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Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
I think churches are more about drinking the Kool-Aid. Too many holier than thou folks. Also, I don't trust them. I'm weird. I can't believe something just because everyone else does. I guess that makes me a rebel. I want to know that the God I believe in is moral and just and loving. Then I look around and see nothing but hate, and that makes me hateful. I see people of religion judging others, and it makes me hate them. I mean REALLY hate them. Then I have to question why I would want to be apart of that. Why would anyone want to be apart of that?

Ahh, but it looks like you are apart.... ;/


Nov 9, 2009
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It's interesting that he said a few things you didn't agree with and you're throwing a hissy fit. "Shut this thread down!" "It's religious bashing!" "You're trolling!"

Now it's a completely hypocritical statement to say that christians are intolerant of people committing murder. History does not show this.

There have been FAR more atrocities committed by atheists and pagans than by Christians. History shows this.

I'm with you now on the "baptism of desire", I didn't realize that was a specific Catholic reference. Still unsure on the forgiveness though, forgiveness is forgiveness, and it doesn't come by way of the church.

Oh I wsnt referring to the Catholic church teaching predestination, I don't know whether they do or not. Your comment about free will and being chosen would preface a discussion about it though.

Fair enough on the baptism of desire issue. On the forgiveness issue, Jesus gave the Apostles (and in the Catholic belief, in turn the Church) the power to forgive sins through God. Reference John 20: 22-23. God can forgive sins outside the Church of course, since all things are possible in Him. However, only within the Church will you know with certainty they have been forgiven as the priests act on behalf of God. If they tell you its forgiven, you can be sure they have been as God has given them the authority to do so from the time of the original Apostles. Hence the human need for the Sacrament of Confession and Penance. Those are Sacraments instituted for the human benefit, not because God requires them. Those help us feel better about the fact that we have been absolved.


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
Why do people believe in God....any God? I don't understand why some believe in a Muslim God, others believe in a Catholic God...etc. What have you seen that gives you any basis for believing in a GOD? Religion to me sounds like something most people have been brainwashed to believe as little children. Could there be something other than God? Most of us live in a fact based society, but when it comes to religion we throw facts out the window. We even make excuses why we can't use facts in religion. I'm not trying to be rude, I just want to know why I should believe in God? Are we scared not to believe? I don't believe in any God, but that doesn't mean we can't evolve beyond this life. If we do, I don't believe being good boys and girls or God has anything to do with it.

Hey Chief, I bet a lot of WHICH version of "God" one believes in is probably based to a large degree on WHERE one was born and WHO or HOW one was brought up; sure makes sense to me. I mean, you're probably not gonna find that many Lutherans being born into that particular religious persuasion in Bandar Abbas, Iran


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Now that's something to be proud of.

Point being, since you obviously missed it, that if you are looking for the "side" that has treated mankind the worst...then atheists and pagans are your winner. The atheists on this thread sure don't have a problem attacking Christianity for the atrocities committed in its name, but they seem to overlook the atrocities committed by their fellow "enlightened" non-believers throughout history. The most evil societies in the history of the world have all been pagan or atheistic at their core...Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Communist North Korea, Napoleonic France. I could go on.

Atheists are not as "enlightened" as they would like to believe.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2010
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Norman, Oklahoma
Hey Chief, I bet a lot of WHICH version of "God" one believes in is probably based to a large degree on WHERE one was born and WHO or HOW one was brought up; sure makes sense to me. I mean, you're probably not gonna find that many Lutherans being born into that particular religious persuasion in Bandar Abbas, Iran

So what makes one God better than another? Or one religion better? Is there anyone other than Christian's and Catholics on this forum. Educate me.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2010
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Norman, Oklahoma
Point being, since you obviously missed it, that if you are looking for the "side" that has treated mankind the worst...then atheists and pagans are your winner. The atheists on this thread sure don't have a problem attacking Christianity for the atrocities committed in its name, but they seem to overlook the atrocities committed by their fellow "enlightened" non-believers throughout history. The most evil societies in the history of the world have all been pagan or atheistic at their core...Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Communist North Korea, Napoleonic France. I could go on.

Atheists are not as "enlightened" as they would like to believe.

So all religions are bad...but some worse than others? I don't think you can really count atheism. It's not a religion. Your religious views sure don't seem very pure or righteous.


Nov 9, 2009
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So all religions are bad...but some worse than others? I don't think you can really count atheism. It's not a religion.

Its fair to attribute to Christianity the deaths of those at the hands of people who call themselves Christians, but we can't attribute to atheism the deaths of those at the hands of atheists? How very convenient. Once again, I believe your whole purpose on this thread has been disingenuous. A true seeker of truth would be neutral to both sides, but you are clearly defensive about atheistic views and hostile to those of Christianity. I am done with this back and forth and hope you find whatever you're looking for...whether its the truth or just an argument. If you want the truth, I'll point you to the Catholic Catechism for starters. If you want an argument, you'll have to find that on your own.

Your religious views sure don't seem very pure or righteous.

Considering the source, I'm not that offended.

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