Interesting Ron Paul video

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Jan 19, 2007
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4 years ago, I was very alone in my RP support on this forum. If only the search feature went back that far.

The change here and around the country is very welcome and encouraging.


Let's go Brandon
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 4, 2009
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Edmond, Ok
Well, the ridicule will continue I am sure. But, I don't care. I will vote for him every chance I get. I don't agree with everything the man says but I can't agree with everything my wife says and I agreed to stay with her til I die. I can give Ron Paul 4 years.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
McClain County
I remember when I got my first dictionary, too.

I don't remember my first dictionary. Maybe that particular memory fell victim to the "mind eraser" beverages that I had a few years back?

It's not hypocritical to criticize the actions and beliefs of another person while simultaneously believing in and supporting their right to those actions and beliefs.

It is hypocritical to endlessly extoll the virtues of individual liberties, thus presenting yourself as having a certain reverence for individual liberty, and then ridiculing someone for exercising theirs.

Just ask your boy Jefferson

He's not my boy...we've never hung out.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions"

Why would someone who values individual liberty view the exercising of individual liberty as an unintelligible proposition?

We're talking about a dude who literally rewrote the bible to, and I'm paraphrasing here, take all the whackydo supernatural stuff out and leave the good parts.

Granted, I've never read the Jefferson Bible and I don't know if he inserted any of his own material, but I have a hard time crediting him with "rewriting the bible" if he simply took out the parts he disagreed with. Revised or edited...yeah I'll buy either one of those but not so much the rewriting bit.

On a side note, I'm not sure if I'd rate "cognitive dissonance" or "whackydo" higher on the power word scale. Nice paraphrase though.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
McClain County
As a deist I look at the natural world and it's order to conclude the Creator exists (though I admit that his existence or non-existence can't be proven or disproven). As a side note... I don't call the Creator "god" as anything can be called god (guns, money, OU sports, etc).

As a deist I have no fictional books (Bible, Quran, Talmud) of revelation of a god speaking to mankind through dreams, visions, miracles or hearsay. There is no faith, prayer or rituals to be observed and performed... which are the basis of religion. Unlike the Christian, the Jew or the Muslim... I don't take exception to anyone making fun of deism. I don't become all indignant and pissed off. I don't engage in crusades and wars against competing religions.

Absent all the BS that comprise the various religious cults it's a stretch to say deism is a religion.

Anywayz... time to head down to Dallas to pick up my final load for the week. Then the weekend is mine. :)

Enjoy the trip to the Big D! If you like burgers, and you haven't tried one from the Twisted Root, you gotta grab one while you're down there some time. IMO it's one of the best burgers to be found at the price point.

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