Gun carry in the Obama era

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Jun 20, 2005
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Future SCOTUS appointments has to be a very important consideration when it comes to making your voting preference decisions in the Nov. 2012 elections.
MILLER: Gun carry in the Obama era
Presidential election may decide how Supreme Court rules on right to bear arms

.."The Supreme Court, which started a new term on Monday, will have little choice but to take up the issue of carry rights within the next few years. All it takes is the appointment of one new justice to shift the balance on this constitutional question."..


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Check this out :
"Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent. "

from :

Go to bottom of page under crime.

My interpretation of what will happen if Obama / Biden are re-elected:

Repeal the Tiahrt Amendment:
Currently under the Tiahrt amendment, law enforcement can already trace guns for crimes that are being actively investigated. No one else can use this data. These guys want to repeal this to allow any bureaucrats with a badge who want to ban guns to use data that they can manipulate to tell any story they want. So they won't have to manufacture a Fast & furious, they can use gun sale and ownership data to tell whatever story they want. Also, this may lead to back door registration of guns since next step will be that this data can be downloaded and stored by whoever is using it. Currently, it cannot be stored.

"Commonsense measures" and respecting 2A depends on your perspective. It can mean anything you taking guns away from people because commonsense in the rest of the world dictates that ordinary people do not need guns. They have already maintained that 2A is a collective right, which means only the national guard can carry guns. So their idea of respecting 2A means taking guns away from individuals.

Federal regulations regarding Childproofing your firearms: If there are kids in the house, you cannot own guns unless they are locked down tight so as to be unusable in an emergency. If anything happens with a kid (heaven forbid) through no fault of yours, you are toast. Federal jail time for many many years. BTW, gun deaths of kids is at the lowest point it has ever been in a 100 years. But they want to make all guns "childproof" at the FEDERAL level? what does that mean? That if a neighbor complains about "unsafe" behavior, there will be federal agents coming through your door to make sure your guns are "safely secured" as per federal guidelines. Commonsense, right? Just remember, their goal is to make gun owners appear like nut-jobs. Crazy Uncle Joe Biden already said publicly to someone in a crowd who had an Ar15....hey man, if you have one of those...basically called the man a nut. Talk about irony!

Check out this video featuring crazy uncle Joe Biden:
Make sure you watch the second half!

Gun show loophole: There is NO gun show loophole. ALL laws that apply outside gun shows apply in a gun show. If someone buys a gun from an FFL in a gun show, they NEED a 4473 background check as of TODAY. However, different States have different laws regarding sales of firearms AMONGST residents of that state who are not FFL dealers. This is their right under the Constitution. The feds have no right to tell the states how to regulate commerce within the State. In Oklahoma and many other freer states, right now, private party sales BETWEEN residents of Oklahoma only, do not require a background check. Regardless of whether the gun is sold at a gun show or outside a gun show; the venue does not matter. It is ALREADY against the law for a private-party, non-FFL OK resident to sell a gun to someone outside OK without going through an FFL dealer and a 4473 back ground check. Again, regardless of whether the gun is sold at a gun show or outside a gun show, that is, the venue does not matter.

When liberals talk about plugging a gun show loophole they are talking about federal regulation of ALL sales within a state, including private party sales amongst residents of that state. They want to have a federal record via form 4473 of ALL gun sales, even amongst private party, intra-state.
This is clear over reach of federal powers. Feds have no business tracking commerce within a State amongst residents of that state, who are not FFLs.
Check out this video to learn more:

Assault weapon ban: Ban all mags higher than 10 rounds, ban all ar15 style weapons, basically all semi autos with mag caps higher than 10 rounds. IMHO, that would be a start to their bigger goal then of taking away all semi autos, then move to all handguns, then move to all rifles, and finally all shotguns. Just like in the UK.

Their agenda in their own words is on the website put at the beginning of the post. The rest of this post are my interpretations of what would happen by 2016.
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Special Hen
Oct 8, 2012
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Almost everything you just said abajaj11 is completely your own opinion not bases on any fact. Let's look at the real facts.

