Anyone With RLS?

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Feb 15, 2009
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I'm on PramIpexole 1 mg every night but I think I've either wore the medicine out of outgrown it because it stopped working. I've gone to a sleep specialist and told them I haven't had a restful sleep in months. He looks at my CPAP and says I sleep a min of 7 hours per night. But having the mask on is not necessarily sleeping. It's getting to where its unsafe to drive across town I'm so sleepy during the day.
My sleep doctor tells me I shouldn't have RLS using a CPAP. I told her they need to do a few more studies because they don't know what they are talking about.
Oct 27, 2012
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Are you on any anticholesterol meds? Mine created my cramps and RLS. I switched to Repatha injectables and greatly reduced the RLS and cramping. In case you are wondering, the calve cramping was debilitating and I even went to the ER twice to kill the pain. Heating pads and elevation usually helped but it took time and I was in such pain I had to wait at least 30 minutes to an hour for it to start working. I was in so much pain, I couldn't even get up to walk anywhere or the severe cramping would start all over.

A suggestion to keep you from hyperextending your knee again is wear a knee brace which restricts your flexion maximum.
I am on statins for elevated cholesterol and the suggestion or knee brace sounds good, I never thought of that!
I have an appointment to see the Sleep Specialist (probably a PA) tomorrow and I'll find out what they can do for me.
Mar 5, 2013
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If you have RLS you know what the initials stand for, Restless Leg syndrome. I have RLS and it creates problems in a sound and restful sleep. At times I will wake up violently kicking. I've been on Pramipexole (Mirapex) for over 20 years and it partially contained the RLS but of recent it doesn't work as well as it has in the past.
As a matter of fact, I had a partial knee implant last May of 2023 and was doing fairly well until I kicked a couple of weeks ago and sort of hyperextended the knee, displacing the implant and creating a lot of residual pain.
Now, I have to have a total knee implant and I'm concerned about destroying the new knee implant should I kick-which I will again.
So, what are you on for RLS? Does it work? I went to a RLS forum and someone said that the Pramipexole is the wrong medication for RLS and it is causing the kicking and I need to get off the medication very slowly. I do have an appointment with asleep specialist this month so I'll pose that question to them.
It i a literal pain to get older and have problems medically whereas before I didnt have any medical problems. So what are you on for RL and does it work?

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