Illegal police training

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Glock 'em down

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
I didn't watch the this one of the trainings that teaches you to say "he's got a gun" or "he's after my gun" or "he's got a weapon" after you shoot (even when they don't) because the psychology studies have shown that witnesses will tend to remember that you said it before shooting since of course that's what makes sense --- thus enabling you to shoot with impunity?

I watched about the first 45 seconds or so of it. That was about all I could stomach. :puke:


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Feb 20, 2011
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Pretty appalling. I retired after a 27 year career with Tulsa Police. I would have walked out of that "training" seminar. Completely unprofessional and down right damaging to the entire law enforcement community. They won't be around long (we hope).
You need a haircut…….😉


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Jun 12, 2022
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"Why don't people support the police anymore?" Turds like these "instructors" spreading nonsense like this, and the people that eat it up and take it to heart. I have friends on the PD and if I ever heard any of them spewing this crap, we would have a serious problem. As much as my personal feelings dictate my attitude toward the current crop of militarized police, things like this definitely don't help, and I can guarantee that I'm not the only one.
Growing up in rural Virginia, we knew or went to school with all the cops. This crap would get squashed immediately.

We can thank Dicklesss Cheney and his boy Little George for the militarization of the police. what a disgrace and embarrassment for all the good cops.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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Except unlike other professions, LEO’s have the power of arrest. If my plumber is a dick or rips me off, I’m not gonna end up in cuffs, or worse……
Agree, however if I’m not in the wrong and I the office is being very ugly, I’ll do what I always do and match his energy. If he shoots me and I survive and I actually have done nothing wrong then the law will not protect him. However i also believe that we should have the right to protect ourselves against officers who are in the wrong or being ugly.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Agree, however if I’m not in the wrong and I the office is being very ugly, I’ll do what I always do and match his energy. If he shoots me and I survive and I actually have done nothing wrong then the law will not protect him. However i also believe that we should have the right to protect ourselves against officers who are in the wrong or being ugly.
You may not be in the wrong.... but you'll still pay. How many tens of thousands does it take to fight a bogus charge these days? IIRC there have been studies done that showed a surprisingly large percentage of people with criminal histories because it was cheaper to accept the charge than to fight it.

Also, you can protect yourself all you want, but you'll get shot and they'll go "Qualified Immunity I was scared!!!" and have about a 99.999% chance to walk. Maybe transfer to a new department. Because the law, and the deep pockets of police unions, will 100% protect them in ways that we citizens don't have available to us.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2023
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I have NEVER found that to be true. The officers on here would NEVER condone that type of conduct.

Explaining WHY an officer has done the things they have done when we are sitting in our easy chairs Monday Morning Quarterbacking is one thing. And you can disagree with their explanation as much as you want. But that doesn't alter the fact that procedures in place for the officer on the streets are there to try and keep EVERYONE safe. Officers who abuse those procedures need to be held to task -- not a single solitary police officer I've ever seen post on OSA has ever said that bad officers should get a pass ... Quite the opposite actually.

I have nothing but tons of love and respect for the LE here. They do a horribly miserable job and for their trouble they are underpaid, generally speaking don't get any help from brass, and are mistreated by the general public because "COPS BAD" ...
I said you never know what you’re gonna find here in OSA.

I see ppl here all the time wanting more laws or rules or advocates for more government over reach..
I see democrats disguise conservatives,
I see ppl wanting more censorship and more.
Oh the tribes need all this power… what you don’t realize is they are in the process of setting laws for their own land to tax you for living on it.
The conservatives are doing exactly what the democrats are doing-
Just use different words.
I sit back and watch what ppl have to say.

Again you never know what your gonna find here on osa.

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