Divorce.... Questions before I sign anything

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Special Hen
May 9, 2009
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get a lawyer, let him do the dirty work, quit talking to her. Tell her to talk to your lawyer, hell, change your number so you don't have to deal.... someone said it earlier... ITS A BUSINESS DEAL now. On top of that, Hang in there and stand you ground!! good luck!


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It always starts off nice and looks like people will be able to work it out, and then it always go south.

Unless you divorced my brain dead ex.

I got the house, kids, cars, and all contentents so she could "experience" her new "life". lol.....

She is married to an alcoholic bum that sporatically works. He burnt the house down a couple of years ago when he thought he could roof the squallid house they live in during the winter.
Put a roll of the tar paper on the floor furnace to "soften it up" and passed out.

I've got in 24 years with a wonderful woman, that will be with me from now on. Life is good.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 7, 2009
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You know, I usually learn a lot from these threads - until someone like MrBaldy chimes in. Those avatars ought to be banned, they're way too distracting.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
No better advice that to get an attorney. Things sound like they are turning south in a hurry. She said - what she SAID doesn't matter, it's what on the paper that matters.

Best advice I evere received in my divorce was this: "It's no longer about love or sentiment. It's about business. Assets don't have feelings (except maybe the dog). approach it with good business sense. Cry later." - I got this from an attorney that kept me from losing my a$$ because I was emotional.

I cannot tell you how many clients I saw who simply could not or would not take this advice and it was always to their detriment. So much drama and in the end it got no one what they really wanted -- only made the attorneys a little bit richer ...

AllOut, it sounds to me like you've got a good head on your shoulders and you are doing the right thing but, as an unbiased observer on the outside looking in, this is what I see ...

1. You talked to your wife and she knew what was coming. Instead of letting that happen (and saving herself the money) she let her ego get the best of her. Strike 1 ... She's running on emotion, whether it looks like it to you or not. You "got the first punch in" so to speak by kicking her out. She filed on you FIRST to try to get under your skin and show you how much you hurt her by hurting you. (Whether it worked or not is a completely different discussion and one you need to have with yourself, not us. If what she did worked, think about why it did and come to terms with that now, with yourself, upfront because if she gets even a whiff of an idea that it worked, you are in for a much longer, much harder row to hoe ...)

2. She keeps telling you that she told the paralegal to put this or that or the other in the decree. ******** ... Oldest game in the book. You can do one of two things. You can take a pen, mark through the objectionable language and/or re-write it to suit you, then initial it and have her initial it too. OR you can hire an attorney. If I didn't think No. 3 was an issue then I'd go with the lining out of language. HOWEVER, I do not believe this is a good idea in your case and this is why:

3. She's trying to drag this out, wear you down and throw so much at you that she's hoping you will slip up (or just give up) and give her what she wants in the decree. (Actually, what she is doing is a common ploy among the couples to just try and hold onto a dead relationship a little bit longer. Because even a bad relationship is better than no relationship at all -- according to all the "mental health professionals" out there. I tend to disagree with this little tidbit of advice but a lot of people buy into it. She may be one of those people.)

4. Like aviator says, this has gone from being an emotional arrangement built on love, trust and respect to a strictly business relationship -- with a partner you can no longer trust. Do your due diligence, no matter how tired or frustrated you get. Everything at arm's length. Nothing under the table, no matter how much she begs to do so "for convenience" ... I don't know any Tulsa attorneys so I can't help you there ...

5. Finally, get a notebook and keep records ... Dates, times, subject of discussion, receipts for any money/property, etc. that may change hands outside the written decree ... Nothing is to trivial ...

Good luck to you, sir. These things are never pleasant but if you can make her think that none of this is an emotional thing for you, that it is strictly business now, you will be a lot better off in the end.


Special Hen
Oct 16, 2012
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Sorry to hear what you are going through. My divorce is supposed to be final next thursday. Yep get a lawyer. Since you are now the respondent youll have to answer the petition and you for sure want to do that. Do you have kids? if not should be a breeze. Mine is so complicated because1.) we have children a. 1 is mine and hers,b one is hers but mine since he was 1, c. she decided to have another kid with another man while we were married. On top of that Im now being sued for some med bills she racked up while we were will still living together that were associated with the pregnancy, unbeknownst me at the time.
Anyways get a lawyer and just let them handle all the work and pay the bill. Im into mine for about 4 grand so far. My advice find one that will do it for a flat rate.


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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And another failure, in the for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part department.

I'm a fine one to talk divorced twice married to my 3rd, but we were just recently in a bad predicament and I learned one thing fight tooth and nail for your marriage not for the **** you accumulated along the way. You 2 once loved each other.

Now that being said Joe Farris is the attorney you seek.

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