My Generation: Generation Moron

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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
My sister is one of the biggest liberals I have ever met. No matter what i say regarding gun control she acts like guns kill innocent people on their own and not at the hands of bad people. I feel bad for my nephew because he loves toy guns and nerf guns but i fear that I am going to be the devil and have to take him behind her back to shoot real or even bb guns. I also fear that one day she is going to learn the hard way about criminals and guns and their place in a law abiding citizens home.

Hey Buddy,

I have sympathy for you - I feel the same way about my little nephew too. His mom is a Texan you think she'd have a different attitude but sadly it just isn't so. However, until he is much older I simply have a duty to defer to her parental choices. Otherwise I will effectively be just like the useless so-and-so's that run most public school districts and shovel crap down students' throats against the wishes of their parents (and I'm not talking the three R's here!).


Jan 19, 2007
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It's no accident. The system has been designed to dumb people down. It's been designed to teach people that government is the ultimate authority and that they can take care of you.

It's sad, but don't blame the product of the system. Blame the system.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Holy crap. My fears have become almost certain. My generation is full of moronic sheep. For the most part their ideas boast no scientific reason or data. They drink the kool aid of liberal media and believe that conservative white americans are racists and the spawn of satan. I have heard some go as far as to say that our family values included beating our children and spouses and then have extra marital affairs. All while we drug our wives to cover up said affairs. They need to Quit sucking the crack pipe of Pennsylvania Ave. and get a grip on reality. Comparing politicians to millions of people is like saying all the german's were ss participating in the holocaust. Yeah they come from the same place but they certainly don't act the same.

Not trying to start anything here, but are you accusing an entire generation, or at least "most of them" (based on your experience with a few individuals from that generation) of doing something as rash as categorizing an entire political party based their limited experience with a few politicians?

Idiots are everywhere - they're in the Conservative groups just like in the Liberal groups. The real key is weeding through all the BS on both sides and finding the truth. People are fallible - it's why the most perfect system in the world (ours, right here in the United States) is fallible - it relies on people. Some are guilty of drinking their own stupid koolaid - it happens on both sides though.

I find myself more disgusted with so-called "Conservative" politicians who are in the pockets of lobbyists (and who are capable of changing their standards for a price) than I do Liberals that are guilty of the same thing (because I expect it from Liberals).


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
Not trying to start anything here, but are you accusing an entire generation, or at least "most of them" (based on your experience with a few individuals from that generation) of doing something as rash as categorizing an entire political party based their limited experience with a few politicians?

Idiots are everywhere - they're in the Conservative groups just like in the Liberal groups. The real key is weeding through all the BS on both sides and finding the truth. People are fallible - it's why the most perfect system in the world (ours, right here in the United States) is fallible - it relies on people. Some are guilty of drinking their own stupid koolaid - it happens on both sides though.

I find myself more disgusted with so-called "Conservative" politicians who are in the pockets of lobbyists (and who are capable of changing their standards for a price) than I do Liberals that are guilty of the same thing (because I expect it from Liberals).

Yep, liberals aren't the only ones drinking the moron koolaid,


He's more hypocritical than Falin!

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