Mass shooting at Oregon community college - 10-15 dead

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
As usual Obama is clueless or lying out his ass.

Edit: Attachment didn't work. Here's the link.

Yes, he is lying out his ass. He always lies out of his ass. He is a liberal. That is what they do.

He has that same data available to him, and I'm sure he has reviewed it, but it makes no difference when you have an agenda to remove guns from the U.S., and be able to control the population by force. He only has a year to accomplish this.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I could tell you one name that is going to end up on the news eventually, in small or large print, I don't know yet.

Young man I've seen in the ER several times, he's violent, unmedicated and mentally ill. We've shipped him out numerous times, our local LEOs and mental health services know him well, and know his violent tendencies. We've done everything we can do, and he still ends up back out on the street, unmedicated, psychotic and violent. This isn't an isolated case... I've seen literally dozens, if not hundreds, of cases just like his over my 20+ years in healthcare.

Until our country and political establishment grows some balls, we will not be able to make a substantial effect in these people lives. Liberty is one thing, public safety is another. I continue to document in my assessment of this individual time after time that I believe he is a danger to himself, a danger to others and he has no capability nor intention of following a satisfactory treatment plan that would mitigate his psychosis. He is a candidate for forced therapy and/or institutionalization - a dirty, dirty word in our country today.

And thus... our country and citizens will continue to be at risk from these types of people.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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^^^ THIS! ^^^

For those of you blaming it on a failed mental health care system. What changes do you think need to be made? How do you propose to get someone SUSPECTED of have a screw or 10 loose checked out? What freedoms are YOU willing to give up? Annual MH evaluations? At least 3 known associations confirming someone is acting weird? Who do you see providing oversight to guard against abuse? It's a very slippery slope folks. It's really easy to understand. Evil people do actually exist. Even here in the good 'ole US of A...

First you have to understand that these aren't people with marginal personality (MP) or intellectual disorders (ID). They're severely mentally ill (SMI) people with major mental deficiencies. Now let's take the current state of the mental health system. It's completely broken and fractured. Crisis counseling is calling 911 and having an officer wait for a MH evaluator to come interview the subject. Absent an immediate threat (when the MH evaluator arrives, not at the time of the call) the reporting party is usually either left with the now temporarily calmed threat, or the ill person is taken to jail for a crime. Insurance for the mentally ill rarely covers in-patient treatment. You get a 30 minute Dr's visit and a Rx for some SSRI's with serious side effects to experiment with on your own. There are some private in-patient facilities that most families will never be able to afford. In the event of the jailed because they've been allowed to go too far already, they're thrown in with gen-pop and the treatment options aren't any better. Once the patience of family is exhausted and the jail time expires, many become homeless. Most homeless aren't on the street because there aren't ways to make money, but because they're too mentally challenged to cope with a job.

Does that sound like a good system? Because these are the remains of the system that was in place before the shift in mental health theories of the 60's & 70's. Here's a great timeline:

I fully agree with it's synopsis:
After two decades of deinstitutionalization it's clear that two things are needed. First, is funding and coordination for a vast expansion of community housing and other services. Second, the realization that community services don't meet the needs of the severe and chronically mentally ill. There needs to be a better treatment for those that are institutionalized in prisons. The laws need to be changed to allow the severely mentally ill, who cannot always make rational decisions for themselves, to be placed in an institution that protects them as well as society.

Simply put, before we warehoused people with ID in exactly the same way we warehoused people with SMI. Then we threw the baby out with the bathwater. That started in 1965 with Medicaid and went into overdrive when Nixon made Supplemental Security Income available for the mentally disabled in the early 70's. This is a good read on the subject:

Since 1965, Medicaid policymakers — wary of subsidizing then-overcrowded, costly, and often low-quality psychiatric hospital systems — have imposed a policy called the “IMD exclusion,” under which Medicaid does not reimburse care at most specialized psychiatric or substance abuse inpatient treatment facilities. Partly as a result, patients with schizophrenia or addiction disorders who require long-term residential services are served within an uneven patchwork of nursing homes and other inpatient settings, not to mention psychiatric emergency departments, jails and prisons.

This is one case where conservatives and liberals conspired to "do the right thing" for completely different reasons. The left wanted to free everyone from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the right wanted to save money. Both sides failed. It now costs much more and is less humane than what was in place before it. We know why the fiscal conservatives did what they did, but if you want to understand the left, you need to read up on Dr. Thomas Szasz. He founded the Citizens Commission on Human Rights with the Church of Scientology.

