Death and Burial

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Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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I've told my family I don't want anything special done - after the hospital has harvested any viable organs, just to toast my remains and at the next convenient intersection in the country, dump my ashes into the ditch. Quick, easy, and cheap. I'm gone, what does it matter?

Seems I remember my wife talking about some organization offering cremation for free if they could use your body for organs and/or medical research.

Cremation may be the cheap way but it's not for me. While I know that God can still put me back together, I don't want to make his job any harder then I already have..

Huh? I don't think He's going to ever put this body back together. That's the beauty of it, we get a new one.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
Im an organ donor, so after they figure out what parts they can actually still be able to use then Im off to the crematory as fast as they can get me there and I want to be roasted same day I died. I want no service. The wife or my kids or whoever is still around when I croak then can go get me from the crematory or wherever and carry me out in a coffee can for all I freaking care. Then I want my ashes dumped in the ground at the cemetary where our family plot is and where I already have a plot paid for. No service there either. Total costs shouldnt be that much and then my heirs can enjoy more of my assets.

Stan Upchurch

Aug 14, 2012
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Cremation can be done for as littli as $200.00. If you own your lots in the cemetary it can be done with embalming for about 5,000. But you'll have to pre-pay with the funeral home. I just went through this with my mom las month. There is only one free cemetary I know of in OKlahoma, and it is at the town of Little, north of Seminole about 5 miles. The only thing that is in town is a store and the cemetary.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
Found this topic kind of interesting, so I 'dug' up some weird stuff that apparently these people did with cremated ashes.

Sometimes an urn just isn't edgy enough. This week members of Outlawz, a hip hop collective founded by Tupac Shakur confirmed that during a beachside memorial event to the dead rapper they ate chicken wings, drank orange soda – and then smoked his cremated ashes. Apparently inspired by his track Black Jesus ("Last wishes, n*#@$s smoke my ashes"), his friends admitted they weren't even sure it was what he would have wanted. "That was a request he had. Now, how serious he was about it?" asked EDI Mean. "We took it serious."

But what else can you do with rock'n'roll ashes?

▶ Snort them: Keith Richards confessed the weirdest thing he'd snorted was his father: "A fine spray of his ashes blew out on to the table. I couldn't just brush him off so I wiped my finger over it and snorted the residue."

▶ Turn them into space dust: LSD advocate Timothy Leary and Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry had their ashes sent into space in a rocket in 1997, apparently remaining in orbit for six years before they disintegrated.

▶ Blow them up: After writer Hunter S Thompson took his own life, his wife arranged for his ashes to be blown into the sky from a cannon in a firework display in Aspen, Colorado.

▶ Kill birds with them: The widow of a vintage shotgun expert had her husband's ashes put into cartridges and used by friends for the last shoot of the season.

▶ Keep them in the family: Amy Winehouse's ashes were apparently mixed with her grandmother Cynthia's, because the pair were so close.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I don't want a funeral, and could give two craps what they do with my body, but I hope it's cheap. I can't stand funerals for a number of reasons and don't want to make anyone go to mine. Take that extra few grand and give it to someone who is still alive to spend it.

Dad has always said he wants to be leaned up against a tree in the woods like Hatchet Jack in Jeremiah Johnson. He's says that, but they've owned plots at the local cemetery since they were ~40. Can't escape the peer pressure I guess...

Funerals are just a weird, surreal social event in the south in my opinion. They freak me out, as do cemeteries. I like visiting old cemeteries just for the history, but I've never had the urge to "visit" anyone I know at the cemetery, and that's not where I want my shriveled-up corpse for eternity.
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Special Hen
Jun 1, 2010
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My wife wants to be buried but I plan on being cremated. I'm going to be dead, I could care less what kind of box I'm in or what hole in the ground they pick for me. I do care that they'd be wasting a couple thousand $$$ extra for the hole in the ground and the box. So I'll be ashes and I'll even make my own urn!


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
I don't want a funeral, and could give two craps what they do with my body, but I hope it's cheap. I can't stand funerals for a number of reasons and don't want to make anyone go to mine.
Right on. The wife knows how I feel about this and what I want. Plus Im a cheap basturd. My mother doesnt like it but o well. My body my wishes. Now, if people want to get together some where after Im cremated and get drunk and tell funny stories about me then I say hell yea, but all of that boohooing is unnecessary. Far as Im concerned, when you leave this phukked up place no matter how bad you were when you were here the next place has to be alot better...

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