How will Juan "The Weenie" Williams live this down?

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Jun 20, 2005
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Juan William's wife was gassing up her car when a guy jumps into it and drives off with it--- leaving her wishing for a GUN! You know, sometimes it only takes a couple of tons of bricks to fall directly on the head of a lib to get his/her attention and MAYBE(?) change their mind!
(“A conservative is a liberal who's hasn’t been mugged---YET!”)
Antigun Journalist Admits Wife Wished for Gun When Criminal Struck
Posted on May 2, 2014

On Wednesday, gun control supporter and Fox News contributor Juan Williams appeared on the Lars Larson radio show and shared with listeners a personal incident that will hopefully have him questioning his long-held anti-gun positions. Williams told Larson, "My wife went to the gas station, and while she's trying to put the credit card in some guy rushes by her, gets in the car, and drives off with the damn car." Williams then noted that his wife's response to the situation was, "I wish I had a gun."

This reaction by his wife is a sharp contrast to Williams' own usual take on firearms. Following the shooting at Fort Hood in early April, Williams responded to a question by Fox News' Eric Bolling, regarding the efficacy of gun-free zones, by stating, "I think we need America to be a gun free zone." This isn't the first time Williams expressed anti-gun sentiments.

During the June 29, 2008, Fox News Sunday Roundtable, Juan Williams expressed his displeasure with the Supreme Court's decision that week in District of Columbia v. Heller, affirming an individual right to keep and bear arms. Williams told his fellow panelists, "I mean, the idea that the court would act as if the Constitution is not a living document and act as if the Constitution is written to apply to a time when we have, you know, these automatic firearms… well, of course, the court's like out of touch with the realities." Later on, Williams remarked, "Guns do not make me feel secure. Guns scare me. And it seems to me that we have an invitation here to have more guns." A January 17, 2000, Boston Globe opinion piece reported Williams as having stated, "I don't understand why we're piddling around. We should talk about getting rid of guns in this country."

It's only natural that Williams' wife would want a gun during her encounter with the criminal. The work of Florida State Professor of Criminology Gary Kleck determined that "[r]obbery and assault victims who used a gun to resist were less likely to be attacked or to suffer an injury than those who used any other methods of self-protection or those who did not resist at all." Further, in recent months, top law enforcement officials in both Milwaukee and Detroit have spoken out about the importance of privately held firearms as a means of deterring crime and protecting law-abiding citizens from violent criminals.

Williams' wife's experience with grand theft auto is unfortunate, and we are glad she apparently was not harmed during the incident. Yet having experienced victimization first hand, she instinctively understood the value of being armed. Needless to say, many criminals are not content simply to abscond with property or are desperate and determined enough to hurt others to get what they want.

Some gun control proponents simply lack the prudence or empathy to imagine themselves at the mercy of a violent criminal. This is often especially true of the rich and famous, epitomized by Michael Bloomberg, who live in fortified compounds and are attended by private security guards paid to confront whatever danger might present itself. These elites consider facing physical risk to be someone else's job, just like the servants who take out their garbage or clean their toilets. Most Americans, however, are not so fortunate. If they and their loved ones are going to be protected at all from violent crime, they must see to it themselves.

A close encounter with crime can be an eye-opening experience; one that drives home the very practical value of the rights protected by the Second Amendment. Only time will tell if the frightening experience his wife suffered will change Juan Williams' outlook on firearms. In the meantime, more and more Americans – and women in particular – are choosing not to wait for their first run-in with a desperate criminal before experiencing the benefit of being armed for self-protection. Even if that encounter never arrives, the peace of mind that comes from being prepared for it is, for many, reason enough to exercise their right to bear arms.

© 2014 National Rifle Association of America. Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
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Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Though I can certainly appreciate the trauma of being victimized--and the "teachable moment" it provides--this looks like it wouldn't have called for an armed response. Yes, I'm glad she realizes that there are threats out there, and next time it might not go so well, but if it was a simple snatch-and-grab, it wouldn't have been a good shoot.


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Jun 20, 2005
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Though I can certainly appreciate the trauma of being victimized--and the "teachable moment" it provides--this looks like it wouldn't have called for an armed response. Yes, I'm glad she realizes that there are threats out there, and next time it might not go so well, but if it was a simple snatch-and-grab, it wouldn't have been a good shoot.

I NEVER SAID THAT SHE HAD TO SHOOT THE SOB, DID I???? I was just trying to point out the fact that even a "dyed in the wool lib" can eventually wrap brains around the fact that it is a good idea to carry concealed for self protection and self preservation. I agree that it would have been a bad shooting if she had opened fire with only the facts given in evidence in the article. But what if the perp had came after her, had came after her money, had demanded that she drive him to another location, etc., etc.----THEN WHAT COULD/WOULD SHE HAVE DONE IF SHE HAD BE ARMED? But then Juan Williams and the rest of the lib gun/grabbers don't want law abiding citizens the right of self defense, self preservation, the right of defense of family and/or the right of defense of home/property do they? They only want their utopian fanatsy world of BS socialist agendas.


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Jun 20, 2005
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Dude...switch to decaf.

I think that Obama, Holder, Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Brady, Bloomberg, DeBasio, etc. are the ones that need to switch to decaf, chill out, take their heads out of the lib agenda rear ends and get a grip on the "REAL WORLD OF REALITY" that everyone else(but them) has to live in and survive in.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I think that Obama, Holder, Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Brady, Bloomberg, DeBasio, etc. are the ones that need to switch to decaf, chill out, take their heads out of the lib agenda rear ends and get a grip on the "REAL WORLD OF REALITY" that everyone else(but them) has to live in and survive in.

I hate to point this out, but the individuals that you listed ARE the "rear ends," not just in a position of needing to remove their heads.

As for Juan Williams, I would venture to guess that he would already be saying something that would still indicate that he didn't change his mind. Most of those on the left will usually only say that "we didn't do enough" to solve the problem that they thought they saw as one. I've said this before, but I'll repeat it, "even after all the spending that has been done in the Obama terms, enough to REALLY get this country into debt, the left will STILL continue to say that they 'didn't spend enough.'"


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Juan Williams' son is successful, formally educated, and happens to be a fairly strong conservative. Juan pisses me off sometimes, but he and his wife did do something right.


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Jun 20, 2005
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Maybe Juan Williams is not as bad as some(at least his wife has a better grip on reality), but we need to also include all the "water carryin'" and "Kool-Aid drinkin'" members of the lib agenda "journalists" of the MSM that need to switch to decaf, chill out, take their heads out of the lib agenda rear ends and get a grip on the "REAL WORLD OF REALITY" that everyone else(but them) has to live in and survive in. I am talking about the likes of Diane Sawyer(ABC's Young Guns fame) , David Gregory(NBC's 30rd. mag. fame) and all the other "MSM journalists"(any/all lib agendas fame).

Ten Outrageous Anti-Gun ’Journalists’
By Liz Thatcher | January 8, 2013 | 12:01

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