Interesting Ron Paul video

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Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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I will vote for Paul if he is the Republican nominee (fat chance) but I will be holding my nose just as much as I would be for Romney, and that is only because Republicans will probably not have big enough majorities in congress to override a veto. Ron Paul is no better then any of the others, he just has a few people brainwashed into thinking he is different.

He is different, he actually has a record that supports his words.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I will vote for Paul if he is the Republican nominee (fat chance) but I will be holding my nose just as much as I would be for Romney, and that is only because Republicans will probably not have big enough majorities in congress to override a veto. Ron Paul is no better then any of the others, he just has a few people brainwashed into thinking he is different.

Glad you believe what the media feeds you. My appetite differs.


Special Hen
Feb 12, 2009
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Old Ron isn't without his obligatory closet skeletons, but he has more integrity than 99% of everyone else in Washington. Too many people are believing that blowhard Hannity's opinions about RP and his supporters too readily.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Glad you believe what the media feeds you. My appetite differs.

I do not believe what anyone tries to feed me, including Ron Paul. I prefer to research on my own. I have been following politics for far to many years to believe much of anything the media or any politician says. It is all about what they do.

To what exactly are you referring?

Start with his stance on pork spending. While claiming to be against it, he makes sure plenty of his in bills he knows are going to pass no matter what, then votes against them. That way he not only gets his pork but can claim that he always votes against it.

Then for fun look at his reasons for leaving the GOP in 87 (just in time to run as a Libertarian in 88) many of his reasons make no sense if you look at what was really going on at the time he quit. When that did not work out for him, he comes crawling back to the GOP so that maybe he can run for prez and stand a chance of winning. Like all of them, Ron Paul will do and say anything to get elected. He is no better then any of the others.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
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McClain County
You may think he's just a crazy old man, like what many others think, but he was obviously accurate. Our current foriegn policy hasn't accomplished much (descent into ethnic war in Iraq, funding the Taliban in the 80s). Why not trust someone who obviously does know what they're talking about.
Go vote for Romney or Santorum and enjoy the repercussions.

Easy on the melodrama have no idea who I'll vote for. Maybe you need an emoticon that holds up a sign with "boo" on one side and "hiss" on the other. You can pretend that Ron Paul is perfect and that putting him in office won't have any negative repercussions if you want, but that's simply naive. I'd say the goal is for everyone to vote for whichever candidate they think will bring the fewest or least serious negative repercussions.

That was a very interesting video. If he could get over wanting to abandon Israel and his nutty "head-in-the sand" reasoning on Iran I'd be on board 100% with him. Because he pretty much nails everything else.

This is one of my major concerns with the guy. Don't get me wrong, I'm tired of the nation spending thousands of lives and trillions of dollars on stupid drawn out occupations as well, but that's not to say that we shouldn't beat the hell out of the occasional deserving regime. We have the ability to win wars quickly and cheaply (relatively speaking) and then leave. Dr. Paul's complete denial that Iran wants to build a bomb and his willingness to cut ties with allies makes me question his judgement in the foreign policy area. It also alarms me that his reaction to conflict is so extreme. If he's willing to be that extreme over one long term problem, what's to say he won't go to extremes with all of our other ones?


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
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Del City
Ron Paul will do and say anything to get elected. He is no better then any of the others.

So his views don't change every couple years and he has been preaching the same message for years, but he will say anything to get elected? Not sure I understand your logic there.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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My favorite thing about Paul is simply the fact that he SAYS things such as what he said in this video. And he says them often.

The GOP and the Dems go back and forth over healthcare, taxes and other crap...but one thing both of them agree on is our foreign policy is beyond reproach. Paul is pretty much the only politician that voices opinions like that, and I give him credit for making a lot of people stop and think about how we handle other countries, especially the middle east. When he was booed at the GOP debates for saying these things...that takes brass balls. I laughed and laughed. Just the fact that he is making people think makes me like him more than anyone out there. People haven't been thinking about this in 40 years.

Really the only things I disagree with Paul on are what I think are his somewhat goofy lolbertarian views on the economy, and his anti-choice stance. But he makes up for that simply saying things nobody had said, and encouraging people to think about the fact that maybe not all of America's poo is red, white and blue and smells like roses.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
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Del City
Dr. Paul's complete denial that Iran wants to build a bomb and his willingness to cut ties with allies makes me question his judgement in the foreign policy area. It also alarms me that his reaction to conflict is so extreme. If he's willing to be that extreme over one long term problem, what's to say he won't go to extremes with all of our other ones?

Do your research, he has never said that Iran doesn't want a bomb. He believes that it is not our right to keep them from building one. People argue that Iran will use the bomb if they have it. During the Cold War we were positive that Russia would use the bomb, but they didn't. Same goes for China and N Korea. As far as his other foreign policies go, why is it our resposibility to protect countries that have the means to protect themselves? Countries we protect invest their money into infrastructure, education, etc instead of military. Kinda funny considering we invest too much in our military and our infrastructure is falling apart.

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