HB 3354 - Open Carry

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Special Hen
Apr 23, 2010
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Appreciate that you are frustrated, but really, what more were we supposed to do?
Hold Brad Henry down and make him sign?
Be real--it is obvious he got a better offer, and does not care what the OK gunowners think of him anymore.

Well, most politicians want to come back to the slop bucket after they're term-limited out, so the key is, do we gun owners have a long memory? I'm new to OkieHoma, but I know that backing up your threats with action at the polls works everywhere.

Texans have "Remember the Alamo." We in Oklahoma now need to "Remember 3354!"



Special Hen
Apr 23, 2010
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law enforcement officials have raised concerns about the unintended consequences of citizens openly brandishing weapons in public places and have said such a law would make their jobs more difficult and dangerous.

Personally, I'm disturbed that LEOs have managed to help sink 3354.

I'm not familiar enuf' with OK traditions and relationships between gun owners and LEOs, but in NM, the president of one of the LEO Associations came out against the 2nd Amendment and was immediately chastised by a vast majority of the membership. It worked. He changed his tune.

Oklahoma LEOs need to speak up if they disagree with the veto. If not, they should be judged to support efforts to discourage 2nd Amendment rights.

Personally, I will consider what measures I can take that will respond to their lack of support for gun owners. No threat. Just observation.



Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Indiahoma, OK
Personally, I'm disturbed that LEOs have managed to help sink 3354.

I'm not familiar enuf' with OK traditions and relationships between gun owners and LEOs, but in NM, the president of one of the LEO Associations came out against the 2nd Amendment and was immediately chastised by a vast majority of the membership. It worked. He changed his tune.

Oklahoma LEOs need to speak up if they disagree with the veto. If not, they should be judged to support efforts to discourage 2nd Amendment rights.

Personally, I will consider what measures I can take that will respond to their lack of support for gun owners. No threat. Just observation.


I don't think the majority of LEO's oppose this. I think it was mainly the Troopers Association and possibly some of the urban PD's. The state Troopers Association calls everyone at least once a year begging for money but guess how they will be greeted by me the next time they call?


Special Hen
Apr 23, 2010
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The state Troopers Association calls everyone at least once a year begging for money but guess how they will be greeted by me the next time they call?

Good point!

"Sorry, sir, did you say you were from the STA? The LEO Association that opposes 2nd Amendment rights in Oklahoma? And now you're asking for donations? This is a joke, right?

If not, I think you're being pretty arrogant, sir. Despite what you may believe, I'm not stupid enough to financially support an organization that lobbied against my rights as a citizen of these United States. :hellno:

I'm now forced to assume that you'll be the first LEO to arrest me for carrying a firearm when I accidentally reveal my concealed weapon - although I have a permit from the State of Oklahoma allowing me to carry legally.

Well, sir, you've lost my previous good will toward LEOs unless you can assure me that you'll actively stand beside me to lobby our government to abolish all laws against my rights under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Can I count on you and your fellow officers to do that?

Thank you, sir. Call me back for a donation after I see your organization show that support."

I think that about covers my side of the conversation that I'll have with any State Troopers Association caller......



Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Indiahoma, OK
I just sent this to my representative:

Congressman Armes,

I am appalled by the recent actions of our governor who sought to defy the will of the people and the majority of the house and senate by vetoing House Bill 3354 which would make Oklahoma the 44th state to recognize our constitutional right to bear arms openly. I am proud to have a staunch supporter of the second amendment such as you to represent me and I urge you to work fervently so that the efforts that the House and Senate put into this bill will not go wasted. Please make a motion to override the governor's veto as quickly as possible before the legislative session ends.

Thank you for your time and effort,


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Indiahoma, OK
I just sent this message to Brad Henry:

Dear Governor Henry,

I am appalled by your recent actions in which you denied the citizen of the State of Oklahoma from being the 44th state to allow the open carrying of a handgun. I realize you have the power and right to veto any bill you choose but I find it despicable that you would claim to have an A rating from the NRA and a supporter of the second amendment but you would wait until the last hour on Friday to veto this bill and sneak out for the weekend.

I further find it a disservice to the state where all polls showed that as many as 75% of Oklahomans favored the bill which passed by an overwhelming support of both branches of the legislature yet you shot it down.

You took the side of a certain faction of law enforcement and at the same time painted gun owners as incompetent with your own words saying that open carry would lead to "brandishing" of firearms. I will have you know that those of us who do own and carry concealed are responsible citizens who treat their weapons as a tool of great respect and not some powerful toy.

You believe that law enforcement is more important in government than the people. I will leave you with this quote from the great Ronald Reagan:

"From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden."

Thank you for your time,



Special Hen
May 6, 2007
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Broken Arrow
How many of us actually believe he reads this stuff? And how many think a staffer sees it, decides if it's for or against, then puts it in the appropriate pile and marks a 'yay' or 'nay' on a tally sheet and moves on.
I seriously doubt that any finely worded or well thought out reply is treated any differently than the simple. "Brad, you blew it" letter.
Not meaning to dissuade anyone from writing a nicely worded letter, but . . . . .


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 21, 2008
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I would write that joke of a gov another letter but I am not sure he would read it or be able to understand it. He knew what the people wanted and went against their wishes. He should take lessons from the NJ Governor on what his job is and how to say what he means and mean what he says.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
E-mail sent to my Representative.

The veto is bad enough but I'm even more upset with the statement from the state troopers association. Any ideas on how we can let them know of our displeasure or get them to reconsider their anti-2A statement?

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