Church Minister Throws fit.

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Our Pastor preaches for around 45 minutes to an hour and then I'm not ready for him to quit. He's the best Pastor I've ever known and not a bad preacher either.

I'm not sure how long our pastor preaches. I've never timed him. Have I ever been figgety? Sure. But most times I'm truly engaged. I've gotten some snide comments from folks who are disturbed that I don't thumb through my Bible to the verse cited everytime he quotes Scripture. I don't do it because it distracts me from what's being said. Besides, I doubt very seriously that he would go to the trouble to cite book, chapter and verse and then misquote it intentionally. I enjoy sermons that challenge me. Being the dullard I am, most of sermons give me plenty to ponder until the next service.


Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
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Given that this minister uses this style regularly, at least according to one of the above posts, I think a sado-machochistic relationship must exist between him and his loyal followers.

At first viewing, I thought he was just nuts, but it appears that this behavior is his stock in trade.

The congregation may be some modern version of Flagellants. Here's a Wike/quickie link in case you aren't familiar with this little piece of the history of religion:

The man can't hurt true christians. Their faith will sustain them. Who was it said "Judge not . . . ?"

Being about as religious as a gourd, I am comfortable with judging, as you can see above.

It is gratifying to see that some members have voted with their feet.


Special Hen
Jul 23, 2009
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I guess I'll be the odd man out here and you guys can throw rocks at me as well. You think you know a man after watching 4 minutes and 59 seconds of his life. Do you know what the message was about? Do you know what his church members are like? Do you know what kind of a person it was who would make this a public matter? I can't say I agree with his message, or how he delivered it because I can't get the full context of it from 4 minutes and 59 seconds, but I didn't see anyone standing up and walking out. Maybe he has too many foxes guarding the hen house, maybe he has too many people that just come to church to socialize, maybe he has too many people showing up late and disrupting praise and worship, maybe he believes the church is a house of God and people should be respectable about it. I can't tell you how many times I wish my pastors or ushers would say something to someone sitting/standing behind or in front of me who thinks what they have to say to the person sitting next to them is more important, or texting than giving their attention for an hour and a half to God, the creator of this universe, and Jesus Christ who is supposed to be the Savior of their souls. Again, I don't KNOW this man in the video, just giving another view point to those who think going to church is all about feeling good and if your pastor isn't telling you about how great you are, then he must be a bad man. I just hope pride never stands between me and taking a little bit of correction if or when I'm doing wrong. I can always be doing better. God chastises those whom he loves.

So flame away guys....

I have your back on this one, Street Rat. It sounds to me like he is a pastor that knows personally and cares about the members in his congregation. Going to church isn't always about what you want to hear, sometimes it's about what you need to hear. I would much rather someone call me out for doing things I shouldn't than to encourage me down the wrong path. This world needs more candor and less sugarcoating.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
A pastor/preacher/evangelist is supposed to nurture our relationship with God. He is not supposed to DICTATE it. I've heard plenty of fiery preachers, but I've not ever seen anything like that and would only witness it in person one single time. The way he talked to the engaged couple? :nolike:
He'd either take that paid for Buick down the road or I'd take my paid for Ford down the road. It would matter not to me which...


Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
I have your back on this one, Street Rat. It sounds to me like he is a pastor that knows personally and cares about the members in his congregation. Going to church isn't always about what you want to hear, sometimes it's about what you need to hear. I would much rather someone call me out for doing things I shouldn't than to encourage me down the wrong path. This world needs more candor and less sugarcoating.

When we are brutally frank, we are remembered not for our frankness, but for our brutality.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Our Pastor preaches for around 45 minutes to an hour and then I'm not ready for him to quit. He's the best Pastor I've ever known and not a bad preacher either.

Bad things happen when they drone on and on and on.

Acts 20:9

Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead.

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