Before Obama took office all the gun enthusiast were shouting Obama is going to take our guns. Well Obama can't do anything to take our guns. That will take 2 branches of the government to happen. What has Obama done for gun control advocates? Nothing by there own words. He keep no promises to do anything regarding gun control. What does he plan to do... NOTHING, his words say it.. " Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals." He favors them, he didn't say anything about we need to put more laws in place. We already have commonsense measures in place. Also if you need a background check to get a gun in your state then you definitely should have that at the gun show. Or else how do we stop drug traffickers from getting guns?. That's commonsense too me. If you have a problem with that then your a. a criminal or b. a gun show vendor that doesn't want to start doing background checks when he didn't have to before, which that at least is understandable. But if your a law abiding citizen and you have a problem with stopping criminals from getting guns. Then you must plan on being a criminal some day. When we get guns at a gun store here in Oklahoma we all know a background check takes all of 15 min tops. Why would I care if they did that at a gun show. Obama didn't say anything about starting a nationwide cool down law.

Lets look at what Obama has done regarding gun law. What laws against guns has he passed.. NONE. Yet he gets retarded titles like gun salesman of the month. What laws has he passed. He passed a bill that allows gun on Federal property? What!! on Amtrak...what the hell. Your telling me Obama is passing laws that let guns on public property?? Federal property???. Hmm. Ya Obama hates guns. He only doubled the footprint were you can take guns.

Lets see what Romney has done for gun laws:
While running for Senate in Massachusetts in 1994, Romney supported background checks and a ban on some assault weapons. “That’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA,” he said. Running for governor in 2002, he said, “We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts — I support them. I won’t chip away at them. I believe they help protect us, and provide for our safety.”

So the only person that loves "tough" gun laws is Romney. Or is he just flip flopping again?


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Almost everything you just said abajaj11 is completely your own opinion not bases on any fact. Let's look at the real facts.
Also if you need a background check to get a gun in your state then you definitely should have that at the gun show. Or else how do we stop drug traffickers from getting guns?. That's commonsense too me. If you have a problem with that then your a. a criminal or b. a gun show vendor that doesn't want to start doing background checks when he didn't have to before, which that at least is understandable. But if your a law abiding citizen and you have a problem with stopping criminals from getting guns. Then you must plan on being a criminal some day. When we get guns at a gun store here in Oklahoma we all know a background check takes all of 15 min tops. Why would I care if they did that at a gun show. Obama didn't say anything about starting a nationwide cool down law.

hey, thanks for reading my post! based on your response I re-edited my post to be clearer. Please read my post again carefully , watch the videos and then reach your own conclusions!


Special Hen
Oct 8, 2012
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Very nice edit:fullauto: haha, But yes a lot of that I agree with. But a lot of those proposed changes started way before Obama took office. Also Obama hasn't payed much attention to gun control laws other than giving use CCL people more liberties. So right now you can't say Obama is the one trying to push all this threw. He didn't push threw a single gun restriction. The restriction of semi-auto is actually coming from the United Nations. They want all countries to ban full and semi automatic rifles. This won't happen in America only because the government would have a new war, on guns, on ordinary law biding citizens, and that would be the start of a new civil war. You want my gun..come get it. Bring your army I got mine. Every red neck for a thousand miles. Oh they also happen to make up most of the national guard and military. So have fun getting them to take orders.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
So what if the assault weapons ban is ever implemented again. Does it mean that I will have to give up my guns? And can I still by ammo? Or would I be screwed? It better never happen.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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The text below is taken from

Just look at Obama’s history:

• Obama supports ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns (1996).

• Obama endorses ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms (1998).

• Obama supports 500 percent increase in taxes on both guns and ammunition (1999).

• Obama proposes banning gun stores within five miles of any school or park (1999).

• Obama co-sponsors legislation limiting gun purchases to “one gun a month” (1999).

• Obama serves on board of directors of the radically anti-gun Joyce Foundation (1994-2002).

• Obama votes to ban hundreds of common, conventional rifles and shotguns (2003).

• Obama votes to prosecute victims who use guns for self-defense in their homes (2004).

• Obama backs federal law to abolish Right-to-Carry nationwide (2004).

• Obama votes to ban common rifle ammunition (2005).

• Obama votes to expose U.S. gun industry to potentially bankrupting lawsuits (2005).

• Obama votes to reject pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito (2005 and 2006).

• Obama supports Washington, D.C., ban on guns in the home for self-defense and refuses to sign bipartisan “friend of the court” brief urging Supreme Court to overturn it (2008).

• Obama votes to jeopardize federal criminal investigations by opening up sensitive BATFE gun-trace data for manipulation by anti-gun politicians (2008).
The Obama administration’s anti-gun bigotry was on full display even in its employment application questionnaire, which asked applicants, “Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information. Has the registration ever lapsed? Please also describe how and by whom it is used and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage.”