Here's another great but long read on the history of mental health treatment ebb and flow in America: and here's one on famous mass murder cases in post-institution America:

Don't forget to separate the mentally ill from truly evil sociopaths like Klebold & Harris. Those little savages just needed to be put down. :(

I believe like the Sheriff that wouldn't repeat the shooters name, take the glory out of these situations, and it may be forgotten(like all the killings in Baltimore that were never reported on, giving names and such)....too much in the news crap
Yea blame the parents, like they had much control, if they did they wouldn't let their children do these things
Yea lets fear or guilt people into doing things....;/

You've obviously don't understand the nature of an enabler in a codependent relationship. I don't care whether we educate, guilt or scare people like Adam Lanza and Chris Mercer's mothers into going active on preventing their offspring from harming others. It's far better than enacting restrictions on 150 million gun owners, which BTW, absolutely will not work.

My point is simple. We need to separate MP & ID sufferers from SMI sufferers. Those with ID can be cared for in an outpatient setting without ever endangering anyone. SMI patients and their families need access to facilities that both contain AND treat them. In certain cases and with continuous monitoring, some SMI sufferers can be reintegrated into society. None of this has to affect those who suffer from routine, treatable mental concerns (MP). It doesn't have to affect gun owners either.

We need awareness education, funding treatment and most critically, dedicated facilities for SMI sufferers. It's a matter of public safety AND humane treatment of those whose shoes we'd never want to be in. :(


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
"You've obviously don't understand the nature of an enabler in a codependent relationship. I don't care whether we educate, guilt or scare people like Adam Lanza and Chris Mercer's mothers into going active on preventing their offspring from harming others. It's far better than enacting restrictions on 150 million gun owners, which BTW, absolutely will not work."

You obviously don't understand, making people responsible for things they have no control over( other people) wont work either
Your just throwing stuff out there to stop what you think will happen
Neither will work, too much money, time and the chance of it being used to do exactly what your afraid it will do

Lets get to the Real problem.....gun free zones, controls on law abiding citizens protecting themselves and Family, corruption in the government
you fix these problems and some of your suggestions Might work
There are already too many laws on the books, enforce some of them, with the above corrected, Then look to Help the mentally ill ( I see that you were headed that way with the last statement...)


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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"You've obviously don't understand the nature of an enabler in a codependent relationship. I don't care whether we educate, guilt or scare people like Adam Lanza and Chris Mercer's mothers into going active on preventing their offspring from harming others. It's far better than enacting restrictions on 150 million gun owners, which BTW, absolutely will not work."

You obviously don't understand, making people responsible for things they have no control over( other people) wont work either
Your just throwing stuff out there to stop what you think will happen
Neither will work, too much money, time and the chance of it being used to do exactly what your afraid it will do

Lets get to the Real problem.....gun free zones, controls on law abiding citizens protecting themselves and Family, corruption in the government
you fix these problems and some of your suggestions Might work
There are already too many laws on the books, enforce some of them, with the above corrected, Then look to Help the mentally ill ( I see that you were headed that way with the last statement...)

Just as you'll never abolish the 2nd Amendment or freedom of speech, you'll never rescind property rights. You'll never get a law passed that forces public property owners to hire armed guards or install metal detectors. You'll never be able to forbid them from posting property in regards to guns. So why continue going down that road?

Here's an exercise for you. Name me 10 active shooter incidents prior to 1980. I'll help you out with the first one.

Charles Whitman - Texas Bell Tower Shooting - 1966

Only nine more to go...

Tough question, isn't it? The real answer to significantly reducing AS events is exactly the same as what reduced gun accidents. Education. We need to educate the public at large to recognize the difference between unique behavior and severe mental illness. People with SMI need to be contained both mentally and physically until they can be effectively treated, at least to the point they no longer constitute a danger to others.

It really is that simple. :(


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Typical...make more rules for people that don't follow really is that simple....;/



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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No kidding...;/

Base on the other people who've responded to you in this thread, I'm not alone. No one understands what you're talking about because you're not making any sense. So feel free to ignore my posts in this thread, because that's what I'm going to do with yours until you start posting a little more coherently.


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