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Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
There are a whole plethora of other church "youth ministers" and pastors that have been guilty of the same. Your accusation is correct, but biased for some reason.

Agreed, I don't do church and not biased against catholics.

Hell I don't know what I believe, but I don't want to go through the middle man to God.


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
There are a whole plethora of other church "youth ministers" and pastors that have been guilty of the same. Your accusation is correct, but biased for some reason.

Just wanted to make sure that not all fingers are pointed at the Catholic faith when other faiths are just as guilty.

Thanks Dennis.

Sorry bro, your priest isn't closer to God than anyone else.

I was raised in a strict religion and questioned it for years. I don't do church but I feel I can ask God for his forgiveness. Hope the priests that molest have God on speed dial.

Out of line - but as I said before, what most people see as the Catholic Church today is not the Catholic Church in my view. That old joke about "Is the Pope Catholic?" To me, the answer is no. Google "Sedevacantist" or just go here (http://www.novusordowatch.org/wire/why-sedevacantism-cekada.htm) to get an idea of what I mean. There is way more to what's going on with these molestations than what most of you are aware even exists. Many of you probably think I need to borrow RedDogs tin foil hat, but there have been books upon books upon books written about this. If you research when these molestations began to occur, they typically date back to the 1960s, shortly after Vatican 2. I believe the last true Catholic pope was Pius XII, who died in 1958.

Agreed, I don't do church and not biased against catholics.

Hell I don't know what I believe, but I don't want to go through the middle man to God.

Christ Himself established the Church and created the "middle men" as you put it. He never intended for people to just wander the earth alone without help or guidance. "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven." That's not to say you can't pray straight to God - sure you can. But Christ gave special authority to certain men to carry out his work on Earth (ie the Apostles). Why would Christ say He was building a Church and give the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to St. Peter, if He only intended for people to "go it alone"?

"He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." Again, Christ gave special authority to the Apostles, which continues today through the priesthood. I can't absolve your sins, but through Confession and Penance, a priest can. The priest himself (ie the man) isn't doing it, but he's doing it through the authority Christ granted him from the days of the Apostles. Catholics refer to it as the Apostolic succession.


Nov 9, 2009
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So being here because a star exploded and then everything just magically evolved into what it is today doesn't sound rediculous? You are free to believe however you like and I am fine with that. I just don't understand how people cannot believe in God. How do you think we got here? Just think of how complex the human body is. Or even just he brain. It is amazing. That didn't just get that way on its own. All I know is when I was baptized I felt the sin wash away. It wasn't all in my head. It was real. I still remember exactly how that felt and it was over 16 years ago. And I know I have the job I do now because of God. The way the job came to me and it just happened to be here in Shawnee even though they never hire for the Shawnee office. And I have had more chances than I should have been given while driving drunk when I was younger. I had a problem with alcohol and drugs and God helped me out of all of it. I have been clean and sober for over 4.5 years now. I had so many wrecks. Never got hurt. Even though when you saw the car you would have swore i died. And I got pulled over several times and never got a dui. I believe that was all God. God is great that is for sure.

Those who don't want to believe, will not be convinced with any amount of evidence. That's why I say again, that this thread was started with less than honest intentions. None of the atheists here want to be convinced of God's existence, therefore they never will.


Nov 9, 2009
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I don't mean to sound like a rear but you must have been raised catholic and think every other church is dead wrong.

Let's take this one part at a time. You're wrong already - I was born and raised Protestant. I chose the Catholic Church after researching many different denominations in college and saw the Catholic Church was the only one which could trace its lineage all the way back to Christ, rather than an individual like Luther, Wesley, Smith, etc.

The Catholics put the pope as the head of the church.

You're wrong again. Catholics also believe Christ is the Head of the Catholic Church. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. His "governor" so to speak, for the Church on Earth. When Popes are elected, we believe that Christ is acting through the Conclave to select the individual that God wants to lead the Church.

The Catholic Church is an embarrassment to Christianity. The way most Catholics act towards the pope is sickening. Trying to touch him like he is holy. He is NOT holy. And he had no power to do anything. He cannot forgive sin, neither can a priest. No matter what you believe.

Really? Maybe you didn't read the excerpt from John that I quoted earlier. "When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." Just because you deny it, doesn't mean it isn't true. Just as an atheist denying God, doesn't mean He doesn't exist. Since the time of the Apostles, priests have had the power to absolve sin.

Sprinkling water over someone's head is not a baptism.

What is your source for this? Christ was baptized in the Jordan River. Not because He needed to be, but because He wanted to provide an example for people to follow.

But if one is a true Christian and they believe and repent. Then God will forgive them. No priest is needed. Yes Jesus did appoint apostles to baptize and cast out demons and heal people. But that ended with them.