The text below is from
In a conversation that was picked up Monday by live microphones, President Obama privately told Russia he will have “more flexibility” to deal with missile defense after the election.

Speaking to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ahead of a global nuclear security summit in South Korea, Obama asked for “space” and “time” to deal with the missile defense issue.

“Yeah. I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you,” Medvedev said.

“This is my last election,” Obama said. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”

“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, who will hand the Russian presidency over to Vladimir Putin in May.

Read more:

Substitute "gun control for "missile defense" and anti-gun zealot for "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev".....
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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If you understand anything at all about the culture of Romney's Mormonism you'll come to the conclusion that gun control is NOT part of it. Look past the pandering that politicans have to do to get elected and into their core values. I'd bet as part of the Romney's church mandated "one year food storage" they have an arsenal with enough ammuntion to hold off their share of zombies.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2011
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From gun owners of America: some more info on obamas stellar gun record

Gun Owners of America
The only no-compromise pro gun blog on the web

Obama's record of gun control
Now that it is finally on the radar with his public support of a semi automatic weapons ban i thought I would explain just how anti gun Barack Obama. Somehow, people keep lauding how pro gun he is. All the can point to is a National Park carry amendment to a Credit Card Reform bill he had to sign and the fact that he hasn't pushed any gun control measures in his first term.

Let's start with those two. First, the Credit Card Reform bill was a big deal to him at the time and as such Republicans used it to attach the National Parks Carry amendment to it. Obama could either veto it and basically undermine his entire campaign on how important the CCR bill was or he could grudgingly sign it. He signed it.

Next, he hasn't pushed for any gun control measures. He has, but people tend not to see it because as the President said, he's doing it "under the radar".

It's political suicide to openly challenge the 2nd Amendment. Bill Clinton learned that lesson back in 1994 and the Congress was lost to him. Al Gore learned it in 2000 when he lost his gun loving home state along with Clinton's.

So yes, Obama has not pushed for any gun control bills. But at the same time his threat of veto has stalled pro gun bills like National Reciprocity in the Senate where a veto proof majority (60 votes) has come up just short.

The President also has appointed or tried to appoint a slew of anti gun activist judges to the Federal Judicial Branch. These include Sotomayor and Kagan to the Supreme Court. Sotomayor lied to congress declaring that the 2nd Amendment was an individual right and then in her first case on the subject rules against the right to keep and bear arms.

Kagan is no better. Stating that she has "no sympathy" for the argument against complete gun bans.

With the number of vacancies in the lower courts Obama keeps nominating waves of anti gun justices and it is politically untenable to stop them all so gun grabbers are getting through the cracks. Fortunately, even the President goes too far and picks an extremist that is beyond the pale. Such was the case of Caitlin Halligan.

And these are only some of his appointments, others like his Cabinet members, staff and his army of czars are even more extreme.

Then there is the Presidents support of the United Nations Small Arms Treaty which would erode American Sovereignty and cripple the importation and exportation of firearms thus causing financial difficulty to US manufacturers. The end game of course is to get around the Constitution and bankrupt US Manufacturers.

So, we have a President who was forced to sign a bill with a pro gun amendment attached, has stone walled any stand alone pro gun bill, has nominated and pushed to pack the courts with anti gun judges, and supports a UN Treaty that would threaten American Sovereignty and the Second Amendment.

We haven't even gotten to his record. Oh yes, he has a record of promoting gun control on the books.

In Illinois Obama opposed a bill that would ok the use of a firearm to defend yourself in a home invasion robbery. Not only did he vote against it but after it was passed and vetoed by then Gov. Blagojevich he voted against the override attempt. It passed despite Obama's efforts.

Obama has endorsed the Illinois Gun ban.

Obama supported the DC gun ban.

Stated he believes in the licensing and registering of guns.

In 2000, co sponsored a bill limiting firearms purchases to 1 gun a month

In a 2004 Senatorial debate argued that President Bush was wrong by not renewing the Assault Weapons Ban. Apparently, revealed in his last debate, he still feels the same way.

In 1998 stated he supported:

Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.
Increase state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.
Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.
As a US Senator, Obama voted no to prohibit frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers for crimes used by their product. Once again, its like suing General Motors for being hit by a drunk driver in a GM car.

Under the radar, over the radar it doesn't matter. President Obama is anti gun and pro control. For those of you who say otherwise you are either insincere or blindly naive at best.

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