what it is that is making that crazy ass sound! 🤣🤣

I'm not lifting a finger today. I'm gonna sit in my backyard with a beer and MY dogs and enjoy the peace and quiet ... 🤭🤭🤭
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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Link to he birdhouse?

I got 2 different ones. One of them looks kinda like an Addams family house of you paint it all black. 😇 But they both work equally well. All you need is one 9-volt battery for each, and a sturdy place to sit it and aim it where you want to get the best results. It will work through a wood plank fence. Both of mine are on my side of the fence, a little lower than the fenceline but not down on the ground, though I'm pretty sure that would be fine.

Anti Bark Device for Dogs...

Anti Barking Device, Upgraded 4...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
My oldest corgi is a over sensative car alarm. She barks at EVERYTHING. You can walk in house with a cotton ball in your hand and she goes bat shiz crazy. When she barks, the others start in. My younger corgi has developed bad habits from her LOL


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Funniest thing about THAT whole deal?? Yeah, Mr. I Own Little MissYappy came outside to check on his damned dog BECAUSE SHE STOPPED BARKING!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 And when he couldn't figure it out he took her back inside with him..🤨 So ... All these years he let his little old lady yappy dogs carry on HE COULD HEAR THE LITTLE SHITS! 🤬🤬🤬 (He said they couldn't hear their dogs barking because the AC -- or the heater -- was running.🙄🙄)
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ Would have pissed me off to no end and have me plotting sweet revenge.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
Thanks for the link,,,
I'm ordering one on Monday.


I hope you are as pleased as I have been so far. MissYappy's "parents" have had dogs (as in multiple) the entire time they've lived here and NEVER EVER dealt with the barking. So after 26 years having a quiet backyard feels strange. But let me tell you, I could get used to this. 😁

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