Disturbing info coming into Reddogs' Bunker Lately

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Only when another nation turns them into glass statues like Pompeii.

Until then expect more of the same discrimination against those of other religions.

Its been going on for thousands of years, and it will not stop because anybody in another religion is "distressed" by news reports of beheadings and indiscriminate killings.

These people have been ruled by oppressive leaders for century's for one reason and one reason only. They can't live under any other type of government.

Saddam kept the Kurds, Sunni's, and Shiite's in order by brutal methods. Nothing different than any mooslim ran country.

You cannot win the hearts and minds of any mooslim country by going in, bombing the crap out of them, destroying their infrastructure, and then bailing out.

Sure we rebuilt it, but it would take generations of strict regulation, education of the masses, etc, in those country's to turn them into any semblance of a democratic society. Kind of like we did with Japan and Germany?

For Gods sake! obama turned that country over to a guy that had been a political refugee living in Iran for 20+ years.

WTF was up with that??? He instantly booted all of the opposing religions out of his government, and started treating them like dogs with his corrupt administration.

Unlike the US, where we are going through the same sort of corrupt government, the ones that didn't like it, and those wanting to take over the corrupt government in Iraq took up arms, and are marching on Bagdad, and will take it.

They aren't taking it to return it to the Iraq of old, but to return it to sharia law, and make it into a terrorist mecca.

Just remember the leader of ISSA, said he would see us in New York. I'm betting our current administration will welcome him with open arms.

Glassing an entire region seems like a contradiction to solving the genocide. There are good, honest people all around that region. There is absolutely nothing we can involve ourselves in to make things better... after all, Saddam was once our solution. Like you imply, we only create the monsters.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Those good honest people floated like dust in the wind when it came to survival during any regime. Sadam, or the current.

Like any good honest people they want to survive. In moolim sectarian ruled country's you have to shift with the sands to stay alive.

They are experts at it.

Its no different than any war. Residents wave the Japanese/Chinese/North Korean/ North Vietnamese/Iraq/Afgan flag when those forces invade their city's/neighborhoods, and wave the US flag when ours come in.

Those same honest citizens are waving the ISSA Flag now to stay alive. You don't stand on you soap box and proclaim your allegiance to the US in those country's.

You'll be killed.

The tree huggers of this country DO NOT understand how the rest of the would lives. Its a disturbing world to us, but normal to them.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
The people fight in Iraq is who we were going to proved air cover for when they were fighting in Syria, now they are in Iraq and we are trying to get rid of them. They were trained in Jordan by the US according to several reports (http://www.wnd.com/2014/06/officials-u-s-trained-isis-at-secret-base-in-jordan/) this article has several links to other articles. The pres. then opens the borders to south Americas women, children, disabled, etc. we cannot sent troops anywhere except to our border. Until we get our house in order we don't have the time, money, or lives to "help other countries until the USA has secured borders. We have our "representatives" trying to fix Russia/Ukraine, depose Assad was again elected by his constituents, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. Bring home all troops secure the border and internationally speaking let the chips fall. Trade with all countries, don't try to bomb them to democracy and secure our freedoms at home.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Those good honest people floated like dust in the wind when it came to survival during any regime. Sadam, or the current.

Like any good honest people they want to survive. In moolim sectarian ruled country's you have to shift with the sands to stay alive.

They are experts at it.

Its no different than any war. Residents wave the Japanese/Chinese/North Korean/ North Vietnamese/Iraq/Afgan flag when those forces invade their city's/neighborhoods, and wave the US flag when ours come in.

Those same honest citizens are waving the ISSA Flag now to stay alive. You don't stand on you soap box and proclaim your allegiance to the US in those country's.

You'll be killed.

The tree huggers of this country DO NOT understand how the rest of the would lives. Its a disturbing world to us, but normal to them.

What should they do in lieu of surviving?

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