Let it happen and don't wear a mask

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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IMO, a vaccine is our only hope in beating this back. But then, we still have to have enough people get vaccinated to be able to slow the thing down and contain it. Vaccines don't mean you can't get "it", in most cases anyway. They do keep most from getting "it", and may help lessen symptoms if you do. I'll get one as soon as they become available and my Doctor tell me I should/can.

Just wait till the anti-vaxxers refuse to get it as well. :D


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Then who is Trump listening to?
I'm dead serious. You can't see the forest for the trees.

People wait hours in populated areas? OH NOES!! Do they get a test? Can you get a test in Oklahoma? Specifically, how about you? Where do you live? Explain how difficult it is? 4-5 months ago we had no tests, now we have conducted 36,000,000 tests.

Now you say summer is our best chance of knocking this thing down, when you recently posted an article talking about how numbers have gone up during the summer... "because everyone was going back inside." So which is it?

Tests are available to a vast majority.
Antibody test are available everywhere.
There are several drugs showing effectiveness
Convalescent plasma transfer has shown effectiveness
A vaccine is on the way
Ventilators are available
The mortality rate is STILL very low.

So yeah...Learn to live with it and get ahold of yourself.
3 months ago VP Pence started off a task force press conference by announcing that Abbot labs had developed an instant test that would be available to everyone so they could test at home.
Lots of happy talk.
They get tested everyday in the WH with instant test and everyone who gets in is tested too.
Plenty of testing at the WH.

The title of this thread is let it happen and don't wear a mask.
Originally that seemed like hyperbole and/or sarcasm to me.
Turns out, It's policy now.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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3 months ago VP Pence started off a task force press conference by announcing that Abbot labs had developed an instant test that would be available to everyone so they could test at home.
Lots of happy talk.
They get tested everyday in the WH with instant test and everyone who gets in is tested too.
Plenty of testing at the WH.

Yes yes... I know....... you voted for Obama.... then Hillary...... nothing will make you happy.


Special Hen
Mar 10, 2019
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There's too much tinfoil in so many posts across the board here. Nobody here on OSA, that I know of anyway, is an epidemiologist or any other kind of expert on infectious diseases. There's been so many back and forth directives and motions; wear a mask/don't wear a mask. Stay home; go about your daily life. All we can do is argue about it. NO ONE is happy about this situation re: COVID-19. Add the whole George Floyd thing and how that has blossomed into peaceful and not so peaceful demonstrations and protests, and what do we get? I went in to Aldi yesterday and some people had masks on, including me, and others, including people with small children, even babies, were strolling around as if it was this time last year.

But people have to get back to work. There's no denying that. That single mom pushing the cart with two unprotected kids beside her has to shop to be able to feed those kids. You think you're gonna get that two-year old kid to keep that mask on "his/her/prefer not to say" face? And uh oh here we are; which bathroom do I use now? I am going to wear a mask if the business owner wants me to and I want to shop in their store. I may wear a mask anyway; probably will, I mean; it can't hurt, according to the current wisdom. I thank God I'm retired, or other wise, I'd either be working or seeking a job. I'm going to go about my daily life with reasonable precautions because really, I have no other choice except to huddle in my house, waiting for the virus to somehow find me (in the group most likely to get it bad and maybe die" category). Too damn old to be out.

We are in the midst of a major pandemic. It's ridiculous to even try to compare numbers, the number of tests and percentages and such. And positive vs negative results is meaningless anyway unless everyone, and I mean everyone is tested. Even then, that just means you were negative at the time they stuck that swab up your nose.

IMO, a vaccine is our only hope in beating this back. But then, we still have to have enough people get vaccinated to be able to slow the thing down and contain it. Vaccines don't mean you can't get "it", in most cases anyway. They do keep most from getting "it", and may help lessen symptoms if you do. I'll get one as soon as they become available and my Doctor tell me I should/can.

Much of the anger and argument is from the fact that we are basically, victims of both the virus as well as the many reactions to it. Let's say I want to drive down to Dallas to visit my grandkids: When I stop for gas at the QT right off I-35 and highway 380, do I mask up to go in for an Icee? What are their requirements compared to back here at home? Am I gonna get a ticket if I go in someplace without my mask? Is that guy gonna punch me in the nose because I DO have a mask on and he just lost his job? Heck, there's no standard set of rules/guidelines, even here, it all differs community to community. Oh sure, the CDC says this and that, but the Mayor of Spotonmap, Oklahoma, has declared all persons in his town MUST wear a mask or risk arrest and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. So I pull into Spotonmap and into the OnCue there to gas up on my way home. I get out of muh truck without my mask to fill 'er up and suddenly, find myself face down with a couple of Spotonmap finest cuffing me up as they tow my vehicle away. My crime? Being in public with out a mask on. $100 fine plus mo' money to get muh truck back. Isn't stuff like this happening? Sort of anyway, in some places.

This whole COVID-19 thing and how we are dealing with it is crazy.
But, some of us work and do what must be done, we have both won and lost battles in this time of uncertainty and have become so much more adapt at the war. Doctor's, nurses, and other necessary individuals in this fight are being attacked for being in the fight and made to feel bad for attempting to help. Science is being prevented from happening to make politicians from looking bad, corporations to make a profit, and people from having hope. So, wear a mask, don't wear a mask, hell, shove a tampon up your nose for all I care...... So many idiots that just don't get what a respiratory virus is, how it work, or why. But, they get out and chant the mantra of their political ideology that they have sworn life long fidelity to and nobody can ever get a word in to their head because they are trying to remember their next talking point. Well, die if you must, love if you can, live life to the fullest, and learn to get over yourself folks. Because honestly, I have lost battles that I didn't understand in this situation and that bothers me more than I normally let on, I have a great handle on my situation, my risks, and my potential yet I get people who know Jack **** about what we are truly facing try this tell me what I should do because they heard someone else say it. I have friends who talk to me about what they are going to work and seeing that nobody else is understanding and are reaching a breaking point. Basically, what I am saying is if you don't know, and I mean know because of the science then politely back your emotions out of the argument, put your ego in check, stop being selfish, and let those who have the brains, heart, talent and desire to help you help yourself do their ****ing job!

Basically, grow up.

Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I saw some guy on TV this morning stating that the Covid virus has mutated. Two questions: How do the grillions and grillions of tiny Covid viruses all across the world mutate at once? If the Covid virus mutates, what good is a vaccine against the mutated version that has been designed to counteract the first iteration of the virus ?

I smell a heaping, reeking, putrid, and vile pile of bovine sphincter extrusion regarding this whole debacle.

Sometimes I wish this whole cabal of leftists would stop the creeping and incessant degradation of our way of life and pick up arms so we can defeat them once and for all. End their war against We the People and restore life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all of us. Aside from being despotic, they are proving themselves to be a pain in the ass!



AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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Is there a known cure yet for Trump Derangement Syndrome. It seems to have infected OSA. It’s far worse than Covid and an actual danger to America.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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You obviously do so it's on you.

Again, you don't see the bigger picture. People that vote on the left.... and have for the last three elections..... aren't going to acknowledge this administration is doing anything right. THAT'S my point and the reality.....

Again... the insult notion is yours.

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