Does anyone remember a POTUS that didn't SUCK

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Mos Eisley

Special Hen
Apr 14, 2009
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Kansas City, MO
None of them were perfect, they are people after all. Each one of us on here would have something about us another person would hate...some more than others. (You know who you are, Counselor) But I liked Reagan. I was in the Air Force from 1986 to 1992 and Reagan was the man! Perfect timing for being part of thumbing our nose at those Commie B@stards!

The only other thing I want to say is: the economy was good in the 90's in SPITE of Clinton. People always say that he was great because the economy was roaring. I tend to look at the economy as a huge freight train. Sure, you can pass laws that will eventually effect it. Nudge it one way or the other, tap the brakes, add some steam. What if Clinton was just reaping the benefits of the previous 12 years of Reaganomics? The Liberals are using that argument every day blaming Bush for everything from the common cold to solar flares...oh yeah, and the economy!


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Sep 22, 2009
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you do realize reagonomics took us from being the biggest creditor nation to the biggest debtor right? I am not saying he was a bad president, but he definitely wasn't the best either. I'm not a liberal and as far as i know none of my professors were either, of course they had enough common sense and ethics to let us know that their political affiliation and ideas were not for discussion.
People seem to forget that or not not know history. I remember growing up in the cold war mentality. Dam Rushkys were going to nuke us!!!!!!!! Glad it never happened


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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All I need to know that is Obama absolutely SUCKS and he has not 'not sucked' enough to earn my vote.

The rest is history and has nothing to do with how poorly Obama has performed. He is BY FAR the worst President of my lifetime.

He will be defeated (yes JB, I'm bucking your prediction, unless Ron Paul runs as an Independant and splits the R votes) IF Romney (and yes it WILL be Romney, there is NO doubt at this point) can successfully control the debate with these three points:

1.) Gas Prices
2.) Unemployment
3.) National Debt

I kind of want to replace #3 with 'Record Welfare Spending' but then again, that will just help him since he's bought all those votes. It SHOULD be a reason to kick him out though.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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JFK: OK pres. Typical Kennedy scumbag as a person. May have saved the world with his handling of the cuban missile crisis or may have almost destroyed the world by initiating the crisis. You decide.

LBJ: Gave us the Great Society - major expansion of the nanny state. fought for the GCA of '68

Nixon: Another human scumbag but a good president.

Ford: ********* placeholder

Carter: Good man. Idealist. No place for an idealist in the real world.

Reagan: Smart enough to surround himself with people smarter and more competent than him. He was the face of the presidency not the brains. Which worked and worked well.

Bush the Elder: the primeval RINO. Douchbag.

Clinton: Good guy. Pretty good pres. I don't hold doing interns and other women while he was pres agin' him. Ever taken a good close look at Hillary? You would too. Go ahead. Admit it! YOU WOULD!

Bush the Younger: Practical guy. Stood up for the US. History will list him in the top 20.

Obama: Worst pres ever! Bar none. An America hater and apologist. Socialist - a true believer which is much worse than a politician that just spouts socialist garbage to buy votes a good example of which is Hillary Clinton.


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Mar 24, 2007
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tulsa ok
I'd vote for Oboma over Romney, I'd rather see the D party get the credit for all the bull crap that will happen, who ever, Romney or Oboma, that is the ultimate winner of the election. Romney tipifies the term rino, the etech-a-scetech comment from his communication director supports that conclusion.

So, in my God and gun clinging opinion, Romney is minutely better than Oboma, and the crap that WILL come down the pike WILL be laid at the feet of the R party all because of a candidate who is republican in name only (rino). Moreover (shout out to JB) the quicker this country falls the sooner the American spirit can be reborn, I guess I'm just an anircist at heart.


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Jan 6, 2008
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JFK didn't seem to. LBJ really sucked and so did RMN, now Gerald Ford get's a pass in my mind, Jimmy Carter really sucked, Ronald Regan did what he could, George Bush the 1st sucked, The Clinton's (kinda sucked] nice folks though, GWB really sucked, BHO kinda of sucks for now.

It think you got that bass akwards. BHO sucks worse then Jimmy Carter. BHO will go down in history as the worst president our country as ever had. He'll steal that bottom pole spot away from Millard Filmore.




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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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As our nation advanced technologically into the 20th century, it has continued to increase its ability manipulate, twist, squeeze, forget, mislabel, stretch, misinterpret and inform the world through..................................the media. Do I believe that every time Taft went to the all you can eat buffet, news reporters were there to document the event? No. If he were to do that today, he would be nailed because that wouldn't be a good example to school kids who are getting fat, and schools are required to feed healthy meals to kids you know. Everyone and their actions are under the microscope these days, from the President to pee ons, coupled with the fact that most of US believes that they should have everything handed to them, it's a no win situation. No President will ever be considered "a great President" again. If he follows the Constitution, he'll be nailed by the media as bad, or not covered at all, if he gives hand outs and breaks our country even further, he will only please those who have the power to promote and cover him by means of private media............I think I just created the worlds longest runon sentence:)

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