Show me where it ended with them.

The only people that are needed to spread Gods word are preachers and teachers and just Christians in General Are commanded to spread the gospel. That is what we are all called to do. I am no one special and I spread the word all the time. And a church is to have deacons and elders.

Since you believe in the Bible alone as the sole source of Christian knowledge, show me where in the Bible it says a Church is to ONLY have deacons and elders, and that's it. For that matter, show me where in the Bible it says the Bible is the sole source of divine knowledge. Our knowledge comes from the Bible, but also from Divine Revelation and Tradition. (http://www.catholic.com/tracts/scripture-and-tradition)

That is it. I am sorry to say so many negative things towards Catholicism. I just get so frustrated with the wrong things being taught to so many people. A lot of the things Catholics do are not from the bible. They are made up. And so many people read the bible and take things out of context. And pick and choose what they want things to mean. To mold it to fit their wants. That is the biggest problem with Christianity today. We are so divided because people want to believe the way they want. Instead of reading the bible and actually doing what it says.

Your right. People read the Bible and take things out of context to fit their wants. That's why it is important to have a final authority to interpret what things actually mean. As Vicar of Christ, the Pope is the final authority as to the meaning of any specific teaching. This is where the Papal Infallibility concept comes in. Papal Infallibility doesn't mean the Pope can never do anything wrong - it means that when speaking on matters of Faith and Morals, he can't be wrong because Christ will not allow him to teach an error. If the Pope is speaking about climate change or some other non-religious topic, he's as prone to error as you or me.

But again I say, no man can forgive anyone for their sin. Only God can do that. Saying 10 Hail Marys ain't gonna do squat. Mary is not holy either. She was a woman God chose to have Jesus. Nothing more. A preacher doesn't need to have a title to preach such as reverend or pastor, or priest. That means nothing. But you know what. Nothing I say matters. You believe the way you do. And so do others. Nothing I say will matter. It's a moot point. I'm just gonna keep living the way I know I should. And I am sorry to sound judgmental. That's not my intent. I just wish everyone could believe what is true.

You're all over the place, so I'll answer as best I can. Man cannot forgive sin. Christ does that, but as I quoted earlier, Christ gave the authority to absolve sin to the Apostles, and through apostolic succession, the priesthood. The priest is absolving the sin through the power Christ has given him, not through his own ability. Saying X number of Hail Marys has nothing to do with the absolution of sin. That is a penance which is given to atone for the sin. As an example, say a teenager wrecks his dad's car. He may forgive the teenager for it, but he would likely also expect him to mow the lawn for the next 2 months, for example.

As for Mary...you say she is "nothing more" than the woman God chose to give birth to the Son of God. That's something pretty incredible, I'd say. In the entire existence of the human race, that one woman was the woman selected by God to give birth to His One and only Son. He didn't pick just some random prostitute on the streets of Paris. He chose Mary of Nazareth specifically. Read the St. Luke 1:26-30. "And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin' s name was Mary. And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." Catholics don't worship Mary, but they do give her the respect due to the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, just as one would give respect to the Queen of England (except on a much LARGER scale).

EDIT: I guess you deleted your post - but here's my reply anyway.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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I'm glad to read this level headed-discussion of Catholicism. It is always better to see Christians seeking common ground. I take the Lord's final prayer on this earth very seriously. Siblings do not always get along but they need to love each other.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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There are a whole plethora of other church "youth ministers" and pastors that have been guilty of the same. Your accusation is correct, but biased for some reason.

I think the problem is the general refusal of the catholic church to admit it had a problem in several instances where the priests were molesting boys. They would cover it up or ignore the victims completely.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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I think you're being quite a bit disingenuous. If you truly believe that statement, then again, some history reference might help.

Thanks but no need to even look at the link. I think you have the wrong perception of what a Christian is. Take the Westboro Baptist Church...........they claim to be. I'm thinking not. People claim to be a part of this or that everyday. To the rest of the world, we're known as a Christian nation, yet we know that we all are not.

So what do you have offer to the OP, what do you believe in and how will you convince him, I've not seen you post any of that in this thread yet.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
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40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
I must reiterate. (See Comment #97.) God doesn't make you believe. You do that on your own. If it were God's plan that only He can make you believe, He would make all of us believe. God put out the evidence, it's up to you to figure it out, to see it, and in the end to believe. For me, it is as plain as the nose on my face. Read what He has revealed, see it work. We were made to follow what he has revealed. The Bible is the operating manual from the manufacturer.

The problem is that there's more to it than what most of us like to call "belief" - even Satan "believes" in God. Only God can instill that desire; other people and other things can point to it, but only God can cause it to happen.

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