Jury Duty Questions

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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2022
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Sorry but I disagree and just because some joker along time ago thought it was a good idea to say it was my civil duty as a citizen doesn’t just automatically make it a right thing and no, I don’t need to be told to “grow up” if I don’t want to do it.

There’s plenty of people out there who love doin’ that crap so they have no business forcing the ones who don’t want to do this just because said joker said it was the right thing to do.

I do not disagree with this line of thought, but I also agree its a civic duty it just shouldn't be a compelled one . Voting is a civic duty also but no one is threatened with criminal penalties for refusing to vote.I would go so far as to say that voting tends to have far greater consensuses in the long run than serving on jury.


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
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I do not disagree with this line of thought, but I also agree its a civic duty it just shouldn't be a compelled one . Voting is a civic duty also but no one is threatened with criminal penalties for refusing to vote.I would go so far as to say that voting tends to have far greater consensuses in the long run than serving on jury.
Lord, ain’t that the truth. Look at how many people voted for Obama just because he was black and felt we needed a black president, not giving a damn about whether or not the other guy might’ve been the much better candidate to run our country and look at how many people voted for Joe Biden just because he was anti-gun rights, was for gay rights, free stuff, open borders and because they hated Trump because of his tweets and wasn’t gonna be controlled like a puppet.


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
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But yeah, to get a little bit more back on subject, it sounds like you’re screwed either way if you have a CDL because after looking it up last night, it turns out that what that guy told me at the drivers licensing testing place I went to last time I renewed my license is correct that you no longer have the ability to go to a tag office to get your license because it will automatically be sent to you through the and it will automatically have written on the back, the county you live in and I wouldn’t be surprised if all the non-CDL holders, even though they can still go to the tag office to get their license, I bet they’re still going to have the county you live in printed on the back of your license so that there’s no longer any way out of being able to avoid jury duty by taking advantage of the system by making sure you don’t get your license at the tag agency that’s in your county.

I could be wrong but I can’t imagine they’d only do this for the truck drivers and not everybody else.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
I felt the same way about juries too Terry. After 29 years at OCPD and 13 more at OSBI, the last 25 being in the firearms lab, I testified over 300 times in firearm related cases, mostly robberies and homicides. We used to joke that someone’s future, and possibly life, were being decided by 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty. Many of the trials I was involved in were at least a week and filled with lengthy technical and/or scientific testimony that nearly put jurors to sleep.
On another note, does anyone remember one of Perry Mason’s cases ever making it to a jury? It seems like he was always able to elicit a guilt statement from someone not on trial and always right there in the courtroom.
And Raymond Burr was an, all American kind of GUY, right? Is there ANYTHING about Hollyweard that is not a phony as a three dollar bill? The few REAL HUMANS that make their living from this business, seem to live as far away from Hollywood as possable?

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