Keep an eye on whats going on in Virginia.

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In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
So here's an interesting scenario...

- Democratic anti-2A politicians order the NG to start rounding up guns.
- Many NG units and/or commanders disagree but do not want to be courtmartialed or summarily executed for failure to obey/comply with what they perceive as an unConstitutional order.
- Said units spend their time "attempting" to go door to door or to find people holding out firearms, ultimately with little to no success. Apparently, "We just can't find any, sir." <wink,wink><nudge,nudge>
- Politicians then decide to appoint civilian .gov inspectors or overseers to accompany military units on these confiscation missions to report back what is going on and the rebirth of the "political officer" so popularized in literature and art from the Communist revolution and Stalin's regime is here.

I can certainly see where something like this could happen.

That is just scary as hell.

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I know what you mean.

I saw an interesting observation online this morning:

"They send our sons to Afghanistan. They send their sons to Ukraine."

Makes ya think a little bit.


Special Hen
Aug 10, 2019
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I have read the comments here, and I want to first say thank you for keeping it on track. This is not a joke thread, and the consequences of the next couple months could lead to some very serious and unanticipated consequences.

I hear a lot of people saying the military will follow its orders and that is probably true for the majority. But there WILL no doubt be a fifth column that forms in the military. This will cause serious issues for the military.
Secondly this will not be a conventional war where the guys in the red coats are the enemy and the guys in the blue coats are friendly troops. This WILL be a 4g war. The insurgent forces trying to free this nation AGAIN will be invisible to the military. Those who are fighting look just like those who are for the gov. Secondly while the resistance forces will be invisible the tyrannical forces of the gov will not. Also targets will be picked in order to create the greatest amount of chaos and confusion for the tyranny. Destroy the access to the DSA/dnc strong holds and they will be utterly useless to their masters in about three days. Because that is how long it will take them to run out of food and essential supplies. Next will be IED's and the snipers. Don't think a hunter that has done 2500 ft shots on a mountain goat can hit a larger target at 3500 ft? Finally there is the shear number of gun owners in this nation, more than 140 million. Add to that the fact that there are easily more than 400 million fire arms and that makes for some really shaky odds for the suppression forces of the gov. Especially when yo consider that there are less than 3.5 million military and police in the whole nation. And yes they will not all fight against American citizens. The country of Georgia held off the full brunt of the Russian military for 5 full years with 5 million armed citizens. That says a lot.
Again I emphasize that I pray that none of us ever have to deal or live through this type of a situation, but when you look at what Baby Killer Northam is saying and doing it is clear that this is definitely well within the realm of possibility.

DSA/dnc IS the enemy. Want proof, just look at California.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I keep showing you guys this as a possible scenario. I'm doing it for the people that have not seen it.

Please let me know of others you have seen. Like I said it is a possible scenario based on government think tank persons way sharper and more informed than me.

My opinion, the media is going to grind this into the finest pieces and continue the confrontation as long as they possibly can
because of $$$$$$. Following the old adage, "If it bleeds it leads."


Gill-Gun Guru
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Aug 1, 2014
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OKC / Bristow
The Dems are determined to ram-rod gun control down the throats of Virginians that have made made it very, VERY, clear they do not want it.

'The law is the law': Virginia Democrats float prosecution and National Guard deployment if police don't enforce gun control

Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill say local police who do not enforce gun control measures likely to pass in Virginia should face prosecution and even threats of the National Guard.

After November's Virginia Legislature elections that led to Democrats taking control of both chambers, the gun control legislation proposed by some Democrats moved forward, including universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, and a red flag law.

Legal firearm owners in the state, however, joined with their sheriffs to form Second Amendment sanctuary counties, which declare the authorities in these municipalities uphold the Second Amendment in the face of any gun control measure passed by Richmond.

Over 75 counties in Virginia have so far adopted such Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions in the commonwealth, the latest being Spotsylvania County. The board of supervisors voted unanimously to approve a resolution declaring that county police will not enforce state-level gun laws that violate Second Amendment rights.

Virginia Democratic officials, however, already say local law enforcement supporting these resolutions will face consequences if they do not carry out any law the state Legislature passes.

“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they're prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath,” Democratic Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly told the Washington Examiner of local county police who may refuse to enforce future gun control measures. “The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don't have a choice, not if you're a sworn officer of the law.”

Democratic Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin suggested cutting off state funds to counties that do not comply with any gun control measures that pass in Richmond.

“They certainly risk funding, because if the sheriff's department is not going to enforce the law, they're going to lose money. The counties' attorneys offices are not going to have the money to prosecute because their prosecutions are going to go down,” he said.

McEachin also noted that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam could call the National Guard, if necessary.

“And ultimately, I'm not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” he said. “That's his call, because I don't know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that's obviously an option he has.”

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring blamed the numerous Second Amendment resolutions in the state on the “gun lobby” as a tactic to frighten state residents.

“The resolutions that are being passed are being ginned up by the gun lobby to try to scare people. What we’re talking about here are laws that will make our communities and our streets safer,” Herring told CBS 6.

“So, when Virginia passes these gun safety laws that they will be followed, they will be enforced,” he added.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I don’t think so. Do you really think the power hungry traitors in our government wouldn’t deploy the military to try and crush us? I guarantee they would. They are willing to do anything to retain their power and control. These are the most evil people there are. Sadly there are many within the 2A community they think the military and police will be on our side. I can guarantee that a large number of both would just follow their orders. The oath they took doesn’t mean squat to them. Their pensions and pay checks are more important. That’s a sad reality. We have seen it before. Even Oklahoma NG troops went around illegally confiscating citizens guns after Katrina. They were just “following orders”. That still sickens me. But I really don’t think it matters anyway. No one is going to do squat in Virginia. It’s easy to talk big but a little harder to back it up with actions. We never back up what we say. And we never have. The government knows it.

Do you have verifiable evidence of this? I ask only because I worked with someone who was an O-3 in the OK NG, who was in charge of a detachment on the ground after Katrina in the NOLA area. He directly told me that they were asked to seize firearms by the local authorities. Not only did he refuse, he told them to not call his unit when they got their ass in a crack.

He's not someone I've ever known to lie. He's an O-6 now.

Several good points have been raised in this thread. There are definitely multiple camps within the ranks of LE and .mil. Some would look forward to donning the jackboots. Some would just want to escape with their hides and pensions intact. Some would openly resist unconstitutional orders and some would quietly subvert the unconstitutional processes form within.

If it came to illegal confiscations and abuse of ERPO's like we're seeing in Florida, how valuable would it be to have someone within the confiscation unit leaking intel on who, where and when they were coming? One thing the 2A side needs is intel, and that will only come from within. Don't throw all "authorities" in the same bucket as the jackboots, because you're going to need friends in many places should this situation continue to devolve.

Just sayin... :coffee2:


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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If it came to illegal confiscations and abuse of ERPO's like we're seeing in Florida, how valuable would it be to have someone within the confiscation unit leaking intel on who, where and when they were coming? One thing the 2A side needs is intel, and that will only come from within. Don't throw all "authorities" in the same bucket as the jackboots, because you're going to need friends in many places should this situation continue to devolve.

I agree, it would be handy, but would quickly be ferreted out, in my opinion. It would take only a very few instances of folks being tipped off before they would get phone records (legally or otherwise) to pin down the officer(s) doing it. That would lead to even more problems. The network is just too pervasive these days. It wouldn't take long...

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