National Park filming requires a permit

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Special Hen
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Oh, how I despise the word influencer. It makes me want to pound on the Influencer exponentially.

I'm pretty sure that influencers only influence other influencers. It's a whole ecosystem of people influencing one another while having no real influence over the general populace.
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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
When in Yellowstone, you always look for the gaggle of vehicles pulled over with people outside to spot wildlife for you.
We pulled over one time to take pics of some elk. Nothing special, just cows and calves when some guy with a camera on a tripod started screaming at the crowd to GTFO as he was filming.
Most drifted off to their vehicles and left, but looking around he was a nobody. Not Park Service personnel, and no federal employees around so the wife continued to walk down the road to take pics of the elk with her phone. She does a great job BTW.
He screamed at us a bit more and finally folded up his tripod and got in the prius to leave.
He had no more rights to be there than we did. If we screwed up his pics, so be it. Had he came over and graciously asked us he was filming a nature video and could he get some space, we would have accomateded his wishes, but screaming.....? No. Fawk him and the prius he drove in on.

Back in 2002 while in Yellowstone, we had a similar experience with Elk. We first gathered with the others where they were parked, but there were so many, it was hard to get to the front to get pictures. (No one really filming, just taking pictures.) I could see about 3 Elk from that position, so I walked around the road a short ways and from that angle I could see quite a few more. In addition, two of the bulls were grazing right towards me, so I got some pretty good shots. And, I was standing out in the field to start with, and as they got closer, I went back to the road.

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