AR open carry at Hafer park in Edmond

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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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Thanks for posting the video!

It's good to see that even OUPD didn't run hot to that call. I've never had any interactions with them. You blamed this Tim guy for Edmond PD going code 3 and responding with weapons drawn, escalating force and creating a dangerous situation on the roads and in the park. But OUPD and NPD, both well-trained agencies, clearly disagree that running hot to a simple "man with a gun" call is an appropriate response. OUPD even took the time to observe before making contact. So again, why do you blame the man peacefully walking in the park for Edmond PD's unnecessarily-dangerous response? Just because he did something most people disagree with does not mean he is responsible for how everyone else responds.

I give up. Most sensible people would agree this guy is just an attention whore and is a detriment to the general public considering gun owners as reasonable people. You’ve taken the position that this type of behavior serves some type of good. The more wannabe idiots like this we have wandering around because they “like the atmosphere” or “taking their AR for a walk” the more gun owners will be thought of as weirdos instead of normal people. If you think it’s fine for a guy to walk around with 2 handguns and an AR slung over his shoulder then good for you.

I bet this clown has had 0 training, couldn’t run 50 yards without having a heart attack and probably can’t hit the broad side of a barn with any of the 3 firearms he’s carrying. But hey, if it makes him feel more manly to walk thru a crowd of college kids all loaded up then so be it. It’s probably the only jollies he gets.

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Special Hen Administrator Moderator Supporter
Mar 15, 2009
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The video of him two days later at campus corner in Norman had similar results.
I watched it last night but can’t find it. If someone can copy it here, I’ll merge the threads of the OP is ok with it.


Let's Eat
Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
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I'm reading and rereading this conversation and keep coming to the same conclusion. This is the same argument used when taking gun rights away. There are those who say he shouldn't do it in the park, while it's legal, it's not safe. I've heard that for years. The democrats have been telling us that about our MSR and it's standard high capacity magazine. Let that sink in.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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What many of us are saying is this: It was not his carrying of an AR-15 pistol in public that is most troubling; it is his intention to push his social media stardom to the next level by posting his "audit" (again, moronic term used by morons that means nothing) of the police response on his YouTube channel. He could have sauntered down to the park with his AR pistol but without his frickin' camera--or could he? No, he could not. He is an attention whore, pure and simple. "Hey, YouTubers, look at me, I'm something special!". Clowns like that do more harm to the 2A cause than good.

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